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Everything gone after Power Loss


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Hello Everyone,


Today i had a power loss, and after trying to reboot Unraid everyhing looked fine at first, my array started so i wanted to bring my vm back Online but suddenly



libvirt failed to start, docker failed to start, when checking the settings it told me that it couldnt find the directory.


same was kinda for all my shares, the shares tab is completely empty, i can still go to the shares i created and there are all the files in it, but when i try to find the system share it is completely empty.


what is the best way to go from here? i included the diagnostic zip




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1 hour ago, Squid said:

You have corruption on your cache pool.  Unfortunately, I am not the appropriate person to help you with file system repairs on BTRFS


Buy a UPS

i will do so, thanks


one thing that is a bit weird for me, whats the next logical step for me? add another cache drive? and i was feeling a little bit secure :( welp it stil shows 168gb/250 in use, is there any chance to save a vm that was on there? without using the week old backup?


i was feeling save with the cache pool but i guess i was wrong :(

is there any like way to still have some hope?


or what would be the next logical step? to get at least everything else up and running again


does my whole cache like dissapear or the one file if one of my two raid 1 ssd's fails?

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Hopefully @johnnie.black will arrive like magic and issue an incantation that will help you recover some data. Until he does, you could do a search on his handle and BTRFS on this forum to see what types of steps are typical. I wouldn't actually commit to anything until you get personalized advice though.


There is a bug in some versions of unraid that cause cache pools to not be fully redundant until you issue some command lines, but unfortunately I think you are past that stage and into recovery.

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16 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

Hopefully @johnnie.black will arrive like magic and issue an incantation that will help you recover some data. Until he does, you could do a search on his handle and BTRFS on this forum to see what types of steps are typical. I wouldn't actually commit to anything until you get personalized advice though.

Use Google when you do this and add unraid as a search term.

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13 hours ago, Squid said:


i did this, i tried scrub now which just goes a bit and on both disks now ends with 272 unfixable errors or something like that, recover also jsut leads to an error,

i really need a better way the most annoying part are the mails, due to using mailcow i still had to run a vm just for that with one week of mails missing, maybe i should increase the backup frequency


what annoys me the most is the fact that i was feeling a littler bit save due to the raid 1 cache pool, little did i know that it seems useless in this case due to if one drive gets corrupted it just erases the files on the other disk :D

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