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[Support] FoxxMD - shoginn-vrs

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Application Name: shoginn-vrs

Application Site: http://virtualradarserver.co.uk

Github Repo: https://github.com/ShoGinn/virtualradarserver-docker

Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/shoginn/vrs @ShoGinn <3

Template Repo: https://github.com/FoxxMD/unraid-docker-templates




Virtual Radar Server is an open-source .NET application used to overlay and track the real time position of aircraft on a map within a modern browser. VRS can receive aircraft data from a multitude of sources including ADS-B streams.







  • A configuration directory (default mapped to /mnt/user/appdata/vrs)
  • A port exposed for the web ui (default mapped to 8117) 


Optionally, if you want to see anything, you will need to configure at least one Receiver (data source). I highly recommend a cheap RTL-SDR usb device and shoginn-dump1090, available in Community Apps ;)



Usage (Setup)


The Admin Interface can be accessed at http://IP:PORT/VirtualRadar/WebAdmin/Index.html


Adding a Data Source (Receiver)


  • Access the Admin Interface
  • Navigate to Options => Receiver Locations
    • Add a new Location with the Lat/Long of your data source
  • Navigate to Options => Receivers
    • Add a new Receiver and specify Location from the dropdown as the one added from above
    • Use these settings if you are using shoginn-dump1090:
      • Format: AVR or Beast Raw Feed | Address: [IP of dump1090] | Port: [Port of dump1090]
      • Check "Send keep-alive packets"


Make sure to hit Save at the bottom of the page!


Your data source is now setup and should be feeding VRS. You can verify this by going to Connector Activity Log (located on the Admin Interface).


Saving Default Client Settings (Map Location, etc.)


  • Navigate to the Web UI for shoginn-vrs
  • In the top-left corner navigate Menu => Options
    • To set default Map Location
      • On the General tab click "Set current location", then drag the marker to the desired center position on the map
    • Set any other default settings in the Options window at this time, then close it
  • In a new window navigate to http://IP:PORT/VirtualRadar/settings.html
    • Click Export Settings
    • Copy all of the text in the input box that appears
  • In the Admin Interface navigate to Options => Initial Settings
    • Paste the contents of the input box into the input box for Exported settings
    • Save your changes at the bottom of the page


Using VRS with a reverse proxy (nginx)


Refer to this comment for how to setup VRS behind a reverse proxy. 

Edited by FoxxMD
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Check your admin ui and make sure that "/opt/vrs/Flags/" and "/opt/vrs/Silhouettes" are in there


But my guess is you are mentioning the markers and plane icons on the map.


I don't run VRS anymore (moved to modes mixer) but I spun up my old container and noticed the problem.


Not sure if its a Mono thing (I use latest..) so I'll revert back to an older Mono and see if that changes anything!

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Looks like i spoke too fast, curiously some a/c are still missing markers. That did not happen before. 

Edit: if i click at where the a/c is supposed to be, the selected yellow marker appears along with alt line and dissapear again if i click elsewhere.


It might be related to some picture handling issue as the a/c pictures (those top right) which had also dissapeared are back.

I did a quick check the same PNG could be perfectly fine for an a/c but not for another one, only change is the rotation.


No a/c marker, just a blank png: images/web-markers/top/Wdth-40/Hght-112/Rotate-330/Alt-70/CenX-20/WTC-Medium-2-Jet.png
a/c marker as usual: images/web-markers/top/Wdth-40/Hght-112/Rotate-200/Alt-70/CenX-20/WTC-Medium-2-Jet.png


in the log:

libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: cHRM chunk does not match sRGB


might be an issue with incorrect pngs having troubles being handled by an updated libpng.




The select/unselect behavior 


Edited by butch2k
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have an issue, not sure if its the docker or it might be from my firewall.

I set the Location to my coordinates exactly but when i check it I find my self in the middle of the UK, I tried messing with it tried different geo locators to my exact location but nothing did work.


My firewall is pfSense with pfBlockerng package set to paranoia mode lol, blocking a lot of IP & DNS lists from accessing the network.

my site is https://fr.sykorp.com & coordinates set to 24.78743960581413, 46.77754885516819

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frustratingly - i've fiddled with it - tried creating a admin profile from within the docker console - said admin already existed, so i created my own but now i can't even load the WebAdmin page


so i see in the logs where it creates the webadmin profile ... great ... but i am unable to access the webadmin panel from my computer - granted i am accessing ti via a remote machine since my unraid server is headless.... would that be the issue?

Edited by SeattleBandit
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45 minutes ago, SeattleBandit said:

frustratingly - i've fiddled with it - tried creating a admin profile from within the docker console - said admin already existed, so i created my own but now i can't even load the WebAdmin page


so i see in the logs where it creates the webadmin profile ... great ... but i am unable to access the webadmin panel from my computer - granted i am accessing ti via a remote machine since my unraid server is headless.... would that be the issue?

The Admin Interface can be accessed at http://IP:PORT/VirtualRadar/WebAdmin/Index.html


did u try admin admin or admin password, cant remember if it was anything else.

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48 minutes ago, PSYCHOPATHiO said:

The Admin Interface can be accessed at http://IP:PORT/VirtualRadar/WebAdmin/Index.html


did u try admin admin or admin password, cant remember if it was anything else.

yeah i'm hitting it at that URL and i've tried admin:password (which is correct based on the log's)


i read that you can only access it via the localhost - so i'm going to try and tunnel my traffic through the unraid box and see if i can hit it that way -- i read a post about allowing external connections in the webadmin plugin ... but don't see the file or recognize the location i am supposed to update.


EDIT: looks like unraid doesn't allow you to tunnel traffic

EDIT: follow this fellow's guide - (https://forum.virtualradarserver.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1186) restarted my container with no luck

Edited by SeattleBandit
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2 hours ago, SeattleBandit said:

i read that you can only access it via the localhost - so i'm going to try and tunnel my traffic through the unraid box and see if i can hit it that way -- i read a post about allowing external connections in the webadmin plugin ... but don't see the file or recognize the location i am supposed to update.

you mean you want to access the docker from the internet,  You can setup a reverse proxy docker
 on port 80/443 and let it forward your traffic you what ever port you need. just setup the port forwarding in your ISP router.


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you mean you want to access the docker from the internet,  You can setup a reverse proxy docker
 on port 80/443 and let it forward your traffic you what ever port you need. just setup the port forwarding in your ISP router.
Not exactly - I read that it locks down incoming connection requests to localhost or loopback only

Since my unraid server is headless - I tried to tunnel my traffic through a ssh connection to my unraid server ... But apparently unraid doesn't allow that

So I went to my garage connected a monitor and keyboard - booted to gui mode - still no dice on connecting to webadmin

It's handshaking and prompting for my log in creds when I hit the admin portal but when I plug in the valid creds it's craps out (404) regardless of hitting it from the localhost or another box on the network.

I was poking around the webadmin folder inside the docker looking to see if I could edit the configs manually but none of the xml or json (I forget which) I spotted did the trick.

I'm debating switching to flightaware or flight24 but those require subscriptions and I don't know if I can set those to show just what I'm picking up

Sent from my GM1917 using Tapatalk

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@SeattleBandit I'm not really sure what your trying to achieve here, if your trying to access it locally just use the the IP assigned to the docker then you can access the admin interfaces & change the settings from there.

I got mine up & running in minutes with a reverse proxy pointing to it, I also can access the admin panel from the internet.



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