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Share folders (SOLVED)

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Hey guys, I'm still in the "figuring shares" stage (completely new to networking hence unraid).

My share folder is located in my root (as shown in the attachment), now my friend is saying it should be in /media or /mnt. 

Everything is working find this far, I can see and manage my shares via network, in finder and any other devices.

My question is:20200422_111419.thumb.jpg.85192ac646b3a24df7b0aeecb3f98f1a.jpg

Is this ok?

Should I change something if it's working fine? Am I going to have any issues down the line?


Thanks in advance...

Edited by MacRaid
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3 hours ago, MacRaid said:

My share folder is located in my root (as shown in the attachment),

I very seriously doubt that the real path is as shown, because it looks to me like you are viewing the contents of a docker container, likely krusader. What you see there is NOT the actual server paths, only what is mapped in the container configuration.


I suspect what you are seeing is perfectly fine, but if you don't get your head around WHY you are seeing it that way, you are going to have a bad time if you try to interact with anything but the unraid_ folders in that view. It likely won't mess up your server, but you will be very confused about what you are seeing.


Think of that view as a separate computer, with the unraid flashdrive, shares, and unassigned devices connected to their respective folders. You are not seeing what is actually on the server root, you are seeing the "local computer" that is the docker container.


If you want to view and interact with the actual server, you need to use the console, either locally or logging in with ssh or the web gui terminal. Type mc at the prompt for a simple file manager. I'd recommend browsing around but not copying or especially moving files until you get more knowledge of what you are seeing.


It's much safer to interact with the shares over the network from your client machines, after all, Unraid is primarily a NAS, Network Attached Storage.

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Thanks for your reply, and yay apparently this is bad, I'm not sure if I see what your seeing, but I understand what you say.

Can it be because I set up a password right after installing unraid? That's is Krusader view.

No matter the reason, is it fixable? 


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24 minutes ago, MacRaid said:

apparently this is bad, I'm not sure if I see what your seeing, but I understand what you say.

Not bad, but until you understand why it's showing you that, you will have issues working with it.


It's perfectly normal if you are using the Krusader container.

26 minutes ago, MacRaid said:

No matter the reason, is it fixable? 

There is nothing to be fixed, it's only your understanding that is flawed.


Have you watched spaceinvaderone's videos on youtube about unraid?

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Is it the understanding that I'll have to refer to that path when setting up containers and others?

I've watch spaceinvader tutorials and follow many of them. 

Still I'm not sure what's the difference between having it there against having the shares in /media. Trying to get my head around it but as I said I'm completely new to all this.

Can I move my shares to the usual location?

I understand you are saying it will never affect my unraid setup, even later on as I add Plex, VMs and other features?

Thanks for taking the time to explain...

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All folders in your unraid array are mapped as follows:




So say you have an unraid share called "media", then there will be path in unraid that is:




Now when you start a docker container (say plex), then plex will not have access to your files, plex will only see its own files. you need to "map" drives from unraid to plex. You can see it as a mount command (not the same, but it is like it).


In the docker container you need to configure how you want this share in the docker to be called, lets say you call it "movies", then you can just say that it is called "/movies". In the second next configuration field you can actually select the physical unraid folder.


In linux it is a best practice to mount external file systems under a folder called "/mnt", there is however no technical need to do it and mounting directly in the root works just fine. There is also no need to give the thing the samen name, you can map /Poopiesnort to /mnt/user/movies without a problem. Plex will the contents of your /mnt/user/movies folder in a folder called /Poopiesnort.


Gottit ?



Edited by Helmonder
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17 hours ago, MacRaid said:

my friend is saying it should be in /media or /mnt

Sounds like your friend is just blindly following other people without any better understanding of mapping than you have.


The way I like to explain it. "Mapping" just means a correspondence. It is often used in this abstract way in other areas such as mathematics.


Just as a location on a road "map" corresponds to a location in the world.


In docker, a container path is mapped to a host path. That is just establishing a correspondence between a path on the host (Unraid) and a path inside the container.


10 hours ago, Helmonder said:

All folders in your unraid array are mapped as follows:




So say you have an unraid share called "media", then there will be path in unraid that is:



How you choose to map those host paths to container paths is up to you, but you need to understand and pay attention to it, since many docker applications will need you to specify paths within the application. Downloading applications like nzbget, for example. And there are times when you might need certain docker applications to communicate paths to other docker applications, radarr and nzbget, for example.


Port mappings are similar, establishing a correspondence between ports on the host and ports within the container.


If you understand mappings, you are most of the way to understanding how to setup any docker.

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6 hours ago, jonathanm said:

Type mc at the prompt for a simple file manager. I'd

So I did the "mc" comand line and I got this. (Check attachment).

So now:

1. I guess the structure is fine (correct me if I'm wrong.)

2. How can I make Krusader to show the same?

3. Am I back on track with the normal setup, and can go ahead with what is left?


To thanks...20200422_213237.thumb.jpg.78112f32e80ffbb216d1a6fd983e99c7.jpg

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1 hour ago, MacRaid said:

1. I guess the structure is fine (correct me if I'm wrong.)

2. How can I make Krusader to show the same?

1. Yes, the structure is fine.


2. You can't. Krusader is a docker container, which loosely means that it is running its own operating system, not in unraid. It only sees whatever part of unraid you map to it, just like any other container has to have mappings if you want it to interact with the files on unraid.


4 hours ago, trurl said:


In docker, a container path is mapped to a host path. That is just establishing a correspondence between a path on the host (Unraid) and a path inside the container.

If you look at the container settings for Krusader, you will see that unraid_flashdrive, unraid_shares, and unraid_unassigned_disks are mapped to the appropriate spots on the host (unraid)

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30 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

If you look at the container settings for Krusader, you will see that unraid_flashdrive, unraid_shares, and unraid_unassigned_disks are mapped to the appropriate spots on the host (unraid

I 15875849084188255724684230582700.thumb.jpg.52ab844ec2ed1b3c51c3fb2fcdb9da44.jpg I found it, no idea how that got there. 

Is the "Volume Mappings (app to host) right?

I'll try to Google how to change that. I just want to have everything set correctly (even if it's just cosmetic) to manage my subfolders and files from Krusader unless you have a better recommendation for a "file manager".

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So, I went to Docker-Krusader(icon)-edit all the way down you can modify paths (I guess that what is called mapping), then just copy/paste the original paths and this is how it looks now.

Let me know what do you think and if I should do the same with the /config <> /mnt/user....?15875870191899067151333167445687.thumb.jpg.4dd667615ca03218dfafbc4bbc7736b3.jpg

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That looks fine. Just be careful that you don't try to work with disks and user shares at the same time. The disks and the user shares are just different views of the same files, but Linux and Krusader don't know that. So if you try to mix disks and user shares when moving or copying files you could end up trying to write the file you are trying to read, and that will result in data loss.


4 hours ago, MacRaid said:

Let me know what do you think and if I should do the same with the /config <> /mnt/user....?

You generally don't want to mess with the appdata mapping. The appdata is the "working storage" for the application. That container path shouldn't be modified or the docker won't work since the application is going to depend on its working storage being in a specific place. You could modify the host path if you have some reason to do so and you understand why you would do that, but what you have there already is the convention usually followed.

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Just noticed that you don't actually have a mapping for the Unraid managed disks, which are at /mnt/disk1, /mnt/disk2, etc. What you have instead is a mapping to Unassigned Devices, which are not part of user shares. So, you don't have to worry about this

2 minutes ago, trurl said:

don't try to work with disks and user shares at the same time.

with those mappings you have since the Unraid disks are not mapped and so not directly accessible inside the application


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Again guys thank you very much for your help.

So I understand everything is good and set now, also that my setup won't accidentally write directly to my disk. 

It's a learning process for me and glad I can move to next stage... Split Levels bit I'll star another tread in order not to mix things.

Take care for sure I'll see you guys soon due to my lack of networking knowledge.

Be safe...

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  • 2 months later...

Is there a way to access the folder containing bin, boot, mnt, run, etc. from a PC? I can only seem to access the appdata folder. I am going to paste a docker inspection. I am looking for how to get to a specific file to edit it. What I want to do is add a php.ini file. I'm not looking for specific app support. I think what I am asking is a general help question. Specifically where it says "volumes" I think is where I need to edit and add a path. Also /var/www is empty but it's referenced a few times below with further paths. Should that be? 


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        "HostsPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/c722cdca72996bb1e1578db3ab664adf02d2138329278de0b7e37889e24308f8/hosts",
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                "PHP_EXTRA_CONFIGURE_ARGS=--with-apxs2 --disable-cgi",
                "PHP_CFLAGS=-fstack-protector-strong -fpic -fpie -O2 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64",
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            "Volumes": {
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            "WorkingDir": "/var/www/html",
            "Entrypoint": [
            "OnBuild": null,
            "Labels": {
                "build_signature": "Chevereto free version master; built on 2020-09-11T13:58:29Z; Using PHP version 7.3.22",
                "maintainer": "Tan Nguyen <tan.mng90@gmail.com>",
                "org.label-schema.license": "Apache-2.0",
                "org.label-schema.name": "Chevereto Free",
                "org.label-schema.url": "https://github.com/tanmng/docker-chevereto",
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                "org.label-schema.version": "master"
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2 hours ago, DuneJeeper said:

I am looking for how to get to a specific file to edit it

From the docker tab, click the icon and select console.  Then you are in the complete file structure of the container, and can modify any file within it. 


Note that any changes you make within the container will not survive an update of the container and will need to be re applied when that happens.

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On 9/19/2020 at 6:17 AM, Squid said:

nano command?

LOL. Remember when Goldblum's character on Jurassic park said "...it didn't require any discipline to obtain it. You know, you read what others had done and you took the next step. You didn't earn the knowledge for yourselves so you don't take any responsibility." That's me! I was going to get a NAS but someone said "buy a server and learn that." I've had it a little more than a month and I'm jumping way ahead I'm sure. I don't know what nano is. I'll look into that now, thanks.

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