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Constant Unraid Server Crashing

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1 hour ago, ChatNoir said:

Hi, can you share you diagnostics in your next post ?



There are more information (about your hardware, configs, etc) that can help to make more precise suggestions.

In fact, except for syslog, the other 2 of your attachments don't provide any information at all. Diagnostics includes that syslog and a lot more as mentioned, so we always prefer the complete Diagnostic ZIP file.


In some cases it might be useful to get older syslogs from setting up Syslog Server, but we can see about that later.


The syslog you did attach is spammed with nvidia related entries. Do you have the same problems if you use the stock Unraid?


Please attach the Diagnostics ZIP file to your NEXT post in this thread.

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I had an experience a few years back, where my unraid would spontanious restart or just power off. Not soft shutdown, but the pull the plug off. it tunred out to be a bad power supply unit. I do not know if it is the same in your case, but if you have a spare somewhere, I would try to replace it. You never know.

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Hi there,


A few things if you want some help with this issue.  First and foremost, please provide a detailed accounting of exactly what you have and have not tried at this point.  The thread you were linked to earlier in this topic was specific to Ryzen issues and there was a lot of detailed feedback in there.  We need to know exactly what you've tried thus far (C-State switches, BIOS updates, disabling overclocking on CPU/RAM, etc.).  In addition, the logs you initially provided are useful only in so far as that they provide us with your configuration, but they won't reveal what is causing the crash as they are being collected before a crash occurs.  To collect critical diagnostic data from a crash, you should connect a monitor and keyboard to your server and boot it up.  Once at the command line, login with your 'root' account and from the command prompt, type the following:


tail /var/log/syslog -f


This will begin printing log messages directly to the monitor and when the system crashes, take a picture of what you see on the screen before restarting the server.  This will at least let us know where the crash is stemming from and what the root cause may be.


At the end of the day, this is likely a hardware issue, as if it was software, it would be much more wide-spread.  There are plenty of folks in the community here that are utilizing Unraid with Ryzen and have managed to get past all the quirks that it can bring.  We just need to narrow down what component in your setup is amiss so you can either fix or replace it.


All the best,


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Newbie, did you ever figure out what the problem was? I am running into the same issue. After about 3-4 days Unraid crashes. I am unable to connect to the GUI or remote via SSH. I setup a SSH session on a different PC so hopefully I can catch the reason my OS is crashing. I am running Ryzen 7 3700X 8-core @ 3600 MHz 32 GiB DDR4 and B450 Tomahawk Max. 

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On 10/23/2020 at 9:24 AM, mhubenka said:

The Global C-State was already set to disable. I changed the "Power Supply Idle Control" to "typical current idle". Hopefully that fixes my issue. I will keep you updated. I also ran a SSH session on another PC. I will take a screen shot of the logs if it locks up again. Thank you. 

PC lasted longer then usual. Normally it would lock up after 3 days. This time it crashed after 7. I updated the BIOS and lowered the RAM speed. I will keep you updated on my status. 


Thank you. 

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I never found out the solution to my problem. We have the same CPU bro. I followed the steps now my NAS server locks up after about a week also. Strange we are having identical issues. C-state disabled, Power Supply Idle Control set to typical, Immo enabled. I don't know how to do the SSH thing myself but I will try to learn because this is super frustrating. 


*I didn't mess with my ram speeds I will be trying that soon. 

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On 10/23/2020 at 10:14 AM, JorgeB said:

It's in the link above, but depends on the config, if you're not sure how to check you can post the diagnostics and I can tell you.

Johnnie, I lowered the RAM speed but my PC still locked up after 6 days. Below is my Diagnostics. Can you let me know of any issues that I have with my setup that would be causing this? Thank you. 



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