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  • Unraid OS version 6.7.0-rc4 available


    Mainly bug fix to address "slow transfer to xfs-encrypted array disks" issue.



    Version 6.7.0-rc4 2019-02-15

    Base distro:

    • docker: version 18.09.2 (CVE-2019-5736)
    • qemu: version 3.1.0 (rev 2) patched pcie link speed and width support

    Linux kernel:

    • version: 4.19.23
    • md/unraid: version 2.9.7 (setup queue properties correctly)


    • webgui: Syslog: added viewer
    • webgui: Dashboard: table right adjustment in two columns view
    • webgui: Dashboard: table adjustment in three columns view
    • webgui: Diagnostics: dynamic file name creation
    • webgui: Move "Management Access" directly under Settings
    • webgui: OS update: style correction
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    User Feedback

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    9 hours ago, dlandon said:

    One of the really cool things about the Syslog server is that you can enable it on the server, put the server IP address in the 'Remote syslog server' field and logs will be continuously captured and potentially help with a lockup or unresponsive server situation.


    I've updated Tips and Tweaks and added this as a Tip.


    All of you that have servers becoming unresponsive should set this up so you can capture the logs and see if it doesn't help with finding problems.

    Another tip: it is also possible to mirror the local syslog to the flash device. This can be helpful when the server becomes unresponsive and regular diagnostics are not possible to obtain.

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    On 2/15/2019 at 4:23 PM, limetech said:

    Just noticed an extraneous file that got into the release - it's a file that shows the complete commit history of the webGUI on github(!)


    It's harmless but taking up half a meg.  You can add this to your 'go' file to get rid of it:

    rm "/usr/local/emhttp/tics: dynamic file name creation"

    Not sure how this even got created, but of course will be removed in next release 🙄

    May I assume that this can also be run from a Command Line? 

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    On 2/15/2019 at 4:23 PM, limetech said:

    It's harmless but taking up half a meg.

    If 500K taken up by a file is worrisome to you and your server, then you don't have enough memory.  

    Edited by Squid
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    15 hours ago, bonienl said:

    Another tip: it is also possible to mirror the local syslog to the flash device. 

    @bonienl, could you possibly give explicit instructions on how to do this? 

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    2 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

    @bonienl, could you possibly give explicit instructions on how to do this? 

    Settings > Syslog server

    Set your server ip in "Remote syslog server" I guess and mirror to flash.

    Edited by Niklas
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    1 hour ago, bonienl said:


    I don't know how I missed the switch for mirroring to the flash drive...  One quick question-- Are these settings from the default sticky?  That is-- will they survive a reboot? 

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    Settings survive a reboot. E.g. when flash mirroring is enabled, it will log everything to flash from the moment you start the server and syslog is activated.


    My settings show Unraid to act as central syslog repository (Local syslog server = Enabled) and log files are stored in the folder (share) syslog, which is set as a cache only share.


    I have other devices in my network sending syslog information to Unraid, while Unraid sends syslog to itself too (Remote syslog server = <unraid ip address>)


    Under Tools -> System Log you can view the syslog files from the different devices.


    Edited by bonienl
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    21 minutes ago, bonienl said:

    I have other devices in my network sending syslog information to Unraid, while Unraid sends syslog to itself too (Remote syslog server = <unraid ip address>)

    Let me make sure that I understand how this works.  If You enable the "Local Syslog server" setting, you can set the address of the "Remote syslog server:" to be this same server. (i.e.; the sending server is the same as the receiving server.)  


    Let's say, we have a crash of our server setup this way.  Won't the restart of the server overwrite the syslog from before the crash or will the new syslog info just be appended to the existing syslog file?  

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    New syslog information is always appended to an existing log file.

    Log files are never overwritten or deleted.

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    57 minutes ago, ccsnet said:

    So its hung twice since this AM with the HD seemingly busy so I have enabled local logging and installed Kiwi to be a remote syslog tool.


    Lets see what that brings.




    Well mine didnt stay up long... very odd.


    Only update I did today was the CA Community Apps Plugin as I have been trying to keep it simple.


    Tried GUI safe mode but no web interface or shares came up.


    Diags taken about 20 mins before I found it hung plus some other logs from today.


    NB I'm going to try booting it in to Unraid no GUI mode to see if that makes a difference. 






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    2 hours ago, bonienl said:


    Pedantic nitpic on the help text, the default setting is "No" and not "OFF" looking at the UI.

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    On 2/15/2019 at 11:10 PM, Niklas said:

    Slow writing to encrypted xfs seem to be solved. Great work! Thanks!

    Agree :)

    2019-02-17 (1).png

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    3 hours ago, ccsnet said:

    Well mine didnt stay up long... very odd.


    Only update I did today was the CA Community Apps Plugin as I have been trying to keep it simple.


    Tried GUI safe mode but no web interface or shares came up.


    Diags taken about 20 mins before I found it hung plus some other logs from today.


    NB I'm going to try booting it in to Unraid no GUI mode to see if that makes a difference. 






    See the post by @bonienl that is right below your post above.  Note that the 'Remote syslog server:' IP address is the same as the actual server (as shown in the banner)!  You will have to select a Share Folder in which this syslog file will be written.  As the 'Help' for this page indicates, it is best if the share is 'cache only' or a 'cache preferred' to limit array activity. 


    You can also use the provision to write the syslog to your flash drive if you don't have a cache drive.  (That will result in a lot more write activity on your flash drive which is not the most desirable thing.) 


    This should give you a syslog which is up-to-date to the moment of the crash/lockup.

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    Thanks Frank... i'll look at making that change in a bit - for now I have a second machine capturing it.


    That said I took out a USB 3 card (PCIE) that I think Unraid had issues with following the upgrade to RC4. Seems Ok but I need to monitor / reboot a few times to see how things are.


    I have how ever come to conclusion its time for a hardware upgrade so i'll be looking at that over the next few months once I know what I want to get out of it. (Current box is 6 years old).


    Thanks again



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    @bonienl Love the new syslog feature, it's fantastic.


    Now let me know if I should create a separate feature request for this but is it possible to allow the syslogs to go to a mounted Unassigned Disk?  Right now the only available shares to send the syslogs to are those defined specifically in "Shares."


    Again thanks so much for this feature, game changer for me.

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    wish I stayed at 6.6.6.... my marvel controllers now don't work argh... 


    Is this going to get fixed or is there a fix... I saw someone say disable the vt-d?


    Also is anyone noticing their CPU is throttling out of control? I didn't have this issue on 6.6.6


    And.. this error popped up this morning while doing a parity sync and my GUI is down


    [error] 23334#23334: *333972 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET /Main HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: ""

    Edited by phanb
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    Just now, phanb said:

    wish I stayed at 6.6.6.... my marvel controllers now don't work argh... 


    Is this going to get fixed or is there a fix... I saw someone say disable the vt-d?

    Your mileage may vary.  Marvel controllers have the issues since 6.0  Marvel's issue, not unRaid's.  Disabling vt-d may help

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    @limetech and @bonienl - I didn't get a chance to respond in the RC3 thread.


    I am disappointed with the icon decision, but I understand your reasoning. I greatly appreciate that you took time to look at it and to respond with your reasons why, instead of just ignoring it and or silently changing without explanation. This is the kind of responsiveness and support that helps make this the great product it is.


    Life goes on - this is the last you'll hear from me about it. I promise!

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    5 minutes ago, Squid said:

    Your mileage may vary.  Marvel controllers have the issues since 6.0  Marvel's issue, not unRaid's.  Disabling vt-d may help

    @Squid any chance you could PM me how to do this? I tried searching the community but didn't find anything... I had 2 4 port controllers working fine before, but now only 1 of them works

    Edited by phanb
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