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Everything posted by Mor9oth

  1. It also shows invalid Username or Password. But they are both correct.
  2. @trurl: Thank you! Backup did something! Access to Shares workes and the Servername is now correct. But on the Login to the GUI I am facing warnings now and can't access. Warning: file(/etc/nginx/htpasswd): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/login.php on line 85 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/emhttp/login.php on line 85 How can I fix this?
  3. ok! So I try to restore it on my current drive first.
  4. Can I restore the zip with the USB Flash Creator? Better using a USB2-Stick? Or doesn't matter?
  5. Yes, I was able to download it. I got the zip.
  6. I thought the Flash drive backup is over the Unraid.net interface, right? This is that I could download: tower-flash-20210810-ac287d1 My over Backups are: app libvirt vm coming from community applications "backups" Does one of these even contain the flash-drive? I guess not ... OMG!
  7. Yes, there is, but no port connected It`s the E3C246D4U2-2L2T
  8. I pressed "Generate Flash Backup" and downloaded it from the Unraid.net Backend. But can I use that? How do I build now a new Stick?
  9. Damn! I do have backups in duplicacy - unfortunately, the software was running in docker. The backup itself is on my synology. I need to figure out first if I can even restore it that way. I also do have a backup over "My Servers" over the unraid-api. Don't know if this is also effected. It is also a bit old ... Is there a way to repair my current drive? @trurl I do not have a USB2 Port. Only USB3.
  10. Thank you @Frank1940 for your reply! I do not have a monitor connected, but I do run my server with IPMI, so I can see the boot process. Unfortunately, I don't know for what I could search there. But I made a Video that might be helpful. But seems that it is not possible to upload here. I loaded it up to Google Drive if this might be a solution for you: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DVTVyoXIJjEGUcBJGCezOQ35StgzYF5L/view?usp=sharing As u suggested, I run the chkdsk on it and there was actually an error according to windows. I fixed it, but still the same situation when I try to boot up my server. Still "Tower" and no access. I also tried another usb-port, but facing the same problem. Is it the USB-Stick or the files on it? Help would be still very nice. videos.zip
  11. Hello guys! Could someone please help me? Today, my server didn't work properly. I can't access to the gui. The server was shut down by the sleep plugin last night and should start up by the wake on lan settings this morning. What I am facing now: Browser-Message: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED I can see the IP in the Router, but can't access it by typing into Browser I can also Ping the IP correctly Under Network, my old server name "cortex" isn't showing up Under Network there is now "TOWER" showing up but this share is empty http://tower -> ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED tower seems not to have a new ip (at least i can't see in my router) unraids "my servers": shows server as online (screenshot) -> but can't access: https://tower.local/ -> ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED also shows "tower" instead of "cortex" No matter how often I reboot, can't access at all Things I already tried: Legacy vs. UEFI -> doesn't change anything Boot order of the flash drive to #1 Reboot many times; reboot router More infos: LAN: two Gigabit connections with bonding enabled for the server access is active IPMI is active and working fine The USB-Drive is USB type 3 - but it worked fine since today (I also do not have a USB 2 port) SSL is active Fritzbox is my router Is there something happened to my flash-drive? Have no clue what happened overnight ... Help is very appreciated!
  12. OMG! That was it! Thank you @Squid! 😀 I placed the: # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp & At the end of the go file and removed the iGPU part because I use the Intel GPU TOP Plugin anyway. Still no idea why it worked so long in the original sequence, but its solved!
  13. Hello! I hope someone can help me with this. For the last year, my unraid server autostarted the encrypted array automatically by downloading the keyfile from FTP. I used the guide from @SpaceInvaderOne, and it worked well until yesterday. Yesterday the array did not start and showed up the message "wrong key" (Screenshot) My go file: #!/bin/bash # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp & #Setup drivers for hardware transcoding in Plex modprobe i915 sleep 4 chown -R nobody:users /dev/dri chmod -R 777 /dev/dri #Keyfile wget --user=MYUSER --password='MYPASSWORD' ftp://MYFTPLINK/keyfile -O /root/keyfile Unfortunately, I have no idea what went wrong since I did not change anything. I checked the keyfile: With every reboot the keyfile will be correctly downloaded to /root/keyfile as in the guide. I also did not change the password. The password has 11 Characters and only letters and numbers. No special characters. It is very strange because I didn't change anything and the file is in /root. Any ideas on this? Help would be very nice! 🙂
  14. Hello! I hope someone can help me. For the last year my unraid server autostarted the encrypted array automatically by downloading the keyfile from FTP. I used the guide from @SpaceInvaderOne, and it worked well until yesterday. Yesterday the array did not start and showed up the message "wrong key", similar like shown in this thread: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/87488-new-unraid-server-reporting-invalid-encryption-key-after-reboot/?_fromLogin=1 Unfortunately, I have no idea what went wrong since I did not change anything. I checked the keyfile: With every reboot the keyfile will be correctly downloaded to /root/keyfile as in the guide. I also did not change the password. The password has 11 Characters and only letters and numbers. No special characters. It is very strange because I didn't change anything and the file is in /root. Any ideas on this?
  15. Hello! I hope someone can help me. For the last year my unraid server autostarted the encrypted array automatically by downloading the keyfile from FTP. I used the guide from@SpaceInvaderOne, and it worked well until yesterday. Yesterday the array did not start and showed up the message "wrong key", simular like shown in this thread: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/87488-new-unraid-server-reporting-invalid-encryption-key-after-reboot/?_fromLogin=1 Unfortunately, I have no idea what went wrong since I did not change anything. I checked the keyfile: With every reboot the keyfile will be correctly downloaded to /root/keyfile as in the guide. I also did not change the password. The password has 11 Characters and only letters and numbers. No special characters. It is very strange because I didn't change anything and the file is in /root. Any ideas on this?
  16. Can this maybe been prevented by adding a script in the go file or common script for unassigned devices? How would this look like? Any ideas?
  17. Hello! After I boot up unraid I found three annoying devices in my list of unassigned devices. AMI_Virtual_CDROM0_AAAABBBBCCCC1-0-0-20201127-1249 (sr0) AMI_Virtual_Floppy0_AAAABBBBCCCC2-0-0-20201127-1249 (sdb) AMI_Virtual_HDisk0_AAAABBBBCCCC3-0-0-20201127-1249 (sdc) I found out that these are created by the BMC. I do have settings in my IPMI called "VMedia Instance Settings". There I also can set up the number of virtiul "Floppy", "CDROM" and "HardDisk". So of course I set them all to zero. The good news is that they disappear after I refresh the browser, the bad news is that they come back after I reboot the server. Is there any way to prevent them permanent? Thank you for your help!
  18. Hey guys! Can someone maybe help me? I managed to create the keyfile by myself and it works to encrypt my array by uploading the keyfile to unraids gui - so I guess the file itself is fine. (But it is never shown up in the flash drive - like in the video - guess because of newer Unraid version) But autostart doesn't work because the file will not be downloaded at all while booting the server (at lest I Dont see in boot sequence). I have no idea why. I just used the command from Space Invaders Video and added it to the go file. First I tried this: wget --ftps-implicit --user=MYNAME --password='MYPASSWORD' ftps://FTPPROVIDER.com/keyfile -O /root/keyfile then this: wget --user=MYNAME --password='MYPASSWORD' ftp://FTPPROVIDER.com/keyfile -O /root/keyfile Are there any permissions to set before? Or network? Any ideas why this doesn't work? I am using IPMI for if this could matter. For some reason now I got more than one "Go" file: go go.save go.save.1 Thank you for your help!
  19. Alright! That sounds good! So I can use them in my array! Thank you @gfjardim 😀👍
  20. Hello guys! I just finished successfully the preclear of two disks. However, I am unsure what the Status of the S.M.A.R.T section could mean. I got on both disks multiple status of 9-Power_On_Hours and 194-Temperature_Celsius. Googled it and tried to find something in the forum, however I still do not know if that is a "bad sign" or something related to early mortality. Does anybody know what this means an if it is problematic? Thank you for your help! Disk 1: ############################################################################################################################ # # # unRAID Server Preclear of disk 9LG121EE # # Cycle 1 of 1, partition start on sector 64. # # # # # # Step 1 of 5 - Pre-read verification: [24:06:51 @ 161 MB/s] SUCCESS # # Step 2 of 5 - Zeroing the disk: [22:55:18 @ 169 MB/s] SUCCESS # # Step 3 of 5 - Writing unRAID's Preclear signature: SUCCESS # # Step 4 of 5 - Verifying unRAID's Preclear signature: SUCCESS # # Step 5 of 5 - Post-Read verification: [24:05:19 @ 161 MB/s] SUCCESS # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ############################################################################################################################ # Cycle elapsed time: 71:07:30 | Total elapsed time: 71:07:30 # ############################################################################################################################ ############################################################################################################################ # # # S.M.A.R.T. Status (device type: default) # # # # # # ATTRIBUTE INITIAL CYCLE 1 STATUS # # 5-Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0 0 - # # 9-Power_On_Hours 4 75 Up 71 # # 194-Temperature_Celsius 36 52 Up 16 # # 196-Reallocated_Event_Count 0 0 - # # 197-Current_Pending_Sector 0 0 - # # 198-Offline_Uncorrectable 0 0 - # # 199-UDMA_CRC_Error_Count 0 0 - # # # # # # # # # # # ############################################################################################################################ # SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED # ############################################################################################################################ --> ATTENTION: Please take a look into the SMART report above for drive health issues. --> RESULT: Preclear Finished Successfully!. Copy to clipboard Disk 2: ############################################################################################################################ # # # unRAID Server Preclear of disk QBG7431T # # Cycle 1 of 1, partition start on sector 64. # # # # # # Step 1 of 5 - Pre-read verification: [24:15:28 @ 160 MB/s] SUCCESS # # Step 2 of 5 - Zeroing the disk: [23:04:04 @ 168 MB/s] SUCCESS # # Step 3 of 5 - Writing unRAID's Preclear signature: SUCCESS # # Step 4 of 5 - Verifying unRAID's Preclear signature: SUCCESS # # Step 5 of 5 - Post-Read verification: [24:12:50 @ 160 MB/s] SUCCESS # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ############################################################################################################################ # Cycle elapsed time: 71:32:24 | Total elapsed time: 71:32:25 # ############################################################################################################################ ############################################################################################################################ # # # S.M.A.R.T. Status (device type: default) # # # # # # ATTRIBUTE INITIAL CYCLE 1 STATUS # # 5-Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0 0 - # # 9-Power_On_Hours 4 75 Up 71 # # 194-Temperature_Celsius 34 45 Up 11 # # 196-Reallocated_Event_Count 0 0 - # # 197-Current_Pending_Sector 0 0 - # # 198-Offline_Uncorrectable 0 0 - # # 199-UDMA_CRC_Error_Count 0 0 - # # # # # # # # # # # ############################################################################################################################ # SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED # ############################################################################################################################ --> ATTENTION: Please take a look into the SMART report above for drive health issues. --> RESULT: Preclear Finished Successfully!. Copy to clipboard
  21. OMG! Solved it! For some reason something went wrong with DHCP. I just erased the old IP from the server then switched all the cables. Now I am back ou Unraids Surface! Thx you all for the help! @rachid596: THX man!
  22. I have two Gigabit - cable plugged two 10 gbe one Managed (IPMI BMC) - cable plugged
  23. The IPMI is runing btw and gives me an IP in my Router.
  24. Ok - but even if I type the IP in the Browser I don't get to Unraids surface. So there is another problem
  25. Yes I changed it but last week, before I changed the case I was able to boot in Unraid. Now it's not possible
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