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Everything posted by Squid

  1. It will be soon. LT always tests back and forth extensively to make sure no possibility of data loss, that its secure etc. Development on it isn't "dead". A new private release was done today.
  2. The mce was issued at processor initialization and happens with certain hardware combination (or in exceedingly rare circumstances wearing white pants after labour day). Completely safe to ignore, unless it's caused by your fashion sense and not sure if we'd be able to help with that
  3. One (in my opinion at least) oddity is that the GUI is hard coded at 1920px across maximum. If you have a 4K display or something and habitually make everything fill the screen, the Dynamix Unlimited Width plugin might be beneficial
  4. One of my servers has an RTL8125 (no suffix, rev 4) and works no problems
  5. The OS doesn't support that
  6. Bad Memory (Dimm 0 or 1 ) Feb 22 09:45:45 Hydra kernel: EDAC MC0: 1 CE memory scrubbing error on CPU_SrcID#0_Ha#0_Chan#1_DIMM#0 or CPU_SrcID#0_Ha#0_Chan#1_DIMM#1 (channel:1 page:0x1dd6fc6 offset:0x0 grain:32 syndrome:0x0 - area:DRAM err_code:0008:00c1 socket:0 ha:0 channel_mask:2 rank:255)
  7. If it's set up as a custom tab, I don't see why not. If it's set up to open a new window then no.
  8. Just let it rebuild. If there's any issues with the new drive, you can always replace it with the old one via a New Config
  9. That ain't good. Something seriously happened in the middle of a write to that drive causing that (power cuts, bad memory etc) Either way, remove the -n flag so that it actually fixes the problems and go from there.
  10. The problem here isn't supporting per se the older versions of the OS, but rather the time and effort involved in doing so while maintaining compatibility with the current versions. In all my plugin's case, the minimum is really 6.7.0 (too new for you) across the board, and for the major plugins (CA, FCP) it's 6.9.0+ Decisions to drop compatibility aren't taken lightly, but its a big PITA to even support the Icon for the plugins under 6.6 and still support 6.7+ fully, and every new feature, display change etc all has to be tested down to whatever the plugin says is it's minimum, and there's major differences between how <6.7 and 6.7+ operate for communications, display engines etc. Not to mention the support issues if something isn't working correctly. Apps - Statistics will let you see everything there.
  11. Not necessarily the issue, but to remove a variable from the equation, run the memory at it's actual speed of 2133 instead of it's overclocked (XMP profile) of 3200
  12. I'm wondering if something like NetData (via Apps) would show anything weird happening at the time.
  13. Can you post your entire diagnostics. Also is there a specific share or path or program that you're talking about here?
  14. My suggestion would be to manually edit the xml accordingly. This is a "known" issue which should hopefully be fixed on the next release (6.10-rc3?)
  15. A screenshot of your router's settings where you're trying to do the forwarding would be helpful
  16. Feb 23 18:04:40 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Invalid folder cache contained within /mnt Feb 23 18:04:40 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Invalid folder cache contained within /mnt You have a folder named "cache" within /mnt (/mnt/cache), but no cache pool named "cache" (they are named cache_nvme and cache_ssd) Usual way for this to happen is via a path mapping on one of the apps you've got installed (hit show more settings) that is directly referencing /mnt/cache Adjust them accordingly and reboot
  17. Run the check filesystem against disk 5
  18. You might have some more success if at the same time you change the 1st vdisk location to also be manual and point it at the existing vdisk instead of auto
  19. Todays update brings in corruption testing on the flash drive along with most tests now having a "More Information" link being present in the suggestion. This link will take you to a forum post that has some more information and suggestions on what you're seeing. The thread itself is locked, but if there's any mistakes in the linked post, then a companion feedback thread https://forums.unraid.net/topic/120244-fix-common-problems-more-information-feedback/ can be used to comment on the individual posts. Note however that we do suggest that for any assistance with the problems that FCP finds that you either post in General Support (my preference), or in the Fix Common Problems support thread. The flash corruption test has undergone some pretty intensive testing, but I do anticipate that initially there may be some false positives being generated by the less commonly used plugins. These false positives will be quickly "whitelisted" on the next release of FCP
  20. Faster way to clear the drives would be with with the array stopped (after starting after the assigning of drives) to switch the files system from auto/xfs to instead be btrfs. Start the array, check off the format drives, format then stop, switch them back to xfs and you're done.
  21. Never really played with leaving it blank. I've only ever assigned a specific IP.
  22. Just keep an eye on it. What was being logged definitely wasn't normal
  23. On the template? The default ( http://[IP]:[PORT:6680]/ ) has the docker system already replace those entries with the applicable values
  24. You had renamed a share Feb 23 06:39:54 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (2936): mv '/mnt/user/media' '/mnt/user/share' Which was the start of all of the crashes of smb. (I'm thinking you were already accessing media and had files open or something at the time) Does it work when you restart the array (or ideally reboot the server)
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