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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Additionally, you do NOT want to use a host path of /tmp for Plex's transcoding Use /tmp/Plex instead Without the subfolder, Plex *may* wind up deleting files at any given point in /tmp which will adversely affect the OS
  2. IIRC, if there is a user defined in ftp settings then the ftp service is enabled on boot up
  3. Then what share is PeriscopeFilms supposed to be in? How were you copying?
  4. Are you supposed to have a cache drive / pool?
  5. Duplicates are pretty hard to create under normal circumstances. You have to work with disk shares (or reference a disk share directly in say an app template - /mnt/cache/appdata) ) EG: Easiest way I can think of for one to be created is to have appdata share as use cache: yes, and apps set to /mnt/cache/appdata. Mover comes running along, and dutifully moves the file(s) that aren't actually in use to the array, but then the app goes and decides to recreate the file on the cache drive. Instant dupe caused by a configuration mistake (referencing /mnt/cache directly and having the share set to use cache yes) Always referencing things by /mnt/user will never allow a dupe to be created (but any pre-existing will still remain).
  6. Due to various continual issues with this plugin, it has now been marked as being incompatible with Unraid versions 6.9.0+ It is highly advised to uninstall this plugin (and Statistics Sender if installed) and switch to the Unassigned Devices Preclear plugin (or Binhex-Preclear if you prefer a command line interface)
  7. I suspect its something with the btrfs on the cache drive in which case @JorgeB should be able to assist. (Personally, I'm not a fan of btrfs if you're not going to be running a multi-device pool - xfs is better on a single device) Other thoughts though: At some point you switched to a docker folder and for some reason half of it wound up on the array, and mover is attempting to move it. You really should just delete that entire docker folder "image" as it's not necessary if you're now using an image.
  8. Switch to a docker "folder" instead of an image. By definition it will give the least amount of writes since there's no amplification created by having an image There is nothing "Unraid Specific" about docker. It's the same implementation as on any other distribution. Your issue with Plex et al is quite possibly health checks which can easily be disabled via an extra parameter --no-healthcheck
  9. Just make a copy of the flash drive's config folder. And then recreate the flash either via the USB Creator tool or the manual method. Copy your config folder back onto it and you're done. Make sure that the boot order is correct in the BIOS.
  10. Yesterday's update should have fixed this. If not, I need you to copy and paste the exact path its saying
  11. How are you booting? Via legacy or UEFI? Try the other (rename the EFI~ to EFI or vice-versa and set the BIOS accordingly)
  12. Not that I use filezilla, but if there's an option within the app's settings for permissions, set it to 0777
  13. In addition to the <Requires> tag (if you use it), plugins also have an option in addition to <Requires>. This is <RequiresFile> eg: <RequiresFile>/var/log/plugins/unassigned.devices.plg</RequiresFile> When this is used (in addition to Requires), if this file does not exist then the installation button and a reinstallation will not be allowed at all. MinVer and MaxVer take precedence over this (and if not met, the app won't even show up). If this condition isn't met, the app will still appear, but no option to install it will be given until the file exists (eg: until Unassigned Devices is installed)
  14. Most likely the user's password that you're using to connect to FTP, so if your user doesn't have a password, then no prompt for a password will happen. To be honest though, if you're planning on using FTP regularly you're going to be better off with the ProFTPd plugin than the rather basic built-in support
  15. Not really feasible. Using Community Applications as an example, the changelog vastly exceeds the maximum size of the command used to send the notifications
  16. The assumption that myself and @ljm42 are making is that any .cfg or .ini file is actually an ini (or a json) file (which this isn't), so an exception had to be added.
  17. And you forgot about day of month, month, and day of week. Or in your case, * * *
  18. 48 18 is not a valid cron expression https://crontab.guru/
  19. It can be anything you want. You don't even need /data (that's just a convention binhex uses)
  20. No, separate archives for each folder.
  21. You can always add additional path mappings to any container. Add it with an appropriate new container path and host path and then add the container path to the library
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