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Everything posted by Squid

  1. That implies a problem with the file system on your array. I'd create a new topic in General support and include your diagnostics
  2. From top to bottom on the context menu is the preferred method of support.
  3. FYI, you can transfer the Unraid design and logo to pretty much anything in the Zazzle store (Hit Transfer Design To Product when you're on something in the Unraid store) No idea if the sticks though are any good.
  4. @itimpi FYI, but that under 6.10 automatically redirects to the same hash.unraid.net address (I never realized that until the other day) - Security over convenience For the ip address thing to work the way you are expecting it to, https://wiki.unraid.net/My_Servers#How_to_access_your_server_when_DNS_is_down
  5. It appears that the nvidia driver had a kernel "oops" and that was the start of the problem the suggestion in the logs is to reboot Feb 22 04:07:10 Tower kernel: Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed! From a terminal, powerdown -r
  6. A while back, I tried fork awesome as a drop in replacement for font-awesome as it does have more icons, and a side by side comparison shows that it's quality isn't the same as font-awesome
  7. For help with Remote Access (presumably though the MyServers option), post in the MyServers section of this forum with exact problems that you're having, and it never hurts to include your diagnostics
  8. FCP will (should) let you know that it's deprecated. CA it shows up in the deprecated section of Stats (and in the installed section it'll have a big Deprecated flag on it
  9. Re the previous post. The appfeed is now enforcing something a little more generalize. Every template within a template maintainer's repository must have a unique name on the template (not just the obvious filename). This catches @alturismo and xteve. Note that this has nothing to do with "Plex" being in one repository and "Plex" being in another repository -> that's perfectly acceptable
  10. Hit Show more settings, and you'll see that a required field isn't being filled out
  11. It did definitely drop. If problems continue, transfer to another flash. Sandisk FITs run hot due to their very small size
  12. Some routers (including yours) try and be "helpful" by purposely attempting to hack into your devices on the network. It can be disabled in the router's setting (don't know what it's called though)
  13. Sounds an awful lot like your flash drive is dropping offline or you've got a USB controller isolated so that a VM can use it and the boot stick is in that port. Try a different port
  14. ata9.00: ATA-10: ST10000DM0004-1ZC101, ZA2DWBXE This drive is continually resetting. Most likely due to poor cabling connections. Reseat (both ends) sata and power and don't disturb anything else
  15. To get it out of the way, AMD Ryzen 7 2700 Eight-Core Processor Have you looked at the typical idle power and the RAM configuration yet?https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-819173
  16. Some more information would be great, because it appears that you did log in Feb 21 14:28:48 unRAID webGUI: Successful login user root from Feb 21 14:40:56 unRAID webGUI: Successful login user root from
  17. Going forward, the application feed is going to automatically remove any template within a template Repository that: Refers to the exact same dockerHub repository as another template within the same repository AND Has the exact same application name as the other template Currently Apps falling into this are hard to find because everything "looks right" until you actually go to install one of them (and even there it still "looks" right even though it's not and the wrong template gets installed This rare situation to be handled otherwise requires a major overhaul (Read that as a full day's work in overhauling CA, and basically starting the ENTIRE QA process in CA all over again (ie: Months of regression testing) IMO, the ideal way to handle this type of stuff from a Maintainer's side is to use CA's Branches, but I do understand why authors don't always want to integrate branches. @hernandito
  18. SMB imposes some restrictions that will definitely cause issues on Windows and presumably mixed results on Mac A number of characters are "illegal": \ / : * ? " < > | Additionally, things can't end in a period, and trailing spaces will also cause problems.
  19. Try grabbing the diagnostics from the terminal diagnostics (There's no inherent timeouts imposed via that method) It'll get saved into the logs folder on the flash drive
  20. This is how you actually do it via the command line (a pure stop). It ain't pretty, and is even more aggravating nowadays due to csrf_token requirements
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