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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Good stuff. Just once I saw "xmrig", and a container that it was running in, everything gets dropped for the investigation.
  2. Most reports do not get replied to. That doesn't mean nothing is being looked at. As I said Which should solve at least some it is (the running out of shared memory) was one of the symptoms that resulted in the above.
  3. This issue will hopefully disappear once 6.10 is released. After a certain amount of time, Main / Dashboard will reload themselves
  4. More than that actually. This series of tests (and yes we're finding some corner cases regarding it) actually began due to changes on Windows 11 which prevented me from mounting any SMB share hosted on Win11 to any of my servers.
  5. Running any mods (eg: theme engine), or scripts that change the css?
  6. (You found a display bug in CA in the process - Fixed next release)
  7. I missed you're running 6.10-rc2 There's a known issue currently that you get that weird error (file exists) if the file exists on the wrong cachepool (which it doesn't) However, in addition there's also another issue where any changes to the use cache setting don't take effect without a stop and start of the array. So, error #2 is preventing mover from doing anything, and error #2 is also causing error #1 Stop and start whenever making any changes to use cache settings. Should be hopefully fixed on next release
  8. Does stopping / starting the array fix it? (Or try using 100)
  9. @radaradam I chatted up the guys at linuxserver and they would like you to talk to them directly on their discord https://discord.gg/YWrKVTn
  10. @Roxedus @saarg Can you guys offer any insight?
  11. root 23800 0.0 0.0 113444 13224 ? Sl Jan04 0:09 /usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2 -namespace moby -id 69dc22ffcf880cc58192919a087e663e53b6ad94256650a3439663c6d199ab05 -address /var/run/docker/containerd/containerd.sock root 23849 0.0 0.0 204 4 ? Ss Jan04 0:00 \_ s6-svscan -t0 /var/run/s6/services nobody 28495 360 9.8 2872804 2408628 ? Sl 16:30 83:21 \_ xmrig --library-path stak stak/xmrig -o -k root 24209 0.0 0.0 204 4 ? S Jan04 0:00 \_ s6-supervise s6-fdholderd root 24481 0.0 0.0 204 4 ? S Jan04 0:00 \_ s6-supervise unifi nobody 24483 0.3 3.8 4714016 950712 ? Ssl Jan04 20:39 | \_ java -Xmx1024M -jar /usr/lib/unifi/lib/ace.jar start nobody 24863 0.3 13.4 4165376 3295428 ? Sl Jan04 19:56 | \_ bin/mongod --dbpath /usr/lib/unifi/data/db --port 27117 --unixSocketPrefix /usr/lib/unifi/run --logRotate reopen --logappend --logpath /usr/lib/unifi/logs/mongod.log --pidfilepath /usr/lib/unifi/run/mongod.pid --bind_ip nobody 28356 0.0 0.0 26456 6908 ? S 16:30 0:00 \_ /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL It appears that it's coming via the unifi container. Is this from the Apps tab? Have you installed anything extra into it? Is this container accessible from outside the network? If you stop the container does xmrig disappear in the processes.....
  12. You need to create another bootstick with the program from the above link (it can't be distributed with the OS due to licencing restrictions). It will adequately test your RAM Most motherboards with ECC will halt everything if it detects a memory error that cannot be corrected. (Which is part of why you bought components that support this)
  13. Was this from the Unraid boot menu? It won't find any errors because you have ECC memory. You want to run a couple of passes with a separate stick set up with https://www.memtest86.com/
  14. mce happened during processor initialization and happens on certain combinations of hardware and is safe to ignore
  15. There is no 2nd WebUI port. If you're running this in the default Bridge mode then that port definition which you deleted is required. If you've put it onto it br0 (and assigned a dedicated IP), then that port definition is ignored anyways.
  16. If after hitting "APPLY" and then immediately re-editing the paths are back, then you've got issues (probably read-only) on the flash drive If after hitting APPLY and they stay removed until an update of the container is issued, then you need to do to avoid the by-design behaviour
  17. Yeah, the “ fails when running it through an xml validator (not defined). You wanted to use "
  18. How long are you waiting before attempting to access the server? Can you reach it from another system on your network Post your diagnostics
  19. AMD Video Card Passthrough? (Bug AMD to fix their cards if this patch fixes it)
  20. Yeah, you'd need a PS that can handle ~70A on the 12V rail at minimum (ignore the total wattage of the powersupply as it's an irrelevant rating, and excluding any power hungry video cards etc ) and add in the considerations that as they age, Power Supplies cannot handle the rated power (on average they lose ~10% a year) Thanks @trurl I didn't think of that.... Additionally if it's possible, avoid using the Marvel controllers. Marvel is one of those companies that since they realize that they can't compete don't even bother with keeping their drivers functional, and random drop offs are one of the nagging issues that they have. Disabling VT-d in the BIOS (if you're not running a VM that requires passthrough) may help
  21. Fair enough. You're correct that TLD is case insensitive
  22. It really looks like a cabling issue. SATA isn't know for being a great cabling solution, and if you're not using a hotswap chassis, then a non-locking cable works far better on WD drives than the locking variety (due to how WD designs the shroud and how the majority of cable manufacturers ignore the specifications). Also reseat the power connector.
  23. Enable Mover logging in Notification Settings (Mover) and hit it again.
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