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Everything posted by Squid

  1. If it's not changing, best to post in the Tips & Tweaks support thread Other than that, I'd guess that where you should be setting the value would be within the plex container, not on the host
  2. They aren't "stored" anywhere. You simply install from the Apps Tab.
  3. post your diagnostics and the output of the following commands: crontab -l cat /etc/cron.d/root
  4. You'd have to also make a copy of the appdata share (although this may or may not be applicable towards his setup). Use the appdata backup plugin to do this
  5. Many possible reasons for that. Main biggie reason though would be if you copied the appdata somewhere and then placed it back and didn't structure the commands appropriately to handle all the symlinks etc present which will seriously bloat the appdata
  6. He's not talking about the banner. Rather he's talking about the MyServers avatar. Part of the problem is that when you pick your avatar you can change the "square" around it to be any size to crop it accordingly, and the forum software knows about this crop and handles it accordingly. More than likely the MyServers software doesn't have a clue about the cropping and only sees the raw image itself and displays it as best it can. I wouldn't be surprised if there's nothing that can be done about that.
  7. TDP for the k version listed as 125W (with some other TDP listed as 95). I'd try both those settings and see what your temps are
  8. Reboot Nov 30 02:00:01 Tower kernel: FAT-fs (sda1): Directory bread(block 24576) failed Ideally the flash should be in a USB2 slot.
  9. Have you ever had the SSD set as disk #1? Tools - New Config and reassign accordingly.
  10. Yes Based upon the last set of diagnostics you posted, it really looks like at some point during all of this when starting the array and the disk came up as unmountable you hit the check box for format and acknowledged the pop up that stated it's never part of a rebuild operation /dev/md3 7.3T 52G 7.3T 1% /mnt/disk3 So in a nutshell the system did what was asked and formatted the drive (or the emulated version) and subsequently rebuilt a blank filesystem. So, you're option right now is to fix the errors on the old disk 3 and then copy back into the array.
  11. At a start, you should post your docker run command
  12. Even if the stick was bad, while there would be abnormalities it wouldn't cause the system to lock up. Try it without the VM.
  13. Not the best solution, but since I inherently trust everything that's hardwired with an ethernet (or at least limit via permissions its access to shares) and inherently distrust everything that's WiFi, all the WiFi devices on my network only connect to the guest network which has no access to anything else. Only MY phone and MY tablet connect to the real network. My wife, my kids, my doorbells, TV, my dog's collar (I think this annoys the pooches to no end) and most especially my freeloading sister in law who's living with us "temporarily" etc etc etc all connect to the guest. For hardwired connections that I don't trust I keep a separate router to isolate it's network completely (simply because I don't have a managed switch)
  14. A 5sec google search gives the correct commands to use, although you'd probably have to ask for the appropriate commands to be added to NerdPack or install them yourself.
  15. What share? Do you see the files on the share with Krusader? Within the OS's own explorer on the share (far right icon)?
  16. If the spinner doesn't disappear before exactly 120 seconds, it will never disappear (pretty much this is the same over the entire UI). In the case of flash backup this means that the time required (for whatever reason) to create the backup exceeded 120 seconds, so it'll appear like it never completed. Since this is happening consistently on your one server, your work around is to simply create the backup yourself by copying the files from the flash somewhere else (over SMB via the flash share works perfectly). There's nothing else special happening. As an aside, next rev of 6.10 increases the timeout from 2 minutes to 5 minutes.
  17. ^^^ This There is NO provision whatsoever for this to happen. Ever. You should post your diagnostics when this happens as there is something else going on.
  18. Question: Do any / all streams in progress via SMB get dropped when reloading the config?
  19. Isolated cores can't be returned without a reboot. Non-isolated cores are free o use by any process
  20. Based upon the diagnostics, I'd say that the "cpu load" is actually I/O wait where the processor is waiting for data from some device. The dashboard takes that into consideration, even though it's not "actual" cycles being consumed Let me ask you a question. Have you adjusted the BIOS to actually reflect reality on the PL1 / PL2 states or are you running it on the default settings which is an overclock used by most motherboard manufacturer's in order to artificially inflate their benchmarks for reviews? My Z490 vision G (and most motherboards) shipped with PL settings that dictated that the CPU was allowed to operate at up to 4096 Watts of TDP for an infinite period of time and simply let the CPU thermally throttle down when it's temperature controls went into effect. IE: On the default motherboard settings with my i9-10900 and the stock Intel cooler, the CPU would constantly go into thermal overload. Set the PL1 / PL2 TDPs and time allowed in the BIOS as specified by Intel. Otherwise you are actually running an overclock and if your cooling isn't sufficient you're going to see exactly what you're seeing. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/100360-z490-multi-core-enhancement/?tab=comments#comment-926134 https://www.anandtech.com/show/13544/why-intel-processors-draw-more-power-than-expected-tdp-turbo https://www.gamersnexus.net/guides/3389-intel-tdp-investigation-9900k-violating-turbo-duration-z390 Any many more
  21. Without the diagnostic to put stuff into perspective, it's hard to tell what is causing the drives to spin up just after you spin them down.
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