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Everything posted by Squid

  1. The error means that the cache drive itself is mounted read-only. You should post your diagnostics
  2. Is the IP address a new subnet from how the previous modem was (ie: vs Did you update the SWAG to reflect the new IP scheme in it's settings? For the not able to access via the MyServers page, probably best to post in the MyServers section here.
  3. Mount the SMB share via Unassigned Devices and add another path mapping to the template (something like /SMBSHARE mapped to /mnt/disks/ipaddress_share) and then add /SMBSHARE to your library
  4. Looks like you've either got a share named "?" somehow or it's an illegal character (for FAT32)
  5. There is no real answer to any of the questions, because it's entirely up to you. Do you want the share to use the cache? Set use Cache to be Yes. Do you want the share to not use the array? Set use cache to be Prefer Do you want the share to not use the cache at all, and move the files to the array? Set it to Yes, run mover then set it to No Or move the files manually via the Krusader App To see what files exist where, go to Shares, Hit Calculate on that share (you'll see what disks the files are on), then explore the applicable disk via Main and the icon at the far right.
  6. Navigate to (accept the warning) Then in Settings - Management Settings, Update DNS It's *supposed* to do this automatically, but I remember having problems with it at some point.
  7. Plural? Just so there's no confusion, root as the user and it's password is the only one which will work.
  8. All else being equal, you'll only see an increase in speed if there are concurrent accesses (ie: stuff reading / writing to appdata while the VM is doing its thing with the vDisk. Since that's always going to happen, there will be an increase in speed. Whether or not it's noticeable depends upon just how much access is going on. Also, 6.9.2+ you're better off instead of using UD to mount permanently attached devices to instead create a separate cache pool
  9. BTW @lyqalex When I see "Apps" within a subject I'll look at the thread, but if I don't see that feel free to tag me for anything CA related.
  10. Assign all the drives as data drives. If you had 1 parity, that drive will come up as unmountable If you had 2 parity, 2 drives will come up as unmountable Do a new config and assign the drives accordingly. If more drives come up as unmountable than you had parity drives, then stop, don't do anything and post your diagnostics
  11. Yeah. Setting up a share means that's the share where another server will send it's syslogs to. You wanted mirror to flash
  12. What do you mean by inaccessible? Have you checked the device identifier given by the nvidia plugin?
  13. Cabling. For future reference, always post the entire diagnostics.zip file
  14. If I'm understanding this correctly, you're setting the language to display to be Chinese (ie: you've got the browser translating everything) instead of setting the OS to be in Chinese This is because the translations done by the browser modify a ton of stuff and no CA does not work correctly in that situation (affects all languages, and all browsers) You should set the browser to never translate the OS automatically and set the language within the OS accordingly. This issue is not only with CA, but happens on tons of websites.
  15. Because it's more than just the single file corrupted. Set up a new key and transfer the registration to it.
  16. One oddity with the VMs tab is that for some reason all the disks have to spin up for some users before anything happens. Is this happening to you? It easily explains the 9 second
  17. Nov 19 19:04:16 Tower kernel: usb usb6-port1: over-current condition Nov 19 19:04:16 Tower kernel: usb usb5-port1: over-current condition Nov 19 19:04:17 Tower kernel: usb usb5-port2: over-current condition Nov 19 19:04:17 Tower kernel: usb 5-2: USB disconnect, device number 2 Nov 19 19:04:17 Tower kernel: usb usb6-port2: over-current condition I'd say it's the flash drive
  18. Something was holding up unmounting the shares (/mnt/user). Any chance you were logged in to the terminal?
  19. Can you access the Shares via Explorer and instead of something like \\TOWER typing instead \\192.168.1.xxx (the IP address of the server)?
  20. It's normal as in it's a known issue on all OS versions that as of RC2 seems to have gotten worse. I *believe* @bonienl already has a partial fix in for the next release
  21. Can you zip up the contents of /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user on the flash drive and PM them to me? Don't think it will make a difference on the templates, but it won't hurt
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