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Everything posted by Squid

  1. What happens if you hit OK and then reload the Apps Tab? Do you have cookies disabled in your browser?
  2. Did you ever apply the patch for 6.8.3 that fixed that (and then forgot to remove it when you were on 6.9+)
  3. First off, you should try and do what it suggested. If that fails, create a new thread in General Support and include your diagnostics, as this isn't strictly CA related
  4. Screenshots Next release of CA will be supporting screenshots for the applications (and ca_profiles) To take advantage of this add into the XML's <Screenshot>some URL here</Screenshot> If there are multiple screen shots, just add multiple lines <Screenshot>some URL here</Screenshot> <Screenshot>another URL here</Screenshot> <Screenshot>a third URL here</Screenshot> Similarly, you can add videos, etc <Video>some URL here</Video> <Video>another URL here</Video> For ca_profile.xml, the applicable tag is <Photo> (<Video> can also be utilized) <Photo>some URL here</Photo> (once again you can add in multiple lines)
  5. Make a backup. Either manually via File Explorer or via MyServers Even worst case scenario you can create a new key with a trial licence and you still have access to all your data
  6. You would need to post in the parity check tuning support thread so that @itimpi can see this.
  7. There was a dialog box when you entered the Apps tab that required you to say "OK, I accept" before CA will allow you to install anything
  8. It did ask you for a password after the upgrade when you went to the GUI?
  9. Settings - docker. Stop the service and then increase the size and restart the service. Just a ton of containers or is there a problem with it constantly growing?
  10. If the browser window is fairly small (say 1300px or the font-size is really big) and the icons can't fit in there, then they won't be displayed no
  11. Try it for awhile without tdarr and see if it changes anything....
  12. I'm not that guy. Best to google it or ask in the support thread
  13. No. BTRFS is it. Alternatively you can use the ZFS plugin to create a ZFS pool but it's managed via the command line instead of via the GUI and doesn't directly participate in the share system But, IMO every single computer (whether a server or not) requires a UPS. Far far too much corruption happens on every OS in the event of sudden loss of power
  14. Either a figment of my imagination or I was just testing you
  15. And do rm /boot/config/network-rules.cfg
  16. Try this: rm /boot/config/network.cfg powerdown -r This will reset the network completely. It doesn't however make a lot of sense that you can't hit the GUI via localhost though.
  17. The linux kernel does not natively support ZFS due to licensing issues.
  18. Wait for @SpencerJ or @ljm42 to pipe in here.
  19. Any time the spinner is up for longer than exactly 120 seconds it will never disappear. However the underlying script that is taking long to finish will complete. Are your problems with it continually running the backup over and done with?
  20. You're awesome @binhex I *think* it'll add in the entry on any updates when the PR is merged. But, it definitely works on new installs and is already active within CA
  21. How long did you wait?. A weird thing with the OS (and you'll notice it in GUI mode a fair amount) is if you immediately log you cannot connect to the webGUI as there's still a ton of stuff happening in the background. You've got to give it a couple of minutes to work.
  22. @ljm42 See above. Technically this shouldn't result in no connection to the GUI, even though the server has a valid IP
  23. <ReadMe>some link here</ReadMe> Starting next release of the OS (6.10.0-rc3?), both the docker and dashboard tabs will support a ReadMe within the context menu's on the docker applications. (CA supports it since 2021.10.17) Use it for a link to (obviously) a ReadMe file / Page, or to a FAQ or similar ( @binhex ) Hopefully will lessen support requests on the forums
  24. 2 licenses. One per flash boot device which equates to 1 per server
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