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Everything posted by Squid

  1. In reality, if you don't run a VM as your primary desktop machine, then there's no real reason to boot into GUI mode. It was introduced because with the array stopped, all VMs are also stopped and if you didn't have another way to access the OS' GUI you were SOL.
  2. Nothing really obvious in the syslog. Reboot and see what happens. If it's still not available, post a new set of diagnostics
  3. Because say that during the backup of Container X and it's still running. During the backup, both files A & B get changed. However the new version of B hits the backup, but when the backup was running only A got backed up prior to it being changed. Now A & B are out of sync with each other on the backup. May or may not cause problems if you have to restore. In reality, the likelyhood of this happening is minimal (but non zero), hence by default the backup plugin stops everything to guarantee the appdata is in a constant state. You can however tell the plugin to not stop individual containers via advanced options.
  4. It's the stupid brain cells that die off first
  5. You usually have to explicitly set permissions within the app's settings IE: set it to be 0777 AD though might throw a curve into it
  6. OTOH it looks like you've got a terminal session open to Plex (ie: you've click on the terminal menu item within the drop down when clicking on Plex) and it's no longer running
  7. Only way to clear the error from FCP is to either ignore it or reboot.
  8. Security Violations To expand a little further, this means that any attempt to inject code into the GUI, or an attempt to run any additional bash commands after the docker run command is issued via the template is a security violation. It doesn't matter if the command is benign or not. Any attempt results in automatic blacklisting of the app. If the app happens to require the additional commands, include instructions in the Overview for the user to edit the template accordingly. There are no exceptions ever. It should be noted that within Config elements any description that can be construed as an html tag is technically a violation. Do not have a description of "<some_var>" Use instead "some_var"
  9. The error is quite simply that the particular file is corrupted. Because of privacy, actual XML's are never going to be included in the diagnostics, so it can't be determined exactly why, but based upon the fact that you're actually running the OS, and the file names within the diagnostics appear to be OK, then hopefully that's your only issue. The solution is to either edit the file to see what's wrong with it and fix it or simply delete it. The interesting thing is that the file listed is ..../templates/zigbee2mqtt.xml This means that you've added (in Docker - Template Repositories) another entry other than the default one to point to the author's repository. With CA, this isn't necessary at all. Your best bet is to remove that additional lines you've added in Template Repositories so that this issue won't re-occur on the next check for updates. (The "corruption" could simply mean that whatever repository you've added has a syntax error in it, and isn't in fact "corrupt")
  10. As a maintainer, you (should have) enabled Template Authoring Mode in Settings - Docker (with the service stopped). With that enabled, every app's popup (more information) will also include a direct link to the Template URL. (And it gives additional entries on the edit template screen, which means that no manual editing of the xml is ever necessary) It should be noted that on especially on initial installations the template that is actually passed to dockerMan to be installed is not necessarily identical to the one the maintainer submits for CA. This is because there is a ton of extra info added (which isn't an issue), but also a sizeable percentage of templates contain errors which the feed automatically fixes (Apps - Statistics - Template Errors)
  11. For bulk renaming, I've always used https://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/
  12. You should try creating a new thread in general support and include your diagnostics as I'm currently unable to assist for a couple of days
  13. Not a complete solution, but a stop-gap: In Settings - Display settings you can change the font size that the UI uses. This is done on a per-device, so you can set it to be huge on your phone, and on your desktop set it to be normal.
  14. If those commands work after the array is started, but not at boot it means that the network isn't up and running by the time the commands are executed. Add an appropriate sleep command prior, or try doing it via user scripts (first boot only)
  15. uninstall preclear plugin followed by myservers plugin. They're you're most likely culprits
  16. The vfio plugin is integrated in 6.9.2 and should be removed. After that, if under Tools, System devices it's still empty then you should open up a Defect Report and include your diagnostics vfio 插件集成在 6.9.2 中,应该删除。之后,如果在工具下,系统设备它仍然是空的,那么你应该打开一个缺陷报告并包括你的诊断
  17. Marvel based controllers are not recommended due to the complete lack of manufacturer support. Disabling IOMMU seems to help for some users, but it is always recommended to switch to LSI based
  18. Read only file system on the flash drive. Normally flash errors get corrected during Unraid bootup, but on occasion you have to toss the stick into another box and run the file system checks on it. The preclear folder you posted however shows rather serious corruption problems. You might have to redo the stick altogether.
  19. First thing you want to do is sort out the Jun 27 08:27:32 Tower emhttpd: Unregistered - flash device blacklisted (EBLACKLISTED2) if only so that those errors get removed from the syslog (and there's a ton of them) This *may* also contribute to your problems, since the Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728... refers to the space being taken up by the logging being exceeded
  20. If you don't pass through a Network Card directly to the VM, then it utilizes a virtual network card, in which case any traffic which is destined to the host, never traverses the physical network. Docker port mapping. When telling nextcloud to talk to mariadb, you refer to the HOST_IP:PORT (, not the 172.17... address (which is subject to change with every start of the container). Once again, traffic will not traverse the physical network.
  21. Probably best to post in the applicable support thread for the app you're using.
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