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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Going to be a browser thing, as no part of Unraid performs any sizing checks etc as a window is resized, but rather relies on the browser to properly resize things.
  2. Safe to ignore. Some combos issue at cpu core initialization and this happened to you
  3. Bad memory stick Jun 27 14:38:43 NAS kernel: EDAC MC0: 76 CE memory read error on CPU_SrcID#0_Ha#0_Chan#0_DIMM#0 (channel:0 slot:0 page:0x9eb177 offset:0x800 grain:32 syndrome:0x0 - OVERFLOW area:DRAM err_code:0001:0090 socket:0 ha:0 channel_mask:1 rank:1) Jun 27 14:38:44 NAS kernel: EDAC sbridge MC0: HANDLING MCE MEMORY ERROR DIMM #0. The system event log in the BIOS may have more information on which is which.
  4. Do you have the syslog server enabled (Settings - Syslog Server) and set to mirror to the flash drive?
  5. Can you get to the "bios" of the LSI card (CTRL-S if I remember) when it's itemizing the drives connected to it?
  6. Going forward, the minimum supported Unraid OS version will be 6.6.2 The minimum supported version will gradually be increased over the next months until CA only supports as a minimum 6.8 where the there are no fundamental differences in how CA operates.
  7. Harmless MCE issued during cpu core initialization that affects certain hard combinations and is safe to ignore. Also you might want to consider disabling Mover Logging (Settings - Scheduler - Mover) unless you're having issues
  8. Looks like you've got a piss-poor connection to this drive ata11.00: ATA-9: WDC WD40EFRX-68WT0N0, WD-WCC4EFSNC7VA Reseat / replace the cabling
  9. I would suggest renaming /config/network.cfg and network-rules.cfg on the flash drive and then rebooting (Note: this will revert you back to using DHCP to obtain the IP address) and then try again. Also, not a problem, but you are attempting to isolate 01:00:0 and 05:00:0 devices for passthrough to a VM, but in the diagnostics those devices no longer exist. After you get back to access to the GUI, you might want to confirm that all devices are appearing that should be.
  10. Did you click the link (HERE)?
  11. Harmless mce that happened during cpu core initialization.
  12. Squid

    Latex in Unraid

    No need to stop the array...
  13. To start all the settings over again, delete /config on the flash drive, but do NOT delete the .key file To wipe out all of the hard drives, From the command line, rm -rf /mnt/user Or alternatively with the array stopped, change each drive's filesystem from XFS to instead be BTRFS, start the array and it'll want to format the drives, do that they stop the array and change the disks back to be XFS and format them again.
  14. From the command prompt, diagnostics and post the resulting zip file here (logs folder on the flash drive)
  15. It doesn't appear that you have a gateway ( or DNS addresses set in Network Settings (Try /
  16. Any path not in /boot or /mnt/diskX or /mnt/user is lost on a reboot. Any changes made elsewhere must be reapplied at boot time either via user scripts or the go file
  17. Firstly, if you do not need all those packages being installed with NerdPack, set them to not install. Some of them (notably atop) will cause you issues. I don't see why it's not detecting disk 3 at all, but you need to either replace it and rebuild onto the replacement, or remove all of the files from the emulated disk (unbalance plugin) and then do a new config and then rebuild parity to reflect the non-existant drive. Are you sure it's showing up in the controller's BIOS?
  18. You need to post your diagnostics.
  19. The mce happened during CPU core initialization and can be safely ignored. (Happens on some hardware combinations)
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