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Everything posted by Squid

  1. File had to have be corrupted, as it's completely normal for a previously installed app to be there, and shouldn't affect any reinstall.
  2. If you're in advanced view, switch to Basic. Less intensive.
  3. To run the 2 VMs simultaneously with their own physical displays, you'll need 2 video cards (dedicated to each). If you don't need a physical display on one of the VMs, then you just access it thru VNC or similar, and you will only need the 1 card. But yes, your use case is actually pretty normal for Unraid.
  4. To continue from what @John_M said, it's pretty much a given that without them if the problem isn't obvious on the description, then the very next post will be someone asking to see them. It saves everyone a lot of aggravation to always include them rather than having to ask for them. They are completely anonymized.
  5. You should mirror the syslog to the flash and then post the diagnostics and the syslog saved to your next post MCE's during processor initialization are semi-common on certain CPU combinations and nothing to worry about Definitely memory issues The memtest that ships with Unraid won't find corrected ECC errors (as they're corrected). Your system event log will probably have more info on which stick is going bad (or go to https://www.memtest86.com/ and create a stick with the updated version which should find it for you also.
  6. DOWNLOAD URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/AppFeed/master/applicationFeed-lastUpdated.json RESULT: bool(false) DOWNLOAD URL: https://s3.amazonaws.com/dnld.lime-technology.com/appfeed/master/applicationFeed-lastUpdated.json RESULT: bool(false) DOWNLOAD URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/AppFeed/master/applicationFeed.json RESULT: bool(false) DOWNLOAD URL: https://s3.amazonaws.com/dnld.lime-technology.com/appfeed/master/applicationFeed.json RESULT: bool(false) At the time, you couldn't hit the internet at all, and the javascript error was from searching when you shouldn't have been able to. That's fixed on the next rev already
  7. Memtest from the boot menu is the first thing to do. After that, post your diagnostics
  8. Your issue based upon the screenshot is strictly with the Network Stats plugin. If this isn't the case, then reboot into safemode (from the boot menu there's an option -> also a checkbox when you reboot the server to do this) and see what happens. And post up other pictures of where you're seeing this behaviour.
  9. Update to 6.9.2 or https://forums.unraid.net/topic/108643-all-docker-containers-lists-version-“not-available”-under-update/?tab=comments#comment-993588&searchlight=1
  10. You need VT-d / IOMMU enabled. Usually its buried in a submenu of the BIOS. It's different than VT-x
  11. Since you're making it to the edit screen, technically it's not a CA issue. I'd have to see the applicable XML file being created within /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user on the flash drive. But from looking at your previous diagnostics, there's no reason I can easily discern as to what's up.
  12. What apps? Doesn't look like there's any logical reason why you're seeing what you are.
  13. What happened before you went to search for Emby? Did some other error popup? Based upon the Category List N/A, it had issues (presumably) download the feed, popped up a message saying use / as static DNS settings, and shouldn't have allowed you to search. If you still have problems, https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/?do=findComment&comment=994504
  14. Dont map it if you can avoid it. You will always get better results using the IP address\share than using a mapped drived. Windows networking sucks
  15. Appdata should be all you need. Whether or not borgbackup supports symlinks etc which some containers make very extensive use of (eg: Plex) is a different story.
  16. There is no command supported to close that window
  17. Delete the .txz from /config/plugins/user.scripts on the flash drive and try again
  18. No you didn't Probably best to post in the support thread (click on the icon for Overseer then support)
  19. Also does the same thing happen if you uninstall the libvirtwol plugin?
  20. When going to the VM tab, all drives will always spin up. But for actually running the VM, the only real thing that's read is the vdisk itself which is not spread across disks (no single file is ever split between drives) Since you presumably have a parity drive, that's going to be the major cause of your performance issues, as under normal settings the write speed to anything on the drives is 4x slower. You'd be able to mitigate that via Settings - Disk Settings and on reconstruct write on the Write Method tunable. But every drive will stay spun up.
  21. Have you also tried increasing the # of connections Back in the old days of Sab you'd have to do that.
  22. Settings - Management, Use SSL: No Although it causes no problems leaving it at Auto
  23. Was the VM doing anything ? Updates etc... personally I always set my VMs to hibernate upon array shutdown and installed the qemu guest tools to avoid those problems
  24. For comparison, I can tell you that I can get a solid 100MB/s thru Sab no problems consistently. Is your download share going to the array or to a cache drive?
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