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Everything posted by Squid

  1. What about Sonarr updating the quality and filenames changing, or the new dl is stuck in limbo on the cache drive in the download share?
  2. What does check for updates on the docker page do? That message pops up when the system was unable to determine if an update was available or not. IE: internet problems - it's so complex it's amazing it works as well as it does.
  3. The root of you issue is this ^^^ No reason to have Unraid directly on the internet. You should have the a router that issues private IP's and then utilize a VPN (OpenVPN / Wireguard) if you need to access your server remotely. Simply disabling FTP isn't going to be good enough..
  4. Did you leave the api endpoint at localhost:8080?
  5. Which implies that you've already transferred the licence to a new flash device.
  6. Not really. If you're verifying whether or not to install a container or not, then it's no biggie since they're all basically sandboxed from the server itself. And I would think that most people aren't actually running test servers, even when utilizing the beta software.
  7. Works for me But, set the API endpoint back to http://localhost:8080 and just change the port. (That line, [not quite sure why its there], dicates where scrutiny is listening to. A docker container has no concept of port mapping, and will always listen to its internal port (which is also always going to be on local host)
  8. Diagnostics would shed some light, but I guess that your docker image file is sitting on the array and not on the cache drive where it usually belongs.
  9. What are you actually trying to do? I just set up my secondary server to send the log to the primary no problems. I don't *think* the system works if you're trying to save a copy of the syslog of the server its hosted on to a share (you would use mirror to flash for that)
  10. No change required. (Assuming that you have a cache pool named "cache", which is the default)
  11. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/61211-plugin-ca-appdata-backup-restore-v2/page/25/?tab=comments#comment-893746
  12. As an FYI, the regular notifications (SMART, updates etc) always worked. It was only the array status notification that had the issue.
  13. Awesome. Weird though that what amounts to just a slightly different population of the board (16e vs 16i) accounts for the problem...
  14. Missed adding the applicable link
  15. Thanks for reporting. Fixed next release (my bad)
  16. And create an appropriate xml for it.
  17. Most BIOS you set it to boot via a hard drive and select the flash from the list of hard drives
  18. Have you already enabled Auto Start in Settings - DiskSettings? If so, then post your diagnostics
  19. The message from mcelog isn't as bad as it seems. The edac_mce_amd module has been included in Unraid for a while now. Effectively what the message means is that mcelog is telling you that that Intel driver doesn't work with your processor. The AMD driver is getting used instead. (At least that's what my googling found a week or 2 ago)
  20. Top of my head, no it won't work as how this was ultimately working was via a security hole that was patched on 6.8.2+ However, if the container does have PHP installed in it, then executing /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/Notify.php *might* work
  21. Wouldn't hurt to check. The only reports thus far with this issue are 9201-16e's. If it doesn't work, all of your drives connected won't be detected. A simple roll back to beta 25 and everything will be back to normal.
  22. One minor caveat exists if you had previously set up the docker image as a folder on either Beta 22 or Beta 25, and did NOT put it into a subfolder named "Docker". The system will not recognize that the image was in a folder when you stop and restart the docker service. (Reboots are ok though). This will result (if you're not paying attention) in the system recreating a btrfs docker.img file The fix for this is to simply make sure that when you stop the service is to reselect the "folder option" and ensure it's pointed at the correct folder.
  23. Should be noted that right now, the only SAS chipsets definitely affected is the SAS2116 ie: the 9201-16e. My controller running SAS2008 (Dell H200 cross-flashed) is completely unaffected.
  24. Squid

    Hotio v CA

    It was not a sincere offer, since you didn't believe in the basic premise of CA. That of a moderated system. Let's use Plex as an example. Once Plex Inc released (and maintain) their own template, there is basically zero reason for any of the other Plex containers to be present. The app is the app is the app. What is the actual difference between Plex Inc's container vs linuxserver vs binhex vs hotio vs needo? Absolutely none. Anyone can argue little points back and forth between those four flavours, but when push comes to shove they're identical because it's the app that matters, not the base image etc. It's this stuff that continually causes the confusion. What do I install? Last time I checked on Google / Apple's play store, if I wanted to install say Candy Crush, there's only a single Candy Crush that actually appears. Should be noted here that not once have the moderators actually removed apps due to duplication. Yet CA has always been, and always will remain a moderated system. The intent is to not stifle innovation (and it's certainly not censorship), but rather to have a consistent and as trouble-free experience for the end user. Nothing anywhere says you have to utilize it or the apps contained within. Any one can always install a random app they find on docker hub. Are unilateral decisions made by myself / the moderators of CA. Of course... That's what the system is designed to do. The decisions taken however are (I believe) for the benefit of the Unraid community as a whole. There are fallbacks of course in cases of disputes. I do not have ultimate responsibility for the content of CA, and in cases of disputes I accept the decisions made by the moderators and the administrators of this forum itself. You don't like how the system works now? I guarantee you're going to hate it in the future. Currently the moderation of CA is based on a reactionary basis. It will switch over to a proactive system in the coming months. This is to ensure that the system that users come to rely upon is safe and secure.
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