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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Try the system without the overclock on the RAM (you're running XMP/AMP profile on the ram to pump it to 3600 when it's rated for 2133 and the max supported by the CPU is either 2666 or 2933 depending upon if its dual or single rank) https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-819173 After that, I'd suggest that you upgrade to 6.9.0-beta 1 as it has a later kernel version with Ryzen fixes in it.
  2. Can't speak specifically for that 4 bay station, but a lot of USB stations give the host (unRAID) the same serial number for each drive that is installed in it. If that's the case, then it won't work, as each hard drive must have a unique s/n (as they all do natively) Beyond that, USB for connected drives while it does work isn't particularly recommended, as USB is highly prone to drop outs (ever notice on a Windows machine that every once in a while the computer will make the noise that a device was disconnected and then reconnected)
  3. Hopefully I didn't miss any steps And also, don't delete the unraid_actions folder from your dropbox. If you do this, then it will miss the first trigger given to Alexa
  4. Here is how to get Alexa to control your server (IE: have Alexa start up a VM / docker container etc). This is all geared towards using a free Dropbox account as the cloud server and Alexa, but the concept would be the same for any other cloud storage providers (provided you can mount the cloud storage location) and Google Assistant. You probably also need to use the same login as you would for your Alexa account. (I just used "login via google" for everything listed here, which matches my alexa account) Sign up for a free account at https://www.dropbox.com/basic From the Apps Tab, search for Dropbox and install it. You must however change the host path for the Data Files from it's default of /mnt/user/Dropbox to instead be /mnt/cache/Dropbox (dropbox will not work if it's not pointed directly at a drive), with an access mode of RW:SLAVE Start the dropbox application, and view the logs for it. In the logs there will be a line similar to Go to the URL and connect the server to your account Set Dropbox to autostart Go to https://ifttt.com/join and create a free account Go to Create Click the Plus sign Select Amazon Alexa Select Say A Specific Phrase Tell Alexa what to listen for and create the trigger Click the Plus Sign Choose Dropbox and create a text file In the box, the "content" is the command to be executed. If you're running multiple commands, then I would suggest executing them as a script ie: content would be /bin/bash /boot/my_scripts/mytestscript.sh Set the dropbox folder path to be unraid_actions Then click create action (In this example, we're just going to write "This is a test" into the syslog Using the User Scripts plugin (if already installed, then make sure that it's up to date), set up the following script to run at First Array Start Only #!/usr/bin/php <? for ( ;; ) { exec("inotifywait /mnt/cache/Dropbox/unraid_actions > /dev/null 2>&1",$out,$err); if ($err) { sleep(10); continue; } foreach (glob("/mnt/cache/Dropbox/unraid_actions/*.txt") as $file) { exec("logger ".escapeshellarg("Executing Voice Command ".file_get_contents($file))); passthru("/bin/bash ".escapeshellarg($file)); unlink($file); for ( ;; ) { sleep(1); if ( ! is_file($file) ) break; } } } ?> Enter in the following command at the terminal (If you don't do this, then it will miss the first trigger ever given) mkdir -p /mnt/cache/Dropbox/unraid_actions Reboot the server and test what you've created Apr 23 08:40:27 unraidA root: Executing Voice Command logger this is a test Apr 23 08:40:27 unraidA root: this is a test Success! Now you can create any given command you want for Alexa to be able to execute on your server. IE: you can start a VM with the appropriate virsh commands, start a docker container, etc etc etc. Enjoy DANGER ZONE: DO NOT USE A DROPBOX where other people have write access to it (ie: make sure that no one else can place a file into unraid_actions). This script will execute ANY file placed into unraid_actions, and if/when your kids get annoyed at you, there is nothing stopping them from deleting the contents of your array. Only use drop box where you are in 100% complete control of. To avoid this problem, you could expand the user scripts script to actually read what's in the file (say the contents are Start VM) and then it issues the appropriate command itself. I'll leave the customization up to you guys. Something akin to #!/usr/bin/php <? for ( ;; ) { exec("inotifywait /mnt/cache/Dropbox/unraid_actions > /dev/null 2>&1",$out,$err); if ($err) { sleep(10); continue; } foreach (glob("/mnt/cache/Dropbox/unraid_actions/*.txt") as $file) { $command = trim(file_get_contents($file)); exec("logger ".escapeshellarg("Executing Voice Command $command")); switch ($command) { case "test": exec("logger this is a test"); break; case "start VM": exec("virsh....."); break; case "start plex": exec("docker start plex"); break; default: exec("logger ".escapeshellarg("unknown voice command $command")); break; } unlink($file); for ( ;; ) { sleep(1); if ( ! is_file($file) ) break; } } } ?>
  5. Ideally you would use hardware passthrough and assign a video card to the VM
  6. https://www.newegg.ca/iogear-gwu637-rj-45/p/N82E16833139036?Description=ethernet to wireless adapter&cm_re=ethernet_to_wireless_adapter-_-33-139-036-_-Product Never used it though. Or alternatively, powerline networking
  7. Nope, to me it is., and it's based upon "things that trip up people". You can however not send out notifications for warnings.
  8. *Technically*, You could install either jellyfin or plex and via the GUI boot mode would be able to watch the videos via Firefox, but you wouldn't have any sound. Your easiest solution is to simply cast the videos from your phone to a chromecast enabled TV (Once again via Plex or Jellyfin) Or use a VM
  9. The go file is a simple bash script that is executed every time you boot the server. You can add whatever you need to it. The "preferred" way to however run scripts at startup would be via the user scripts plugin, but I took a wild guess that what you needed would have to be run earlier in the bootup sequence than when user scripts would execute it.
  10. Pretty much if you're grabbing the IP etc from the VM. What did you expect?
  11. unRaid runs from RAM, and there is no persistent folders anywhere (except for /boot) You would need to make those changes via appropriate commands within /config/go on the flash drive.
  12. Maybe post in the Nerd Pack thread.
  13. No. The flash is corrupted. Grab a copy of it's /config, completely redo it and toss that folder back onto it. Or toss the /config from the original onto the one you just made and follow the prompting to transfer the licence.
  14. Within it's UI (presumably) there's going to be an option somewhere to set the permissions on the files it writes. Set it to 0777 Transferring files via the network shouldn't have any issue (unless you're using something like robocopy which does trash permissions on the files it writes)
  15. In those diagnostics, you do not have a cache drive installed. 40MB/s is actually in and around where you are going to be with the system in "read / modify / write" mode instead of "reconstruct write" (settings - disk settings). There's extra reads required in that mode, which do result in a hit in transfer rates but gains in saving the power by only requiring the single data and parity drives to be spun up.
  16. Because you've excluded those folders from within Fix Common Problems for the extended tests Is it a fair assumption that what you're trying to move / manipulate are downloads that were saved into the Media share via Sonarr / Radarr / Sabnzbd and the like?
  17. Create a new thread in General Support and post your diagnostics
  18. IIRC, it always showed an update was available whenever a check was done. Now, if unRaid is unable to determine if an update is available, then it shows "not available. This may be fixed on the next release of the OS. Public repositories in dockerHub should operate normally.
  19. Make another virgin boot flash. Will that boot? (Nothing will happen, as you're not going to register it or assign any drives)
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