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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Just make sure you review this: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-819173
  2. If you want to have Plex do hardware transcodes, then yes
  3. FYI, VM xmls are included in diagnostics
  4. I think he tried Apr 8 20:05:23 Tower unassigned.devices: Removing configuration '//'. Completely separated from the rest of the syslog by 4 hours. It isn't logging the attempt to mount, hence my ping to dlandon...
  5. It's not set to automount, so nothing in the diagnostics. Attempt a mount and then repost the diags
  6. Changed Status to Closed Changed Priority to Other
  7. It probably would have said unmountable and offered to format it. Either way, you would still have needed to do a correcting parity check to get everything in sync.
  8. The pic on March 22 showed a video card there.
  9. Not necessarily your problem, but motherboards do tend to like matching sets of RAM. All 4 of your sticks are different from each other. If you must mix & match, then your best results will come from sticks that all have the same CL timings.
  10. Because that's all the motherboard supports. According to the manual, it is PCIe x16 running at x4
  11. Problem here is that you did this with the system stopped / shutdown. unRaid can't tell that you've messed around with the drive unless it does a parity check. As far as it's concerned there is no problem. (And because of how unRaid works with no striping, then effectively there is no problem). Had you started the array, everything would go on its merry way. When you did a correcting parity check, the system would have fixed itself reflecting the current contents of that drive. If one of the data disks however died before a correcting check was done, then any rebuild would work, but the calculated information would be completely wrong. IE: You would trash the rebuilt drive.
  12. Go to Settings - Scheduler, and disable Plugin Update Checks. Go back to the Plugins tab, then hit check for updates. How long does it take to finish? Also, post your diagnostics.
  13. What do you mean by that? Not exactly. Unassigned Disks will still be supported via the plugin It has already been announced that 6.9 will include multiple cache pools. Which is exactly what you're talking about.
  14. The official boinc container (the one referenced in the blog post) To put it into a little bit of perspective, before these world events started happening the monthly download count was heading downwards (only 235,632 between Oct 10th and Nov 9th). After covid-19 became a world issue everything changed. From February 7th to March 8th, there were 464,826 downloads. From March 8th to April 7th there were 637,444 additional downloads. This is just the docker container, and does not include downloading Boinc for Windows / Mac / iOS / Android
  15. It's not random. For some reason (not sure at this point), after your appdata backup at 1PM, the plugin didn't restart the containers. But it did on some other runs of the backup
  16. Yeah, on that one while tags are supported, only the one ":latest" exists, so you're either SOL or back to over thinking. I will put in a PR to the webGUI to allow different icons when multiple apps are installed.
  17. I think you're way over thinking it. Majority of apps support tags. Which ones are we talking about?
  18. A spontaneous downgrade is not possible. If you're unable to upgrade via the gui then download the applicable zip file from the limetech website and overwrite the bz* files on the flash with those in the zip and reboot
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