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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Just tried it and it works properly. Once you hit 8 windows open at a time (including any from docker containers) you hit that. Closing windows and it'll let you back in.
  2. I thought it was fixed, but IIRC there was an issue where you could only hit terminal so many times and then that message would begin to pop up. Reboot is the solution.
  3. I'm a bit confused, because your scenario is exactly what the plugin does.
  4. Make a folder called openvpn in the root of your flash drive. Toss your .ovpn file in there. Reload the settings page and you'll be able to select it and go from there.
  5. Restart in safe mode and see if problem continues;
  6. Those settings will work. You can always enable Log when not moving due to rules to see what its doing every 4 hours.
  7. From looking at a ton of diagnostics, an mce right when linux is initializing the CPUs seems to be fairly common as of late. I wouldn't worry about it.
  8. In the syslog, it should show Mover started. Personally I have this set up so that it also forces the move once per day (but checks hourly for the threshold to be exceeded)
  9. You want me to have FCP issue a comment asking users to change the repository? Sent via telekinesis
  10. @SpaceInvaderOne tends to use @binhex apps which tend to have /data as a default location. Because once you get radarr / sonarr talking to sab, if say /downloads isn't consistent (or mapped at all) between all the apps, they lose communication. See https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566086 Every one (including myself) did. See the above link and hopefully you'll see how to do things
  11. from your mappings posted, you would put in /incomplete-downloads and /downloads respectively
  12. Close the browser and then re-open. Any operation that takes longer than 120 seconds will effectively cause the tab to stop responding. IE: You can let UD sit there for an hour and it will never recover.
  13. If you guys are still having problems with this, look up a couple of posts https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/?page=95&tab=comments#comment-703666
  14. The file will keep it working forever you'll know if the downloads are working if under statistics the last updated time changes from that of the file (Dec 9 @ 7pm - at the time of writing) Sent via telekinesis
  15. But on a different note though, on a second glance, it does appear to be downloading a second file fine (the last-updated.json file). Would have to tear through the code though to confirm. Check for updates and install today's CA release. I increased the timeout. If that still doesn't get you anywhere, then as the fail safe, download https://github.com/Squidly271/AppFeed/raw/master/applicationFeed.json and save it on the flash drive /config/plugins/community.applications/applicationFeed.json
  16. Not in the current release. But, I'll add in provisions for that in the next one (probably due tomorrow)
  17. Took a couple of readings of this, but that makes sense. You had CA uninstalled prior to running the command. Still not making a whole lot of sense to me as to why you can download and install (presumably via the url link) CA, but can't grab the appfeed. They are both hosted on the same server. The v2018.12.09a had a different command to and eliminate it from the equation. All the temp files are all 0 bytes in length, which implies to me that the download routines aren't even managing to get connected to the files. Can you try DNS addresses of and instead. Hail Mary is to delete or rename /config/network.cfg which will set your network back up as default and get rid of the bonding on your nics. After that, I'm basically out of real good ideas. Where do you actually live?
  18. Yeah, don't need to see an empty file. Save the attached file to your flash drive then installpkg /boot/community.applications-2018.12.09a-x86_64-1.txz Does that make a difference? community.applications-2018.12.09a-x86_64-1.txz
  19. ok. Does the updating apps message stay there for ~45 seconds? And are you sure you don't know the words to the Macarena or want to see Neil Diamond I don't think you rebooted and hit the apps tab before posting the output, but can you ls -ail /tmp/community.applications/tempFiles followed by cp /tmp/community.applications/tempFiles/CA-Temp-xxxxxx /boot/CA-Temp Replace xxxx with the name of the largest file present in the list (the size is the 6th column) and then attach the file here that's copied to the flash drive
  20. Also, would you characterize your internet speed as So fast that a page is loaded before I even click the link I'm paying way too much My kids complain about it all the time My mother doesn't seem to mind it I might as well get showered and drive to the library if I need something from wikipedia. And is your geographic region I know who Bob & Doug McKenzie are I know the words and how to dance to the Macarena My life won't be complete until I see Neil Diamond in concert - he is a god after all Everyone seems to talk with funny accents Meh, but at least I know what "Whitehouse" refers to in Dogs (3 different kinds) Water circles down the toilet the opposite direction If I look at someone the wrong way I'm going to have to worry about going to jail.
  21. Not sure. Looks like you can delete that 2nd entry though. The weird thing is that you can install the plugin, but it doesn't download anything. Can you reboot, then hit the Apps Tab wait for it to error out, then from the terminal / command prompt, post the output of ls /tmp/community.applications/tempFiles By the way, does the "Updating Applications" stay there for ~45 seconds?
  22. Are you actually using IPv6? What happens if you reset the MTU in network settings back down to its default of 1500?
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