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Everything posted by Squid

  1. PM or post the entire script and I'll check it out in a couple days (AFK due to Work) Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  2. You can mix and match all you want. You just have to have the download mapping match exactly on both sides. The mappings from an app are just suggested Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  3. Usually indicates an error in the app itself (not the docker per se). Probably best to post on the Plex forum if its causing problems. Can occasionally also indicate bad RAM
  4. ( some reports of certain countries blocking the vid )
  5. Wrong csrf_token means what trurl stated: Another browser on another device was active before the reboot of the server and is still pointed at the server's (or plugin's) web page Missing csrf_token means that the plugin is not up to date (or the author has not updated it to handle the security requirements)
  6. Absolutely. I just personally hate the default scraper so I run a VM with Kodi just to handle it.
  7. This happens on all Kodi's whether headless or not. What's happening is that the initial scan and/or settings for the library is using a different scraper than the current instance. Kodi headless will only use the default scraper unless you jump through major hoops to install manually the different scrapers. Why I tend to prefer a VM just for background media scanning purposes.
  8. Yes you need the plugin. And yes, trim is required for SSD's. Many, many articles about the benefits of trim on the internet
  9. It's dynamix messing up the placement of the help cursor due to how the table gets filled out. My simple solution is to just always display the cron format at the bottom.
  10. Is it scanning for changes Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  11. Since the templates come with unraid you will have to wait until at least the next Rev. Krypton was released a day or two after 6.3.2 so just bad luck there. I'm in the same boat as you. Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  12. Love the new avatar

  13. Try adding a mapping of /mnt/disks mapped to whatever you choose. Select "RW: Slave" as the access mode
  14. midnight commander (mc) at the command prompt or the Dolphin / Krusader docker applications. They will all be far faster that doing it over the network
  15. Does it work on the 2nd script? There was a problem a rev or two before with that, but I thought it got fixed...
  16. What!?!? I thought every plugin author was 100% perfect all the time
  17. If the script runs within the container itself, then inotifytools has to be installed within the container. A container has no access (unless you explicitly give it) to any commands on the host OS
  18. You have (or haven't changed) how old a plugin update must be before it's installed. Defaults to 3 days I believe.
  19. https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/55174-moving-button-recource-monitor-to-index-docker/#comment-539609
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