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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Windows uses TiB as a measurement for sizes, but has always incorrectly labelled it as TB. 27.2TiB = 29.9 TB
  2. Plugin updates are happening at 1AM according to that snip. Docker updates are happening at 4am. There's a separate setting for them under Docker Auto Update Setting.
  3. Yes, known issue at the moment. Updating within CA via the check boxes will leave an orphan image. Harmless issue, but a major annoyance to my OCD,
  4. Why would it break it? The plugin stops the containers, does a backup, and restarts the containers...
  5. Those diagnostics are from 6.9.2 and they seem to have the same issue - Is the system running on 6.9.2???
  6. And they're not persistent - all logs are lost on a reboot
  7. Have you actually formatted the drives within Unraid yet?
  8. What does Docker - Container Size show?
  9. This is the official container from what appears to be a developer of the project itself. Best option to get the support via the Project link...
  10. Have you uninstalled the original and reinstalled the fork from Apps?
  11. You need to browse to the VIRTISO drive that also gets mounted and select the appropriate viostore or vioscsi drive (AMD64)
  12. But if you're passing it through, then it's sensors etc aren't available to Unraid
  13. Can you post the relevant xml from /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user and also a screenshot of the shares tab when you hit compute all
  14. When you turn the system back on does it do a parity check due to an unclean shutdown?
  15. From the drop down in the WebUI, select Console. Or SSH into the server and then issue the appropriate docker exec command to gain access.
  16. Yes, that is the default configuration of VMs unless you begin to isolate cores to specific VMs Yes, but performance *may* suffer. Additionally, since the hyperthread would be presumably be used by a VM, performance on that thread (alone) will suffer considerably You'd want to look into the libvirtWOL plugin. Yes
  17. Where is the domains share stored? Shares, click "compute" on the domains line
  18. SSH into the server then either nano /boot/config/docker.cfg or power down and pull the stick and edit /config/docker.cfg on another system powerdown and change DOCKER_ENABLED="yes" to be DOCKER_ENABLED="no" Reboot the server and the GUI will work, enable docker and the misconfigured container will refuse to start.
  19. Oct 6 22:59:08 Tower mcelog: failed to prefill DIMM database from DMI data Not anything worrisome and can be ignored. A BIOS update if available might help
  20. (BTW, I wouldn't be surprised if at that price point the card is counterfeit and substandard)
  21. I guess that is another way of wording it lol
  22. You'd have to post your diagnostics so we can see what's happening
  23. @dlandon What's up with Oct 25 12:12:00 Tower smbd_audit[5748]: close fd 11 Oct 25 12:12:00 Tower smbd_audit[5748]: close fd 31 Oct 25 12:12:00 Tower smbd_audit[5748]: openat /A1. Media & Content/Shoots/Elf Bar/Cigalike/Output (fd 11) Oct 25 12:12:00 Tower smbd_audit[5748]: openat A1. Media & Content/Shoots/Elf Bar/Cigalike/Output/Processed/Processed (fd 31) Continually going in there?
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