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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Yes. Do you have anything accessing the array? This will severely affect the parity sinc speed whole it is happening.
  2. The writing to disk6 is likely the culprit as the writes to that drive corresponds to the number of writes to the parity drives, The reading from other drives is probably just a consequence of the parity check running.
  3. The PHP code I use in my Parity Check Tuning plugin is: exec ("ps -ef | grep mover", $output); $ret = (count($output)> 2) ? 1 : 0; You should be able to adapt this to the script you want to run?
  4. Unless you have a very old CPU then doing 2 parity drives at the same time can run at a similar speed to doing a single one. If the new parity drive is slower, that WILL slow things down as the speed is determined by the slowest drive at any point in the check. I wonder if the new WD parity drive is using SMR technology rather than CMR as that could make a big difference .
  5. According to your diagnostics you have 2 disks with problems and only single parity. Disk9 is missing and disk5 is disabled.
  6. Can you successfully stop the array? What is the name of the folder that will not delete? Probably not relevant but just might give a clue. Have you run a check filesystem on the cache pool?
  7. You might also want to check your motherboard manual in case adding the m2 ssd disables something else.
  8. Have you removed the 2 files it is telling you are corrupt? They should be human readable text but if you look at them I suspect they are not.
  9. Just keep an eye on this. If it stays stable you should be fine, but if it starts steadily increasing then it is probably time to consider replacing the drive.
  10. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.
  11. Unlikely - this process is basically dependent on the disk I/O performance across the drives involved.
  12. You cannot ever have a data drive that is larger than the smallest parity drive! If you have only 1 parity drive then you cannot upgrade parity while you have a failed data drive. For you special case I would suggest you start by using the parity swap procedure to upgrade parity to 4TB and as part of the same operation replace the failed drive with the 3TB drive from parity. When that completes you can either add the other new drive as an additional drive in the array or follow the standard procedure for upgrading the size of a data drive that is covered in the online documentation accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI.
  13. You do not explain how far you get trying to boot Unraid?
  14. Depending on exactly how you have Sonarr set up you may be falling foul of the behaviour mentioned in the Caution in this section of the online documentation accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI. In addition every forum page has a DOCS link at the top and a Documentation link at the bottom. The easiest solution might simply be to set those shares up as Primary Storage=cache, Secondary storage=array, mover direction= cache->array.
  15. According to the SMART report the drive failed the extended SMART test which indicates it should be replaced.
  16. That is not very promising then if no superblock is being found.
  17. Exactly how did you trigger the check? It is very easy to get it not quite right if done from the command line instead of the GUI and if it is wrong you can get the symptoms you describe.
  18. Looks like the crashes are macvlan related. Switching to ipvlan for docker networks is the easiest way to fix this. If you must continue to use macvlan then make sure you read the 6.12.4 release notes about this.
  19. There is the command line tool /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify. Run it with no parameters to see the options it takes.
  20. It is not the subnet mask that matters, but the first 3 bytes. They need to be the same on the router that Unraid is connected to, and on the Unraid server.
  21. Chances are you are now on a different subnet. If so you can edit the config/network.cfg file on the flash drive to put the Unraid server on the same subnet.
  22. You will need to contact support to get this resolved as they may miss forum messages.
  23. You will need to contact support to get this resolved as they may miss forum messages.
  24. Nothing is built in, but you could add an entry to config/go file to log something on startup, and the config/stop file (you may have to create this file) to log something on shutdown. However the shutdown one may never get out in time before the shutdown completes.
  25. I am successfully using both the G2 and G3 models with Unraid. I believe that there is some question as to whether all G3 ones have unique GUIDs but hopefully you will find you are OK.
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