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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Can you ssh in? If so then you can do this from the command line.
  2. If you are not absolutely certain of the drive assignments then this section of the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page may be of help. Then there is this section that covers New Config.
  3. The max read speed of whatever disk contains the file
  4. I left out one important detail - you need to temporarily have Docker and VM services disabled under Settings as mover will not move open files and those services keep some files open. You can run Mover manually by using the button at the bottom of the Main tab. You also need to remove the secondary storage entry for the Exclusive Share option to be available for that particular share. The process is described here in the online documentation accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI.
  5. To get best performance for docker containers and VMs you want this share to be on the cache (i.e. mover to be array->Cache). You can get even better performance if once the whole share is on the cache you remove the secondary storage option and under Settings->Global Share settings you enable the option for Exclusive Shares as this bypasses the Fuse layer in Unraid that is otherwise used to manage User Shares.
  6. You appear to have file system corruption on disk1 so it has not been mounted. That drive does not look at all healthy as it has 32 reallocated sectors and 8024 Pending Sectors. On a healthy disk you would expect both of these to be 0. Normally with a corrupt file system we would recommend doing a check filesystem and repair, but I am not sure that will succeed with the dtive in its current state. in terms of best way to proceed perhaps you can tell us: Do you have decent backups of your data? Do you think parity is valid? have you had unclean shutdowns recently?
  7. Do not see why. A HDD that is not part of the array should be able to sustain this sort of speed without a problem - have you actually tested this? It would have the advantage you could probably use a HDD that is much larger than your SSD but is now considered too small to use in the main array.
  8. In that case I would suggest you do not use the cache pool for torrents, but create another pool dedicated to torrents. This could probably be fine to use a HDD as the performance of a SSD is unlikely to be needed.
  9. Have you set a Minimum Free Space value for the pool that is designed to stop it getting too full.
  10. Have you tried to see if Unraid is visible on the network? It is possible it is loading fine but there is a video driver issue resulting in no output on a directly attached monitor.
  11. The logs in the diagnostics only show what happened since the last boot. You should enable the syslog server to get a log that survives a reboot and then post the file it produces when this next happens so we can see what lead up to the issue occurring.
  12. The section here on repairing file systems in the online documentation accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI mentions that you should use the -L option if prompted for it. It rarely causes any additional data loss, and even when it does it will only affect the files being written at the point the drive went unmountable.
  13. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread after trying to access one of those problem folders to see if we can spot something.
  14. @Garbonzo parity1 and parity2 are not interchangeable so you cannot later change it to parity1 without recalculating its contents. If as you say your OCD could kick in with having parity2 and no parity1 an alternative might be to simply change parity1 to be a 14TB drive and keep the old 8TB parity drive intact until parity build on it successfully completes as that gives a regression path if another drive in the array fails while rebuilding parity. On completion of the rebuild of parity1 onto the 14TB drive you change proceed as normal with making changes to the array drives knowing you are protected against any one drive failing while doing that.
  15. The end of the syslog in the diagnostics shows the eth1 link continually showing as down and then shortly afterwards showing as up again. I would be tempted to try rebooting your router in case the issue is at that level
  16. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your Unraid system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.
  17. Worth pointing out that you always backup manually by clicking on the Boot drive on the Main tab, or automatically locally on the server at specified frequency by using the appdata backup plugin.
  18. The logs in the diagnostics start afresh every time Unraid is booted, so we cannot see what lead up to the crash. To get a syslog that survives a crash you should enable the syslog server and post the file that produces after a crash so we can see what happened prior to the crash. Having said that if the crash is hardware related there is frequently no information logged.
  19. Disk6 (which I presume is the problem disk) dropped offline do there is no SMART information about the drive to gauge its health. It might come back online after the server is power cycled in which case it might come back online so we can get some SMART information from the drive. Normally when a drive is disabled the first suspect is the cabling (power or SATA) to the drive as this is far more common that a drive actually failing. The syslog in the diagnostics shows the drive dropped offline suddenly with no indication of it previously having problems so it is possible the drive really is faulty rather than it being a cabling issue. It might be worth putting it through an extended SMART test as if it cannot pass that it needs replacing.
  20. The SMART information for that drive looks very bad as it has lots of reallocated and pending sectors - both of which you really want to be 0 for reliable operation in Unraid. I would replace ASAP.
  21. Not sure from your description exactly what you did. Not quite sure why Unraid 6.11.0 was involved as that is very old. The templates that will allow you to reinstall docker applications with setting intact via Apps->Previous Apps are in the 'config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user' folder on the flash drive so re-instating these from a backup or a copy of the old flash drive will be the way to go.
  22. Actually it tells you nothing about the cables as the test is completely internal to the drive. the process for re-enabling the drive is covered here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page. The Unraid OS->Manual section in particular covers most features of the current Unraid release.
  23. I would very much doubt if your can successfully run a parity check and an extended SMART test at the same time. You really want the SMART test to have exclusive access to the drive while it is running.
  24. This is the best solution as it allows one to set the share up to be Exclusive which gives best performance as long as you activate the option to have Exclusive Shares under Settings->Global Share Settings. Otherwise set the mover direction to be array->cache Have you read the section of the online manual here that covers User Shares and the new terminology? If so, any suggestions for changes that would have made things clearer to you.
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