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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Stop array unassigned parity disk start array to commit the change. the parity disk is now free for whatever purpose you want.
  2. it is a requirement to be able to run UnRaid successfully that the USB drive contains the UnRaid licence is passed through including its GUID, and I am not sure that is possible with Hyper-V? It certainly used to be a problem.
  3. According to the syslog in the diagnostics the docker.img file is corrupt.
  4. That screenshot suggests you do not have User Shares enabled. Have you checked this under Settings->Global Share Settings?
  5. Not quite sure where you are at the moment. Setting up shares is identical on 6.10 to the approach on earlier releases so not sure what you are finding confusing? Providing screenshots may make it clearer together with your system’s diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) to help with providing informed feedback.
  6. Upgrading Unraid should not break a Docker container have you made sure the path mapping for the error messages in the screenshot has the required access? For further help you should probably ask in the support thread for the container.
  7. Nerd Pack is not part of core UnRaid so you should raise this issue in the Nerd Pack support thread. It is quite possible that some of the packages are going to need updates. The developer of the Nerd Pack plugin has probably not had any chance to test the plugin against the 6.10 release before this RC was made available and It would be quite normal after such a significant upgrade for various packages to need updating as users point out which ones no longer work as expected.
  8. Pools will work fine with standard drives. One benefit of using Pools over Unassigned Devices is that pools can participate in User Shares whereas Unassigned Devices cannot. I personally now only use Unassigned Devices for drives I consider as removable.
  9. Yes - the process is covered here in the online documentation that can be accessed via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI. Note the point that when you use this process the old USB drive gets blacklisted. You can use the automated process once per year without contacting Unraid support. If for some reason you need to do it before a year has elapsed since the last licence transfer then you need to contact Limetech support via email.
  10. As far as I know the My Servers plugin is still optional, and if it is not installed then your Unraid install is not linked to your forum account.
  11. The licence key is bound to the USB drive. The licence is for running Unraid on one machine, but you can move the USB drive to another machine later if you want to run Unraid there instead.
  12. I would think the ‘cp’ commands will need to be followed by a ‘chmod’ command to make the files ‘executable’? For security reasons files on the flash cannot be stored with the ‘executable’ bit set so you need to set this after copying them into their final positions.
  13. There will be no chance of recovering 2 drives that have really failed with only a single parity drive. Have you tried power cycling the server to see if they can be seen then? If not there will not be much chance of recovering the contents on any system if the drive cannot even be seen.
  14. You files should always be fine even if the USB drive fails. The Unraid GUI tends to start mid-behaving if your USB drive fails OR if it drops offline - not sure in your case which off these two scenarios applies. if you reboot your system then you will find either that the USB stick has failed or it will need recreating. In both cases the data on the drives should be fine. Have you made a backup of your USB drive? It is advised to always do this any time you make a significant configuration change, and this can be done manually via the GUI by clicking on the flash drive on the Main tab (as well as various other automated ways). If so then recreating the USB drive is very easy. Even if you do not then there is a recovery technique covered in the Troubleshooting section of the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI.
  15. That link is for handling an unmountable disk, and you can do a disk check/repair on each drive individually
  16. Why not simply set it to be at a scheduled times which would be trivial to set up in User Scripts rather than array start/stop (or in addition to that).
  17. Will the New Config - Parity is valid approach work if one drive is missing? If not then it may be a case of getting @JorgeB to give one of his ‘invalid slot’ sequence of steps?
  18. It IS complicated it is not something I have ever seen any user want to do under script control as a lot goes on behind the scenes during array stop/start. Is.there any reason you have to stop/start the whole array rather than just rclone and any associated mounts? That feels much easier to accomplish although even then I have no experience of the exact steps involved
  19. Not necessarily. Any given file has to fit on the drive that gets selected when the file is created and if the file subsequently grows to exceed the available space then you get an out-of-space error. UnRaid will never switch a file to a different drive at that point. If as I suspect the torrent in question contains multiple files (you did not mention this) then it is highly likely that at the start of the download all files are initially being created with 0 size (and thus meet the conditions for being allocated to the cache) and then start growing in size as the downloads proceeds. At some point their total size exceeds the space on the cache and an out-of-space error occurs. if the torrent if just one gigantic file then you will have no choice but to force the cache to be by-passed if you want it to work. if my supposition about multiple files in the torrent is correct then you can probably get the behaviour you want as long as the following conditions are met: You have the Minimum Free Space setting for the cache/pool to be bigger than the largest file in the torrent. Probably several times larger depending on how many files transmission tries to create in parallel. the torrent client is set so it allocates all the space required for each file as soon as it is created rather than letting it grow as the download proceeds (not sure if transmission has such a setting). If these conditions can be met then the files in the torrent will start getting created on the cache (at their full size) until the free space drops below the value specified for the Minimum Free Space on the cache, and then any additional files in the torrent will get created directly on the array. You would therefore have some files on the cache and some on the array even during the download phase.
  20. You can normally use the User Scripts plugin to do such copies as long as you do not require them to happen before the array is started. Still requires a script but easier to maintain. The Config file Editor plugin is another alternative that allows editing of any Unraid configuration files from within the GUI. The handling of ssh keys no longer requires manual copying of the key files - you just have to place them in the correct location on the flash drive in the config/ssh folder.
  21. Using parity is optional - but without it you have no protection for your data if a drive fails. You have to decide if that matters to you. When you add a new drive to a parity protected array UnRaid needs to write zeroes to every sector on the drive to avoid invalidating parity which is why you cannot use it immediately. If you had no parity it would have been added immediately.
  22. What has drawn you to that conclusion? Are you saying that the WebGUI is not loading? That is done by the last line of the script you quote so if the GUI loading the ‘go’ file IS being executed and the problem is with the extra commands you have added. Have you tried executing each of the commands in turn from a console session? I can see an immediate problem with the line: as this copies ‘mcc’ to /user/local/bin but does not then give it execute permission (files on the flash drive cannot have execute permission for security reasons).
  23. You should add your appdata back if you want to restore the containers state. You can then download the container binaries by going to Apps->Previous Apps and ticking the ones you want to redownload with their previous settings intact.
  24. I think that will be expected behaviour for a torrent that large. When you first start a torrent then Unraid will select a drive based on the share settings and not take into account the size of the file. Once selected UnRaid will never change irs mind and give an out of space,type,error if the torrent does not then fit on the selected drive. The only way to avoid this would be to set the Minimum Free Space for the cache to be larger than the torrent, and in the example you mention this would make the cache pointless. As you found setting the Use Cache setting to No is working as it forces the torrent to the array. Even then it might fail if you let the free space on your first drive fall below 1TB unless you set the Minimum Free Space for the share to be that large so the next drive with that amount free gets selected.
  25. Ok - just thought I should make sure
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