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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Just for interest what do you think of a suggestion that I made elsewhere that instead of referring to ‘cache’ we (and the GUI) should start referring to Pools? The introduction of multiple pools in 6.9.0 would be a good time to consider this if it is thought to be a good idea.
  2. Glad to get agreement on this The basic assumption I am working to is that automated actions involving the whole array should only be attempted when it appears to be completely safe. If in doubt avoid the automated action and get the user to take any needed action. After all running automated array operations when in doubt and causing any sort of data loss as a consequence would be deemed completely unacceptable in my view
  3. I am afraid that at the moment that is expected behaviour. The normal expectation is that you want such checks to complete as soon as possible to get the array back to a consistent state. If you do not want this then you are expected to do a manual pause so that the scheduled pause/resume of increments can kick in. I cannot think of a robust way of the plugin doing anything different but am open to suggestions. The plugin DOES detect that an unclean shutdown has occurred but at the moment this is only being used (in the next release of the plugin) as a condition meaning any running array operation cannot be restarted from its position previously reached when the array was stopped.
  4. I believe that is because the plugin is not compatible with the 6.9.0 releases.
  5. Have you made sure that the mappings for the Krusader container use one of the ‘Slave’ access modes? If not you will not see changes from within the container until you restart it.
  6. The online documentation (accessed via the 'Manual' link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI) has this on replacing disks. If you think it is not clear how do you think it can be improved?
  7. Perhaps the answer will be to change the wording of “use Cache for mew files” setting to use “use Pool for New files” so that people do not get hung up on the word “cache”?
  8. I think you may be getting hung up on the fact that they are called cache pools? This is historical in that was the first use of a cache drive, but nowadays they can just as frequently be used as application drives with Docker and/or VMs. The only thing about cache pools is that they can (optionally) be part of a the User Share if you want them to be. If you can think of a better name to refer to them than cache pools feel free to suggest it.
  9. If you kill the terminal window then it will kill the mc session. if you want to be able to run CLI type programs so that they continue to run even when you disconnect (and you can later re-connect to) then run them under the ‘screen’ program that can be installed via the Nerd Pack plugin.
  10. You must add a disk to Unraid BEFORE trying to format it as formatting a disk destroys its ‘Clear’ status.
  11. With a BTRFS format cache it is possible to get the file system fully allocated even when all the free space is not used. This is normally rectified by running a Balance operation to create more file system nodes.
  12. If you click on a dockers icon you get a drop down menu of which one option is to stop the container.
  13. HBA = Host Bus Adapter. Basically this is a way of attaching disks. It is typically for disk controllers that do not have built in RAID support.
  14. That is normal if the drive is currently spun down.
  15. I've updated the Parity Swap section of the "Official" part of the wiki to make it clear that this is supported.
  16. A pool is a visible as the whole pool under the same share name (the name of the pool) if you have Disk shares enabled. Disk shares are all about making the whole of a physical device available under a single share name. there is an issue that can lead to data loss if you mix a disk share and a user Share in the same copy/move operation.
  17. Was that with 2 failed data drives to be replaced by the old parity drives or just the one. I sort of assumed you meant 2 data drives but thought I should check.
  18. The parity swap procedure works fine for either parity1 or parity2. Not sure if you can do both at the same time though (I wonder if anyone is brave enough to try )
  19. If you can download the zip file then a manual upgrade can be achieved by extracting all the bz* type files and copying them to the root of the flash drive overwriting any already there and then rebooting to pick up the new release. Before doing such an upgrade it is always a good idea to first make a backup of the flash drive so you can revert if you want to for any reason.
  20. You should post your system’s diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) so we can get an idea of what is actually happening as the system loads.
  21. Checked with Tom and it seems like a new event is unlikely (at least any time in the near future). Just found out, though, that all mount points are automatically unmounted when a shutdown is in progress so no need for UD to do it explicitly just because the array is being Stopped (unless there is some specific reason that I have missed)!
  22. Back up the USB stick and then start as if you were starting from scratch so that everything currently on the stick is wiped. Then copy the key file from the config folder on your backup back to the config folder on the USB stick. It that boots then you at least know that the USB stick is not damaged and all the system files are OK. You can then try copying across the contents of the 'config' folder (which contains all your settings) from the backup to see if it still boots. If that then fails it is going to be a case of working out what in that folder has been corrupted that is causing your issues.
  23. If you plug the USB drive into a Windows/Mac system and it suggests running a repair you DO want to do this. I would also try downloading the zip file for the release you are running and then extract all the bz* type files overwriting those on the flash drive in case one of them has become corrupt.
  24. I guess the best answer would be if Limetech added a new event to say that a shutdown/reboot sequence has been initiated so you can tell the 2 scenarios apart. If such an event existed it would also allow me to remove some code that I currently have in my 'stop' file to instead be handled by User Scripts (assuming it was enhanced to support such an event). Such an event would also help me with simplifying some coding in the new version of the Parity Check Tuning plugin that I am currently working on/testing so I may request this be added anyway.
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