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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. If you see movies showing up as User Shares then you did NOT move them to the Movies share but to the top level on one of the drives (array or cache).
  2. You can update to the current 6.9.0 rc without any initial changes to your disks (and can thus revert if you want). However if you take advantage of the option to repartition SSD devices to new alignment boundaries (which improves performance in many cases) these would then no longer be backwards compatible to 6.8.3. The same would apply to new features like multiple cache pools which are not backwards compatible.
  3. Did you also have the parity tuning plugin configured to give you notifications on temperature related pause/resume? That should have alerted you to what was happening without the need to look at the syslog (assuming you also have notifications enabled at the Unraid system level).
  4. That almost invariably means that the disk dropped offline, and then reconnected with a different /dev/sdX type identifier. Unraid is not hot plug aware and does not handle this. We would need the system diagnostics to confirm this. You might want to check the sata and power cabling to the drive.
  5. You can add encryption at any time. It just involves reformatting the affected disks to an encrypted format. Parity is not aware of encryption as it works at the raw sector level but if you do the formats whole parity is syncing they will run slightly slower due to contention on the drives. However format is fast enough that this may not matter.
  6. First unmount the drive and then Click on the name field and you should be able to edit it to something more manageable. Press Enter after making the change.
  7. Pools in 6.9.0 are no different in this regard to the cache pool in 6.8.3. As long as the format is BTRFS you can add/remove disks and. change the raid levels.
  8. The memtest supplied with Unraid does NOT work in UEFI mode. However you can download a version that does from the memtest86 site.
  9. Is largely historical that you have to have at least one drive in the main array. However if you are not going to store anything there you could just use a small flash drive to satisfy this requirement.
  10. I was going by your screenshot that said “No medium found on /dev/sda1” which is normally the Unraid boot device and then there were subsequent messages that stated that files on /boot (where the Unraid boot drive gets mounted) could not be found. That suggested to me an issue with the flash drive.
  11. Looks as if Unraid is failing to find the USB stick for the later stages of the boot process. It might be worth plugging it into a Windows/Mac system and running a check on it, and also make sure you have not disturbed it’s connection into the server. Also if possible use a USB2 port (they tend to be more reliable than USB3 ones) and Unraid does not need the performance of USB3 after initial load into RAM.
  12. Yes. If precleared (and not formatted) before adding it then Unraid will skip the Clear step and the drive will immediately be available (to be formatted ready for use).
  13. BTW: to save you effort in the future probably worth mentioning that the diagnostics include the current Syslog so no need to supply it separately.
  14. I think you have got it backwards? The only time a drive needs to be clear is if you want to add it as a new drive to an array that is already protected by parity. That is so that adding the drive does not invalidate parity. if you have not yet added the parity drive then it does not need to be clear. When you later add the parity drive it is only the contents of the parity drive that get over-written - the data drives are untouched. My suspicion is that you have gotten confused with a statement that says if you preclear a drive then do not format it BEFORE adding the drive as a new drive to the array that is already parity protected. If using the drive for a parity drive or for rebuild purposes (or if you do not have a parity drive) then its clear status is irrelevant. This is covered here in the online documentation accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI.
  15. Yes you can format it right away. It will NOT maintain the preclear status as a formatted disk is by definition not in a preclear state as you have written to it in creating the data structures for its file system. I am not sure why you think you even want to maintain a preclear status as once you have formatted the drive it is ready to receive files. Unraid never NEEDS precleared drives. When you add a parity drive every sector will be overwritten with parity data anyway so no point that I can see in attempting to preclear it first. The only real purpose of preclear is to stress test drives if you are not sure that they are good.
  16. It is worth pointing out that any information regarding running the app in a docker container should still apply regardless of the platform hosting docker. The main thing special about docker on Unraid is the support for templates that make installing and. configuring docker containers easy and the handling of such templates integrated into the Community Applications plugin.
  17. Not clear if you want your VM to see virtual drives or physical ones? If you are running Unraid 6.8.3 then you can manually create the second pair of SSDs as a raid array and then mount it using the Unassigned Devices plugin or use the ZFS plugin to create them as a ZFS array. Alternatively you could pass the complete drives through to Windows (by-passing Unraid) and let the Windows do the raid part. if you run Unraid 6.9.0 (currently in rc status) then it supports ,multiple (cache) pools that can be individually configured so easy to set it up at the Unraid level.
  18. There is definitely something (almost certainly a docker container) misconfigured as your cache drive should only have folders that correspond to shares - never top level files as your screenshot shows. Deleting files from the config/shares folder on the flash drive does no damage except that if you delete one that really corresponds to a share the system will later automatically recreate it with default values for the share. While you have anything misconfigured to be creating top level folders on the cache drive then you will continue to get superfluous share configuration files as the system automatically assumed any top level folder on any drive is to be treated as a User Share.
  19. Not sure if this is a bug or expected behaviour? I think it is probably not new behaviour (although I have not checked that) and exists in all recent Unraid releases, but I have only just noticed it. if you start a parity check from the Main tab then as expected you get Pause / Cancel buttons appearing, a message saying a parity check is running; and the progress of the parity check is updating on the GUI Status line. The issue is that when the parity check (or any other array operation) finishes the Main tab continues to display the Pause and Cancel buttons and the running message until you refresh the screen. The Status line will correctly show the parity check is no longer running. On refresh you then get the expected display for the current status on the Main tab. Ideally the screen should automatically update itself when the parity check finishes without the need for a manual refresh. A similar thing happens when an array operation is paused or resumed using the parity check tuning plugin in that the GUI is not updated to reflect what it would be if the user manually hit pause or resume. This can mean, for example, that the array operation is paused but the GUI (but not the status line which shows the correct status) says it is running and the Pause button is shown. ideally the GUI would auto-update itself to reflect the above states as they changed. if there is a way to do such a GUI refresh programmatically (that I am not aware of) then I could update the parity tuning plugin to use that method which while not a true fix would at least mitigate the effects for some users.
  20. I think we are going to need more detail on this as this is not normal. I, personally, have never had a system crash using the Parity Swap procedure and cannot remember any recent posts about this happening to other people unless they already had other hardware problems (e.g, RAM, power supply). They are not being accessed while the parity is being copied so they can be spun down. They do need to remain online though so must remain powered even if not actually spinning. When the rebuild of the data drive starts then yes all drives are being read as this is required for the rebuild of the failed drive to operate.
  21. If this is the case, is there a reason that you cannot shutdown the server at a desired time and then set it to auto-power on at another time? This is how I have my server setup that never seemed to sleep reliably.
  22. No problem setting up a drive for that purpose, and that is the normal way that is recommended. Despite the ‘cache’ in the name there is no reason you cannot use it purely for applications. Even more so with the 6.9.0 release where multiple ‘pools’ are possible, each of which can be optimised for different usage types.
  23. It is quite possible that you do not have Krusader setup correctly to set the permissions correctly for access via the network. If this is the case then running Tools => New Permissions on the share in question will rectify the permissions.
  24. The plus.key file will be your licence file. It is encrypted so not human readable. The super.dat file is also not human readable. The rest of the configuration files will be text files. The important thing in setting up the disk assignments is to not accidentally assign a data drive as a parity drive as that will destroy its contents. One thing you can do is use the Tools=>New Config option and then assign ALL disks you are not sure of as data drives. When you start the array the parity drives will be unmountable as the parity drives have no file system and the data drives should mount with their contents intact. An alternative approach is to try mounting them using the Unassigned Devices plugin and again the parity drives will fail to mount. Whichever way you go make sure you note down the serial numbers for the next steps. Hopefully you will not have more drives failing to mount than you have parity drives, but if so report back and we might be able to give some advice. This will not tell you which is disk1, disk2 etc but you might be able to tell by the disk contents. if you now do Tools => New Config you can assign the correct parity drives and data drives. When the array is started the system will start to build parity based on the data drives, and the content of the data drives will be left intact. if you have anything set up to go to specific drives you will now need to make sure that this matches your current assignments.
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