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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Glad to hear that it is sorted. I would love to know the exact reason why USB3 seems to fail for so many people (although not all). In theory it should be fine but experience has shown this is often not the case.
  2. Off hand that looks as though the flash drive dropped offline as that is normally ‘/dev/sda’
  3. You might try posting your system’s diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) so we have something to work with.
  4. It is expected that if a drive shows as unmountable before a rebuild while the drive is being emulated that this is what you end up with after the rebuild as the rebuild is simply putting onto the physical drive what was on the emulated drive. This section of the online documentation (accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI) covers the handling of drives flagged as unmountable.
  5. You should also make sure that you have not set it up to be passed through to a VM as this would hide it from the drivers at the Unraid level (VM's provide their own drivers).
  6. I am confused - you were asked to provide your system's diagnostics zip file that is obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics - I see no sign of that zip file attached to your posts.
  7. You seem to have files for the ‘appdata’ and ‘system share on both the cache drive and disk1. If you are running any dockers or VMs this will keep disk1 spun up. if you disable the docker and VM services to ensure they are not holding any files open and manually run mover from the Main tab they should be moved to the cache.. You can then re-enable these services
  8. It would be useful to know if you logged in at the console and tried the ‘df’ command to see if the /boot mount point is showing. Knowing the answer to that would help limit the possibilities. If it IS showing then try using the ‘diagnostics’ command from the command line and post the file that would then be created in the ‘logs’ folder on the flash drive as that would give us something to work with.
  9. I would suggest that you post your systems diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) so we can see both what your setup is and what happens when you try and mount the problem drive (mention which one it is to help with looking through the logs).
  10. It rounds as if Unraid is failing to find the flash drive to correctly complete the boot and load the network drivers? You may find this section of the online documentation of the Unraid boot process and it might help as it describes things to look for on boot failures.
  11. FYI: I am not sure that v6 will now even run without problems with only 1GB of RAM. Even with 2GB certain functions (such as Unraid upgrades via the GUI) are prone to fail so 4GB is probably the practical minimum you should aim for with v6.
  12. Date/time being wrong would have explained why a trial licence was not working. I originally asked the question as the syslog showed time problems when trying to get a trial licence and also what looked like a problem trying to read a basic licence off the USB stick. If the Basic licence is the one you purchased but have failed to (yet) download then that would explain that error. If so the good news will be that once you get the Basic licence successfully downloaded and put on the flash drive then you will be able to bring the array online successfully regardless of whether the time is correct or there is a working internet connection..
  13. What Licence do you have? There appear to be lots of messages in the syslog about being unable to read the Plus.key file from the flash drive so that might be the cause of your problem. Do you have an up-to-date backup of the flash drive in case you need to recreate its contents?
  14. What reconnection button (that is not one I am aware of)? Maybe a screenshot might clear things up?
  15. Disk3 looks like it might be problematical as it has 16 Pending Sectors that are not being read reliably (although they might go away when they are next written to). Unraid requires all drives be 100% reliable on reading to be able to recover a different drive if it fails. the other disks look OK as they only appear to have CRC errors which are connection related ones. The normal advice for such errors is to carefully check the SATA and Power cabling to the drives. CRC error counts never get reset and can only increase so if you click on the orange icon and select the option to acknowledge the error Unraid will then only prompt you again if the value increases.
  16. Are you sure there are actual files there (if so which ones) rather than this simply being the file system overhead?
  17. If your CPU/Motherboard are only 32-bit capable then you cannot run Unraid v6 which requires 64-bit capable hardware. With Unraid v5 ReiserFS is the only supported format.
  18. Plugins (and Docker) are built-in Unraid capabilities, and there is no Apps tab in standard Unraid. Only if you install the Community Applications plugin do you get a new Apps tab that provides an easy way to find and install both plugins and Docker containers.
  19. The GUID is a hardware feature of a particular flash drive so a licence is tied to the flash drive for which was issued. Any time you change the USB drive you need a new key file that matches the GUID of that new drive. Limetech allows for an automated transfer of a licence to a new drive once a year (which then blacklists the old drive). If you need a transfer before then you need to contact the Limetech via email.
  20. This is a known issue with Crucial SSDs. It appears to be a firmware issue that Crucial have stated they have no intention of fixing.
  21. As long as you only have a single slot allocated to cache you can click on the drive on the Main tab to set the format to be used. The default is btrfs (and if you have more than 1 cache slot allowed then this is the only option). With 1 slot you can pick other options.
  22. I do not see how a parity check could cause docker containers to disappear unless it is somehow triggering a drive containing them to be dropped. You should provide your system diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) covering a period where this happens to get any sort of informed feedback.
  23. Since you have provided zero information for anyone to work with I am not surprised. The DNS changing for instance has to be something at your end. You should at the very least provide your system diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) if you want any sort of feedback.
  24. personally I would not bother copying the data to another drive. If you are interested in getting a larger drive into the array (assuming it is not larger than parity) then now is probably a good time to do it. In other words simply rebuild the emulated drive onto the larger drive. You can keep the original drive intact just in case. In fact as long as it is not assigned to the array you could try mounting it as a Unassigned Device) to see if its contents look intact. If the contents look good then it is a fallback in the off-chance something goes wrong in rebuilding onto a larger disk. The section of the online documentation (accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI) that covers replacing disks under several different scenarios is can be found here.
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