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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Not necessarily. It could just be you had some sort of temporary glitch that caused file system corruption. I would suggest that: When the —rebuild-tree run is finished run an extended SMART rest on the drive (by clicking on the drive on the Main tab) to see if that shows up any issues Post your system’s diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) so we can see the state of the system. If that is done after the SMART test has run then we will be able to see the results of that test.
  2. There has never been an official hardware list because as was stated it is impossible to maintain one. A better question is whether the hardware is supported by Linux and if so at what kernel version. That is also one of the reasons Unraid offers trial licences so you can validate the particular hardware that you want to use funs OK with Unraid. No idea what makes you say this. The beta releases have been extremely stable if you avoid using the very latest features that have been added and even they have had minimal issues. There are a lot of new features being added as well as support for newer hardware. Many people have decided that the beta releases are stable enough to run their main servers on it. It is supported - it is just that you may need to use a beta release if it requires a newer Linux kernel than is in the previous stable release
  3. Thanks -I will need to look into where I am using a variable of that name - looks like there is a missing leading $ on the name. Hopefully it is in nothing critical such a debug print statement.. I also wonder why it never got flagged up for me - did you do anything specific to get it?
  4. You can always try approaching Limetech with the details of what you are thinking of doing to see if they will provide you with a complementary licence for your development. I passed through a USB stick (I did NOT pass through the controller so you can use a machine that does not have IOMMU support needed for hardware pass-through.). It has to be one that has a unique GUID so that an Unraid licence can be associated with it. If you go this route make sure the one you want to use with the VM is a different brand to the one used to boot Unraid so they can easily be told apart. Details on how to set up a VM for this purpose can be found here. When the VM is not running you can mount the USB stick using Unassigned Devices to copy files to/from it if required.
  5. Do you have a spare Unraid licence? If so then I would recommend running a copy of Unraid in a VM hosted on Unraid itself. Much easier (and cheaper) than running a separate Unraid server. This is how I run most of my Unraid development. i actually have my Unraid server running DropBox so I can make changes on my Windows box and have them auto-synced to Unraid and use a simple script to then copy them into position for testing. However I can think of lots of other ways of achieving the transfer to Unraid such as using FTP or simply copying to a network share.
  6. Your syslog shows that you are getting lots of read errors on disk2 and it is regularly re-setting. It is not clear to me disk2 has dropped offline or has some other sort of problem (e.g. cabling).
  7. The other possibility is that you have a hardware component that is starting to fail. These are always much harder to track down. It might be worth running a RAM check (memtest from the a Unraid Boot menu) in case you have a stick that has started to act up. Power supply is also something that can cause unpredictable failures.
  8. You should post your system’s diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) so we can see the current state of your system which might help with getting informed feedback. diagnostic steps you might want to try: Boot in Safe mode to stop plugins being run in case one of them is causing your problem disable docker and/or VM services in case one of them is causing a problem. If that does seem to stabilise the system then they can be progressively re-enabled to try and identify the guilty party.
  9. Drive order is not important to parity1 - just the fact you have the same data drives in any order is sufficient. Drive order DOES matter as far as parity2 is concerned. the other thing that can be affected by drive order is anywhere you have reference to specific disks. This could apply for instance if you have any explicit include/excludes for particular shares. If you have never referenced disks directly to then this will not be an issue. take the opportunity to take a backup by clicking on the Flash drive on the Main tab and using the backup option. You should ideally do this any time you make a configuration change.
  10. At a first glance I did not spot anything obvious in the diagnostics. The time issue is not likely to be relevant as the the time being right is normally only important if running with a Trial licence. It occurs to me that you may have updated plugins or docker containers in the period leading up to the start of your instability. You might want to consider doing either/both of the following as part of your diagnostic attempts: booting in Safe Mode to stop any plugins being run in case one of them is loading a component that is incompatible with your current Unraid release. running with docker disabled in case one of them is causing a problem. I believe plex in particular has been known to do this in the past. If it looks like a docker is the culprit you can then progressively enable them to try and identify the guilty party.
  11. Parity is unaware of file systems - it is merely working at the bit level on drive sectors. It is therefore completely unaware of the fact that there are snapshots being used - as far as parity is concerned they are just bit patterns. Anytime you do anything that causes a write to happen to any drive then parity is updated accordingly.
  12. To help with getting informed feedback you should post your system’s diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) so we can get a better feel for the state of your system.
  13. Very often it is not the cable that is faulty, but just the plug at one of the ends not making good contact. The SATA cable design means it is very easy for cables to not be perfectly seated, and even if they are to work slightly lose under normal drive vibration.
  14. Have you set a Minimum Free Space value for the cache under Settings->Global Share settings? That would stop mover from filling the cache to capacity and should also allow it to get to the files that need to be moved off the cache.
  15. If you are going to go for a beta you should always go for the latest one (currently beta 35) as it tends to include fixes for any issues found in earlier betas. Just avoid using any new features that have just been introduced if you want to minimise the risk.
  16. Commonest cause that I know of for the symptoms you describe is problems with the CPU cooling causing a thermal related shutdown to protect the CPU from damage.
  17. Users in Unraid are only meant for controlling access via the network - they are not users in the traditional Linux sense.
  18. If you posted the output you might get some feedback on the messages displayed. It should have told you whether there was any corruption present and what recovery action would be taken.
  19. The licence limit applies to all attached drives, not just those in Use by Unraid, including any that VMs might be using or any that are not currently being used for anything. There should be no limit on the number of drives that can be passed to VMs.
  20. Not quite sure what you meant by this? I assume you did NOT mean it is assigned to the parity slot - just that it is physically plugged in? I could not see any sign of Unraid detecting the presence of the 10GB drive being present in the system. Are you sure it is cabled up correctly? Can it be seen at the BIOS level?
  21. A parity check would not normally be paused unless you either manually paused it or had the Parity Check Tuning plugin installed and you have met the criteria you set for pauses to occur. stopping the array automatically abandons any array operation that is currently running. you might want to post your current diagnostics so we can check what is the current state.
  22. No, you do not need to format the 10TB drive to use it as a parity drive - in fact building parity overwrites whatever is already on the drive so formatting would be a waste of time. it should just be a case of stopping the array; changing the assignment of the parity drive; starting the array to build parity on the new drive. if you cannot do this then please post your system’s diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) so we can see what is going on.
  23. I would expect it to take some time as I think it has to write to every sector on the drive.
  24. There are fixes in the 6.9.0 beta series to address this.
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