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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. It sounds as if the system may be having problems reading the pen drive reliably. If possible use a USB2 port as they tend to be far more reliable and Unraid gets no significant advantage from using USB 3 as it runs from RAM.
  2. Have you tried the 6.9.0 beta 25 release? You may need that to have drivers for the LAN chip on that board.
  3. No, it is only checking array drives as they are the only ones which take part in parity checks (or other long running array operations). If a sensible use case could be made for cache drives overheating to pause main array operations it would be easy to add that, but it has not seemed something to consider at the moment. if you increase the log level to “testing” you will get even more detail about each drive as it is checked. once you are happy that things are working as expected I recommend that you disable the debug logging to minimise writes to syslog. FYI: Hot means reached pause threshold temperature Warm means between pause and resume thresholds Cool means temperatures below threshold for resume.
  4. It does not look as if you have the latest version of the plugin? There have been some fixes released in the last few days that relate to temperature related pause/resume. You can upgrade the plugin even if you already have a parity check running and the fixes should kick in. if you still get unexpected results using the latest version of the plugin (2020.08.03) then please enable the “Testing” log level for the plugin in Settings->Scheduler and post (or PM me) the results. When testing the temperature related feature I have to artificially force the conditions for pause/resume as normally my disks do not overheat so it is always possible that I am missing some real-world conditions. That level of logging should tell me exactly what is going on so I know what to look for that might need fixing.
  5. Easiest way to do this is to download the zip file for the release and extract all the bz* type files (overwriting those on the flash drive). It is a good idea to first make a backup of the flash drive. You then simply reboot.
  6. You need to switch to the Advanced mode when editing the container settings and fill in the webGUI entry appropriately
  7. The easiest thing to do if you want to use a new USB stick is to create the new USB stick as a virgin Unraid install, boot of it and go through the licencing process, and then copy the config folder (which has all you settings) from the old USB stick to the new one and reboot. You also have the option of purchasing a licence for the existing USB stick in which case it is just a case of putting the licence file into the config folder and rebooting.
  8. Thanks for the feedback. i will look at 2 again. I may be letting the resume happen as soon as no disks are classed as ‘hot’, rather than checking they have cooled the amount specified in the plugin settings. it looks like making the Testing log option available in the GUI may have been a good decision in helping to get to the bottom of such issues. Testing the temperature related settings has always been a bit difficult as I have no problems with my disks overheating so have to artificially force such failures.
  9. I have just pushed what I hope is the ‘fixed’ version of the plugin to GitHub. Let me know if you notice any further anomalies/bugs.
  10. I think I have now fixed all 3 issues reported and am now doing some testing to check no obvious new bugs introduced. I have made an additional log level of ‘testing’ available via the GUI in case I ever want a user to activate it. Previously this was controlled by a local variable I set at my end but adding it to the GUI makes it easier to switch on/off and also means I will not accidentally issue a release with it left activated. thanks for the disks.ini - it showed me that I was not correctly handling the case of a parity2 disk not being present when working out what slots contained drives. The plugin ignores non-array drives - I am changing the message giving the count to make this clearer.
  11. 1. I will have to see if I can reproduce the problem you are seeing with the drives not having the number being listed correctly. Any chance you can ssh into your system and make a copy of the file /var/local/emhttp/disks.ini. That should give me the information I need to work out why the number of disks being reported is wrong. Probably going to be something trivial to fix once I have an example from your system to work from. 2. It looks like there may be a bug in the Resume code in not correctly checking that all drives have cooled enough to resume - something I need to see if I can work out why. 3. Worked out why you are getting a drive listed as ‘temp’ rather than the correct name - a case of a missing ‘$’ on a variable name so easy to fix. BTW: Much as I would like to take credit the MacVM docker is nothing to do with me.
  12. You can always click on the flash drive on the Main tab and select the option to download a backup as a zip file.
  13. The user inside a docker is normally controlled by the docker container, not by Unraid. Some containers are set up to allow you to specify a UID/GID to be used by passing it in as an environment variable but whether that is possible is controlled by the docker developer.
  14. Now that you query it, I think I am getting mixed up with the Mover Tuning plugin?
  15. Have you enabled “destructive Mode” in the settings for the UA plugin? If you read the built-in help associated with that setting you will see it is required to enable those options. You may also want to install the UA Plus plugin to get additional file system types supported.
  16. Disk shares ARE disabled by default. They only get enabled if the user changes the setting to allow this.
  17. Pending Sectors are internal to the drive and nothing to do with how they are connected. You can get 'false positives' where the pending sector either gets reallocated or a write to it succeeds and clears the pending status. However if the Pending sectors re-occur it often means the drive is not that healthy as it has sectors that are not reading reliably.
  18. I do not have an earlier release available at the moment to check but I am reasonably certain that the cache disk has always showed up as a share if you had disk shares enabled.
  19. Disk shares refer to physical devices (as opposed to User shares)- and cache is one of them.
  20. Any time you are not running in Turbo mode the parity drive is read as part of a write operation. This section of the online documentation explains how the Unraid write modes work.
  21. You can always get the script to handle this by sending entries to the syslog by redirecting the output to go through the ‘logger’ command
  22. There is no problem using a dynamic dns entry for a client to server link so I am not sure why there should be a limitation on the server to server link. I must admit I have not tried it myself though. Perhaps there is some confusion between the address seen externally to your home LAN and the one seen internally after the WireGuard link has been established?
  23. This will work for creating the USB stick, but when you boot off it you will have to follow the procedure for transfering the licence to the new stick (which will result in the old one being black-listed)
  24. It is possible to upgrade licenses but doing so costs $9 more than the difference from purchasing the higher licence in the first place.
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