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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. I’m have made available an updated version of the plugin that should fix all issues I currently know about. This version is also ‘multi-language’ enabled if anyone feels the urge to provide translations to languages other than English.
  2. It might be worth posting your system’s diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) attached to your next post to see if we can spot anything that springs out.
  3. How did you put the files there? It is possible the permissions are wrong for the file to be visible over the network.
  4. Rather than trying to set up entries in crontab yourself and making them persist across reboots it would be much easier to install the User Scripts plugin to run the script at the schedule you want.
  5. Thanks for that. For some reason that file was not listed when I tried 'grep' for my custom value on the flash drive. I guess I must have mis-typed something ironically now that I know the answer I realise I had already catered for that using the Unraid CustomMerge.php script that comes as part of the standard installation.
  6. I want to be able to read the drive specific settings for a drive (in particular the warning and critical temperature values) when the user has set a value for a drive over-riding the global level setting. I cannot find where I can read this information from so wondered if anyone can help. I have no trouble with the global settings - it is just drive specific settings I need to be able read . I thought that somewhere like /var/local/emhttp/disks.ini might contain this but if so I cannot spot it.
  7. Not sure they will help unfortunately. You really need to get them again the next time this issue happens. You also want to get onto the latest version of Unraid (6.8.3). You mention your last attempt had problems but I suspect that was something specific to your system. Support of older versions is always going to be a bit hit-and-miss as we forget any oddities an old release might exhibit.
  8. If you suddenly get errors on multiple drives it is likely that the issue is controller related. Posting your system’s diagnostic zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) after this has happened might allow us to confirm that this is what appears to have happened.
  9. Have you periodically been running Trim commands on the problem SSD to free up unused cells? If not then it is not unusual for performance to degrade over time. The Dynamix SSD Trim plugin can help with scheduling this. It could also be an age related factor as cells internal to the SSD are starting to fail.
  10. Parity checks are not affected by file system type as they have no idea what file systems are in use. In terms of file access it is unlikely that you would notice any difference. XFS may be more ‘crash resistant’ and less likely to file system corruption than BTRFS but that is about the only difference.
  11. You need to run without -n (and possibly need to add -L)
  12. I think all the other settings can be kept. It has to be online any time the array is started.
  13. I think you CAN use a trial key as long as you know all the drive assignments. If you delete the sonfig/super.dat file off the flash drive and replace it with the default you will no longer get the warning but will have to redo all your drive assignments to get back to where you were.
  14. You left out the option when booted in GUI mode to access the VM via VNC. This can be used without passing through a GPU to the VM.
  15. You will need to email Limetech giving them the details of the current licence and the GUID of the flash drive which you want to transfer the licence to.
  16. At the moment I have no idea how to do detect idle periods for the first item and the second is not currently possible from a technical stand-point as it requires limetech to add a new capability to core UnRAID.
  17. UnRAID is designed to run from RAM and not use a swap file at all. It expects you to have enough RAM to run the workload you give it.
  18. Your problem is almost certainly the Split Level setting. With a value of 1 any file whose path is more that one folder deep will be constrained to the drive where that folder is first created. As was mentioned Split Level takes precedence in the event of any contention between the Share settings for choosing the drive for a file.
  19. You should attach your system diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) attached to your next post if you want any sort of informed feedback.
  20. Have you tried browsing the disks from the Unraid GUI (via the folder icon on the right of every drive) to see if the files/folders you expect are actually there?
  21. That is all you need. You can also copy the files off the USB stick if you want an extra copy.
  22. You can always put the USB stick into a PC/Max and see if it can read it OK. If you do not have a backup you can try taking one at that time and re-writing the USB stick. i use Sandisk Cruzer fit without problems, but the problem with them can be that because of their small size they are not very good with heat disposal. Something like Kingston Data Traveler (ones with metal case) are a good choice. Note that USB2 versions are recommended as being more reliable (as well as cheaper) than USB3 variants.
  23. As a rule of thumb it is normally best to attach it to a new post. The problem is that when attached to the original post those monitoring for new posts may well end up not seeing it. In this case since you posted a new message anyway it should not get missed.
  24. You should post your system diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) if you want any sort of informed feedback.
  25. You might want to try installing the DiskSpeed docker to test the disk. you should be able to do that with the disk still in the array.
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