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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. The rebuilt drive should be identical to what the previous one was. Have you tried starting the array in non-maintenance mode to see if the disk now mounts?
  2. Yes. It is normal (and recommended) that you keep a copy elsewhere in case you ever have to recreate the contents of the flash drive for any reason.
  3. Basically all the details of your configuration and your settings is stored in the ‘config’ folder on the USB stick.
  4. Looks like a viable plan. In theory the parity check steps should not be required but may well be worth doing to satisfy you that everything is going well up to that point.
  5. Not possible as disk shares relate to physical devices. The cache itself is one of the disk shares.
  6. No, Unraid will not move the data to the new pool. It will just start using that pool for any new files belonging to the share. Note that for read purposes ALL drives are checked for file under a rip level folder named for the share (and thus logically belongs to the share). The files on the previous pool will therefore still be visible under that share even though all new files are going to the new share.
  7. Good point. Split level appears to be set to 3 so any file with ‘twila’ as the 3rd folder within the Videos share will be forced to the disk where the ‘twila’ folder was first created as Split Level always takes precedence when selecting a disk for a file regardless of the other considerations such as free space and allocation method.
  8. Have you checked whether any of the files that were not moved already have a file on one of the array drives? In such a case Unraid would not move the file.
  9. You should provide your system's diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools Diagnostics) to get informed feedback as it includes a lot more information than just the syslog.
  10. However the two additional comments contradict it (or lost at my understanding of how unRAID works). It appears files will be lost on reboot unless a workaround is done by saving it (assuming somewhere like /mnt) then restoring back to /etc on boot. Similar to what's needed with QNAP. Configuration changes made via the GUI are not lost on reboot as Unraid will make sure they are re-instated on reboot. Other changes made by the user by-passing the GUI require action to be taken to get them to survive a reboot, and a number of mechanisms are available to help with this. Without knowing more about the exact type of changes you are talking about is is hard to tell if this is likely to be an issue for you or not.
  11. In case the previous explanation was not clear, files that are not under /mnt are normally in RAM so to survive a reboot they need to be stored elsewhere and put back into position during the boot process. There are several mechanisms available for this.
  12. My suspicion is that the thinking is that you want active downloads to go to the cache to avoid keeping array drives spun up while downloads are in progress. When the downloads complete files then get moved to a share set to Use Cache=Yes so that mover subsequently transfers files to the array.
  13. I assume you mean the test fails? If so you definitely need to replace the drive. If a drive fails either the short or the extended SMART tests then the drive needs replacing.
  14. If a share is set to Use Cache=Yes this means initially create the file on the cache, but later move it to the array. You probably want Use Cache=prefer. The help built into the GUI gives more information on how the various settings for a use Cache work, and how they affect the mover application
  15. Actually thinking about it where can one now set the Minimum Free Space value for a cache pool? It used to be on the global settings. The setting on the Shares tab applies I thought to array disks?
  16. If you want mover to move files from array to cache then the Use Cache setting needs to be set to Prefer. The GUI built-in help describes how the various settings affect mover. Also mover will not move any files that are open so you may need to disable the docker and/or VM services while such a move is in progress.
  17. I agree that a warning at 4GB seem a bit low. However going larger than 8GB or 16GB is a waste of money as it is very unlikely you would ever use all that space. I would suggest that the warning at 8GB might be more appropriate as 4GB drives seem to be rare nowadays.
  18. One thing you need to be aware of with Split Level is that it takes precedence over the other settings for a share when trying to determine where to put a file. Therefore if your Split level is too restrictive then Unraid can end up trying to put the file onto a disk that does not have enough free space so that you end up getting an ‘out-of-space’ type error. You should also set the Minimum Free Space for a share to be as large (or larger) than the largest file you intend to copy to the share. When the free space falls below that value Unraid will look for other candidate drives to receive the file. if you have everything set up correctly it will ‘just work’. Since for reading purposes it does not matter where a file is located as a share can span multiple disks transparently so using files copied to the array is simple.
  19. The syslog included in the diagnostics show that you definitely have file system corruption on disk3. It is full of messages of the form: Jul 16 16:20:46 Tower kernel: REISERFS error (device md3): vs-5150 search_by_key: invalid format found in block 1693460928. Fsck? Jul 16 16:20:46 Tower kernel: REISERFS error (device md3): vs-13070 reiserfs_read_locked_inode: i/o failure occurred trying to find stat data of [682 26889 0x0 SD] Jul 16 16:20:46 Tower kernel: REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 0 does not match to the expected one 1 Directions on how to proceed are here in the online documentation. If you are not sure how to proceed at any point then come back and ask further questions.
  20. You should provide your system's diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) attached to your next post so we can get a better idea of what is going on in your system. My suspicion is that you have file system corruption on disk3 (which is why is mounted read-only). You can click on the drive on the Main tab to run a file system check/repair.
  21. Have you installed the virtio network drivers into Windows?
  22. If you still have the situation where booting in Safe Mode works then that means that you must be installing a plugin that is causing your problems. You could try disabling them all and then re-installing them one at a time to find the culprit. while running in Safe Mode it can also be a good idea to carry out file system checks on each drive as that can also cause problems if present.
  23. It will not be as simple as just plugging existing drives into an Unraid server and using them with all their data intact. Unraid will need to partition and format any drives it is going to use so you will need at least one empty drive to get started. You should be able to attach your existing drives to the Unraid server and mount them via the Unassigned Devices plugin so that the data can then be copied off them. Once the data has been copied off a disk it can then be added to the Unraid array as additional space.
  24. The drive will continue to show as disabled until you take corrective action as discussed here.
  25. It might be worth installing the DiskSpeed docker to see if any of your drives have a ‘slow’ patch. parity check would also slow down significantly if there is any reading/writing of files on the array at the same time.
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