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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Not sure why you get this - I can read/write to NTFS formatted drives on unRAID without problems. It might be some residue of how the permissions are set at the NTFS level? If you want a drive to be dedicated to a VM then there is no need to set it up as a share at all (instead you use the internal Linux path when assigning it to the VM). The normal reason for wanting it visible as a share is so that it can be accessed simultaneously from multiple systems/VMs.
  2. It really depends on how you want to be able to move the drive around. If you want to be able to move it back to Windows (or use it from a Windows VM) then you want to pick a file system that is recognised by Windows (probably NTFS). If it will only ever be used by unRAID then a Linux option might be better from a performance perspective and something like XFS would make sense as it is one of the formats used on the main array drives.
  3. Created the folder (root:root) Implied permissions (and as reported by Shares) is public. No problem accessing files within, modifying the files within, deleting etc over SMB Changed the share to Private (and left root:root). Could do the exact same things Even created a file owned by root:root and could still do everything over SMB to it. I do realize that some docker apps by default (CP, sonarr) move files to the array and use a different user (can't remember what it is), but in my tests, root:root is perfectly acceptable (or maybe I'm just special ) yes, but have you looked at the Linux level permissions? If you switch off the 'world' access (which if set means anyone can access the file) at the Linux level then I think you will find you fail at the share level.
  4. Maybe I'm missing something here... What exactly is the issue with this? I just created a new share owned by root, group root, and I can browse, add, delete, modify files all day long within it over smb i suspect that you have the permissions set to allow 'world' access so that anyone can access the files/folders? People frequently have problems if they copy/move existing files that do not have world access using 'mc' while running as root and then find they have no access via their shares. Note also that Samba does not allow a private/secure share to be accessed over the network using the 'root' user.
  5. You cannot attach to a share with 'root' credentials and get 'root' access. This has been the case ever since v6 came out (cannot remember if it was also true with v5). If it is a public share you will be able to use the 'root' username, but the file will still be accessed with 'nobody' credentials. If it is not a public share then 'root' is not an acceptable username for connecting.
  6. Yes there is a workaround and that is to mount it manually in the go file like below. #Mount the intel 750 nvme mkdir /mnt/nvme mount /dev/nvme0n1 /mnt/nvme You also have to partition and format it if you haven't already done that. More info in this post by dAigo But this still doesn't let me create share on it, meaning VMs cannot be run off from it. not sure why you would think you need a share to run a VM? I have a SSD that I mount in the go file and my VMs run from it with no problem.
  7. You mention using the /dev/sdX devices directly in the XML. Would it not be better to go the /dev/by-id or /dev/by-label routes as these are valid even if the sdX numbers change.
  8. 1) it will write to the cache drive as far as I understand. 2) if cache is full it starts writing back to the array, but I am guessing that could be made configurable easy.. So I think it -can- be easy, or it can be made difficult (and possibly a bit better) your answer 1) is incorrect. If a file already exists then unRAID writes directly to it by-passing the cache.
  9. If you are starting again then unRAID will recognise data disks that have been previously used by unRAID and will add them to a new array without formatting them and keep the data intact. It is probably worth taking a screenshot before you start so you know which is your parity disk and which are the data drives. Note that this only applies when setting up a new array, it does not apply when you add a drive to an existing array that has parity protection. In such a case the drive would be cleared. However this does not appear to be what you want to do.
  10. Does the 'FS' show as ntfs? If not, it can't be mounted with UD. It doesn't show anything there. I guess it's possible I formatted it with something other than NTFS, though I swear that's what I did. I'll just have to pull the drive and put it in my Windows machine. Thank you for your reply! You also want to make sure it is one of the basic NTFS partition types - not one of the more obscure ones.
  11. as long as the array is started (or is in Maintenance mode) then all operation update the parity in real time to keep it consistent with the disks. This is the same whether you are doing file deletes or a disk format.
  12. i would be extremely surprised if the recycle bin is not by-passed. Ransom ware rewrites files, it does not delete them.
  13. that is true if you apply no restrictions at the Samba level. However note that those permissions you list are not the permissions on the shares, but the Linux permissions on the folders. However if you apply restrictions at the Samba level to the shares then these are applied on top,of the Linux permissions, so in practise that is the way to mitigate the risk and still keep unRAID functioning happily.
  14. you probably do not want to change those! The Samba security settings which apply to the network shares are independent of the Linux level permissions (other than that the Linux level must be permissive enough to allow the Samba level to function as expected).
  15. I think this is a great idea, but if you decide to implement please do not limit it to qcow2 and raw images. I for instance use .vdi images which work great with KVM and give me easy interchange of vdisks with VirtualBox on Windows.
  16. for me it is installed with the Settings under Settings and the Control under Tools. If you have something different maybe you have not got the latest version of the plugin.
  17. glad to hear that I still wish I knew why it was not working for you under virtualBox
  18. I have VMWare to give it a try. Can you explain the basic to get it working please? There was not much involved as I was already using a .vmdk format virtual disk with virtualBox. I simply created a basic custom VM using 'other 64-bit" as the OS. I had to manually add a USB controller as one was not added by default. Also the first time I booted the VM I had to manually connect the unRAID USB stick (although that seemed to be remembered for subsequent boots.
  19. No. The only requirement is that the parity drives must be as large or larger than the largest data drive. In fact I do not think that the parity drives even need to be the same size as long as they meet that requirement. You are going to have to rebuild parity to switch to the larger size parity disk, but that is the only consideration. If you want the array to remain protected at all times then you can switch one to 4 TB (or add it as a second parity if you do not already have dual parity) and then do the other one afterwards. Takes longer but is safer.
  20. I have entered my BIOS and select the USB as first booting device. Reboot and test that unraid works perfect. I have connected from my phone to unraid config page. Rebooted and F12 to select booting device, select HD and booted. The same problem under Virtualbox, UNRAID not found. I will try if I can virtualize UNRAID under another program. Thanyou Gus i guess that proves the USB stick is fine. Quite why VirtualBox works with no issues for me but does not work for you is a mystery! EDIT: just tried VMWare workstation and I got that working as well. Using VMWare it did not appear that I could configure the USB stick to pre-assigned to the VM - I had to do it dynamically when starting the VM.
  21. Not sure what could still be going wrong! I assume that before you start the VM the USB stick is showing up as a drive at the Windows level? Another thing that might be worth trying is booting the PC you are using off the USB stick so it is running 'bare-metal'. There is normally a key that can be pressed during the PC boot sequence to select the boot device. That will at least validate that the USB stick is set up fine. Since doing this does not touch the hard disks it will not upset the current Windows install. Just had a thought - my installation has a valid license key - does yours? I will try removing it to see if that makes a difference. EDIT: Just tried without the license key - and it just (as expected) means unRAID takes me to the web page to get a key. In case it will help I have attached the VirtualBox configuration file I have - it might be worth seeing if there are any obvious differences to yours that look relevant. unRAIDvbox.zip
  22. Just search for Schedules in the apps tab (assuming you have installed the Community Applications plugin - essential in my view).
  23. Yes sorry. added step 4.5 where I rename back to UNRAID my USB Stick. Wait, wait, how do you assign it to VM? I simply create a new blank usb filter... must I do anything else? Yes. If you have the USB plugged in while doing the settings for the VM then you can create a filter specifically for that device. Without that there will be no automatic assignment of the USB stick to the VM and doing it manually is too error prone (and tedious). I think the blank template is for the case where you do not already have the USB device plugged in but know what should go into the various fields. While I think of it you might want to change the USB controller type for the VM to be USB3 rather than the default of USB2. I found that seems to always work, whereas if it is defined as USB2 then passing in USB3 devices tends to fail.
  24. Did you rename the USB stick back to UNRAID after creating the image - you do not have this listed as one of your steps. If not then unRAID will not find it and will not function correctly. The messages about waiting for 30 seconds are while unRAID is looking for a USB device labelled UNRAID. I only get them if I either have the wrong label on the USB stick, or if it is not being assigned to the VM.
  25. (My linux is null) I can do a ls /boot and get /config That sounds wrong - you should normally get the list of files that are extracted from the ZIP download of unRAID. However I guess it depends on how you prepared the USB stick. Whatever you should see the same folders/files as you would see when looking at the USB stick from Windows. If not then it suggests it has not been correctly recognised and mounted. You can use the df command that will show you any mounted file systems. There should be one showing /dev/sda1 mounted as /boot. It might also be worth posting the output of ls /dev/?d? so we can check what devices are being seen. I would expect to see hdX type devices for the IDE ones and sdX type ones for the USB/SATA ones. More details can then be obtained by running fdisk -l /dev/?d? which should show more information about the media associated with each device. Formated to FAT32 before copying files to it. Did you also make sure it was labelled as "UNRAID"? That is important for unRAID to pick it up. You also do NOT want the boot vmdk device to have the label UNRAID as it might confuse things.
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