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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Remote Desktop provides far better performance than VNC.
  2. itimpi


    UnRAID is designed to run completely from RAM without a swap file which is probably why the feature is not present.
  3. Easiest way is to have the Nerd Tools plugin installed, and then under the Nerd Tools Setting tick the option to install Perl.
  4. If that is the case then the spurious disk3 folder that is showing up as a User Share is not actually on the physical disk3. have you tried what I suggested earlier of: - go to the Shares tab in the unRAID GUI - find the disk3 share and click on the folder icon at the right normally that takes you to a page that shows you the disks where the files/folders for that share are actually located.
  5. That does not look right! I am reasonably sure it will lead to data loss. You do not want to mix disk drives and user shares in a copy/move as a rule as there is too much chance of an error. i would think that you want something like: left: /mnt/disk3/disk3/S right: /mnt/disk3/S and move all the contents of the disk3/S folder on the left to the top level S folder on the same drive. In fact you could leave off the 'S' part on both sides I would think and get the same results.
  6. Did you try clicking on the 'folder' icon against the share name to see where it said the contents were located?
  7. It must be there somewhere!! You also need to check the cache drive, not just the array drives when looking for a folder corresponding to a user share. Have you tried clicking the 'folder' icon at the right of the share name? That may open up to show you the contents, and also what Drive they are on
  8. I noticed that I was getting a warning about inotify-tools being installed but no longer needed as I am on 6.3.2 and it is now built it. However when I go to the nerd pack settings the inotify-tools package is not shown to enable the issue to be fixed. Manually editing the underlying .cfg file for nerd pack shows that the option is set to "yes" so I can clear it by changing that to "no". However I should be able to do this via the GUI I would have thought? Not sure if the fix needs to be to nerd pack plugin or the FCP plugin?
  9. Just repeat the set of lines changing the file names as appropriate.
  10. That advice applied when you started preclear from a telnet/ssh session - not when started via the plugin.
  11. you can have multiple vdisk files assigned to a VM (just like you can have multiple physical disks on a physical PC). Trying to mount it the way you have been trying is not that easy as the mount process has to be one that understands the internal structure of the vdisk.
  12. The normal thing would be to go into the settings for the VM and assign the vdisk file as an additional drive.
  13. i would have thought it is even easier to do newperms path-to-folder to reset permissions for the folder and all its contents. That will work at any level in unRAID. If the parameter is omitted then it does all drives and is equivalent to the running the 'New Permissions' option from the GUI.
  14. SSH should be enabled by default in the current unRAID releases without needing any plugins. I wonder if one of the plugins you are installing is overwriting files relating to the version included with unRAID?
  15. you actually need to change it to Cache: Prefer to get mover to move files from the array to the cache. Setting Cache: Only just stops mover from moving files the other way.
  16. If you have any VM that is only accessing the unRAID files via shares then you will have the same protection as for any physical PC running Windows (assuming that KVM itself is not compromised).
  17. i'll look to see if this can be fixed simply and if so I will apply an update. However if it is going to be hard to do without major changes to the script I probably will not bother. No worries. I didn't expect anything I just thought it was worth mentioning in case others were having issues now or in the future. Thanks itimpi and great script! Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk I've worked out what line the message comes from. It appears to be a quirk of the way bash handles wildcard expansion. I will have to look up my bash special character handling to see if I can see a way of avoiding the issue.
  18. If you have the "fix common problems" plugin installed, it's most likely responsible for the boot delay. Will not be the cause - the delay the OP talked about was on a v5 install!
  19. i'll look to see if this can be fixed simply and if so I will apply an update. However if it is going to be hard to do without major changes to the script I probably will not bother.
  20. Devices attached to the PC count towards the license limits even if they are not configured for use by unRAID, so your screenshots are not any help in deciding why unRAID thinks your limit is exceeded. If you are sure you are not exceeding the limit then attach your diagnostics file (Tools->Diagnostics) so others might spot what is causing your issue.
  21. That does not look very good for a new disk! On a new disk I would expect both reallocated sectors and pending sectors to be zero. Although is not definitively wrong to have non-zero values for reallocated sectors one only expects that to happen later in the lifetime of the disk. Also you pending sectors to be zero when used with unRAID. Another pre-clear cycle might clear that but if reallocated sectors keeps going up it suggests the disk is close to failing. What state was the packaging in when you received the disk? It is possible the disk was damaged in transit.
  22. not sure why the user needs prompting each time. However it would probably be a good idea to display whether the statistics gathering is active whenever the user calls up the dialog to preclear a disk. That should act as enough of a reminder to know whether you want to change the setting or not. You could also make the displayed information a link to the place to change the setting thus making it simply accessible, or make it a toggle on that dialog that is preset to the current setting with the option to change it for this run.
  23. One thing to suggest if it is possible is to capture information about the disk controller to which a particular disk is attached. That way it may help with identifying how much of a contributing factor that is to any perceived speed.
  24. I must admit that if it is properly anomonized i do cannot see how any of the suggested items invades priority. However I guess if the decision as to whether such stats can be uploaded is an end-user choice everyone can make their own decision.
  25. they should be. They are normally stored on the flash in the config/ssh folder and restored to their correct runtime location any time unRAID boots.
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