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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. It should be whatever size is specified in the docker settings. This is just a file being treated as a disk image for storing docker containers so it may actually be mostly empty. I think 20GB is probably the default size as being more than enough for most people without being too excessive.
  2. To pass through a physical disk to a VM you use its device ID (I.e. Something along the lines of /dev/sd? Where ? Identifies the disk in question. You can also (which is more robust as the /dev/sd? Type identifiers can change between boots) pass it through using the /dev/disk/by-uuid/? type names.
  3. You could try creating the appropriate VM and then passing the physical disk through to that VM. Done that way the VM would handle the mounting so it does not need to be mounted at the unRAID level.
  4. Assuming you aren't running some old v5 beta you can probably leave it in the server. The main thing is whether there were any changes to syslinux which would require you to make bootable again. This is probably a stupid question but........The instructions say to stop the array before backing up the flash drive. But when the array is stopped (off line), I don't have access to the flash drive anymore with Windows explorer....! you should still have access via the 'flash' share which is present even with the array stopped. You have not by any chance set the SMB security for that so that it is not visible on the network?
  5. Oh my, that is interesting. I hadn't realized that Limetech had transitioned from Xen to KVM. Here's a blog post about it. This question may be a little dumb: do we know which GA version of UnRAID includes KVM instead of Xen? How would one tell? Xen was only available in the early v6 beta releases while it was being evaluated as an alternative to KVM.. All v6 releases since then have used KVM.
  6. I would carefully check that the IP address has not changed. The current IP address is displayed at the top right of the GUI.
  7. no. Virtually all the RAM listed under the buffer/cache column will be reclaimed and used by applications if needed.
  8. you cannot 'import' them as such. However you can set up a new VM and use the VirtualBox .vdi file from one of the existing VirtualBox VMs. It is just a case of specifying the full path manually to the .vdi file when setting up the VM and not trying to select it via the GUI.
  9. Set appdata user share to Use cache disk: Prefer and run mover. Why prefer and not only? I would like to move my appdata folder to the cache drive permanently. The Plex Media server is always running. There is no need for the my drives to be spinning unless I am watching a movie. What would be the best way to do this? prefer will act the same as Only once all the files for the share are on the cache disk. The reason that Prefer is suggested is that this provides an automated way to get files for such a share that are currently on an array disk moved to the cache disk. This is particularly convenient for those who add a cache disk later, or change their mind about whether an existing share should be on the cache disk.
  10. this is not true if you have set shares to the 'Prefer' setting. That explicitly says that there are files on the data disk that you want to be moved to the cache disk whenever this becomes possible. That is the only setting that can cause files to be automatically be moved in that direction.
  11. Is there any good reason that I cannot click on an unmounted disk to get the SMART attributes? I find it is not that infrequent that I want to do this before taking some action.
  12. i would expect the VM to crash as effectively at the Windows level writes have started failing. You should NEVER specify the size of the vdisk to be larger than the free space available for it to expand into or you are guaranteed to hit problems at some point.
  13. not quite sure what you are expecting? You always need to allow the maximum specified space for a .img file. It starts off sparsely populated, but as the VM writes to logical sectors from within the VM they start occupying real space within the .img file. It is quite normal for it not be shrunk just because you have deleted files within the VM. It will stop growing when the full space specified has been reached.
  14. Do you rsync to a NTFS volume mounted with unassigned devices? Thankyou Gus I frequently do this. If you want to use tools from within the VM, then you can tell UD to make the disk visible as a network share that the VM will then be able to access. Oh yes @itimpi that's what I want but I thought that simply checking "auto mount" and "share" was enough but I see that this isn't the correct way. That is all I do in UD, but it does not magically appear in the VM. You then have to go that network share from within the VM to access it just like you would from a real PC. Since this is done via the virtual NIC performance should be excellent.
  15. Do you rsync to a NTFS volume mounted with unassigned devices? Thankyou Gus I frequently do this. If you want to use tools from within the VM, then you can tell UD to make the disk visible as a network share that the VM will then be able to access.
  16. I just make sure that the layout displayed matches the physical layout and ignore the slot number other than using it as a guide when configuring the slots for the plugin. Once they have been configured then the information displayed includes the unRAID disk number so that it is easy to relate them back to the unRAID identities.
  17. Not sure how that can happen as I thought the list of unassigned devices is built dynamically at the time the system boots. The obvious thing to go wrong is removing the incorrect drive, but you indicated that you have checked the serial number so that this is not the cause.
  18. Yes, formatting a disk removes the 'clear' signature. Not a good idea unless you actually want to use it via UD in the meantime for storing data. If you have formatted the drive in UD, then when you later try to add it to the parity protected array, unRAID will go through its clear process wiping existing contents and then on completing the clear expect you to format it from within unRAID. this would be the recommended approach in most cases. The format from from within unRAID only takes moments, it is the long 'clear' step that is avoided by having it pre-cleared.
  19. I was wondering if there might be any way to view logs using this app? At the moment I am particularly interested in some docker logs, but at other times a VM log or the syslog would also be convenient to view. I know I can work around this by switching to a browser but thought it would be a nice feature if I did not need to do so.
  20. you have to look under the iPhone apps category.
  21. i do not think this is technically possible? As far as I know docker is only capable of hosting Linux apps.
  22. I think that one of the other reasons specific GUID's can get blacklisted is to handle the case where a particular manufacturer of USB sticks does not have a unique GUID for each device they sell. Over time the list of such devices probably gets extended as new devices that suffer from this are found.
  23. strange, it still appears under my plugins! It might be worth trying re-installing it via the Community Applications plugin.
  24. itimpi

    Turbo write

    If you never spin down your disks, then this is likely to improve performance for writes.
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