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Everything posted by ChatNoir

  1. I thought I missed on things on the forum, so I did check on the Reddit thread. It seems full of maybes and a self reinforcing loop of concerns. But I don't really understand the rootcause. The code excerpt seems quite unconclusive. Changing the update process to provide more details and a proper sequence to incite people to actually read the release is something that many people were asking for. The goal is probably to reduce the number of people that end up in the very situation that was detailed in the release note. The introduction through the Connect plugin was explained. And I tend to agree that the use of plugin rather than baking everything in Unraid proper is a good solution for many reasons. Mainly because it allows for quicker updates when things need changing. Now, I do not have any inside information and Limetech could play the evil genius and try to backstab the community, but I don't see any proofs or even hints of that to that day. I do agree, however, that the situation with users' doubts and fears would require more communication from the team.
  2. But isn't the Free ESXI a thing of the past with the new company policy ? https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/02/broadcom-owned-vmware-kills-the-free-version-of-esxi-virtualization-software/
  3. Hi @ajhdr, Please attach you syslog or better again your diagnostics. No one will scroll such a long log extract.
  4. Not sure any potential efficiency gains can overcome the price difference of a free CPU in this situation over the lifetime of the system.
  5. Connect is used to facilitate remote access to the Unraid webUI for maintenance tasks.
  6. This one must use a port multiplier and that's not recommended. The 3rd image shows 1166 and 575, I would guess that it means ASM1166 controller + JMB575 port multiplier. If you need more than 6 ports, two controllers should provide more performance.
  7. Is the PSU properly set up ? Is the power button properly connected to the MB ? When you say 'nothing happens', is there any lights on the MB going on, PSU or CPU fans moving at all ?
  8. My cache pool has redundancy (RAID10 in my case, would be the same in RAID1 I suppose)
  9. Tout nouveau disque doit être formaté pour être intégré dans l'Array et aussi mettre tous les blocs à 0. Pour les Pools, s'il y a déjà un système de fichier valable, ce n'est pas toujours nécessaire de le formater. Mais peut-être que ton disque n'avait de système de fichier éligible ? (XFS, BTRFS, ZFS) Quand tu voudras ajouter un nouveau disque dans l'Array, il faudra le formater aussi. C'est tout bon matinenant du coup à ce que je comprends de la dernière image ?
  10. Est-ce que tous ces disques ont déjà été formatés et que tu y as déjà mis des données ? Parce que en l'état, Unraid considère qu'il n'y a pas de système de fichier et c'est plutôt normal qu'il n'arrive pas à écrire des fichiers. 1. Si tu n'as jamais formaté aucun de ces disques, alors vérifie que le système de fichier selectionné par défaut sur chaque disque te convient et tu peux cocher la case et cliquer sur 'Formatter' (je ne sais pas pourquoi il y a deux t mais ce n'est pas le sujet le plus important 😁) 2. Si tu l'as déjà fait dans le passé et que tu avais déjà mis des fichiers, alors il faut essayer de récupérer les systèmes de fichier qui sont en erreur.
  11. OK, en regardant tes images, j'ai une idée. Est-ce que tu as déjà formaté ce disque ? Fait un screenshot de l'écran principal (avec la partie du bas et les boutons)
  12. You mean "which disks are used by each share" ? If so, it is one click away with "Compute". Either for one share or for all.
  13. It looks like a feature request, not a bug. If I am right, please post it there instead : https://forums.unraid.net/forum/53-feature-requests/
  14. Dans Settings / VM Settings, bascule le bouton dans le mode avancé en haut à droite et vérifie que les chemins soient bien corrects. Notamment pour les ISOs. Si ça ne résout pas ton problème, il y aura peut-être un peu plus de détails dans ton fichier de diagnostics. Après, je n'utilise pas vraiment de VM de mon côté, donc je ne suis pas super calé. 😀 Normalement, ce n'est pas utile.
  15. Bonjour et bienvenu sur le forum. Ça fait un moment depuis que j'ai configuré mon serveur, alors c'est assez flou, mais il me semble que ça n'apparait dans les shares que lorsque l'on active les services Docker et VM depuis Settings. Si c'est bien ça, il faudra ensuite les déplacer vers le bon support de stockage. Pas super compliqué, mais n'hésite pas à demander si tu as des questions.
  16. You should provide your diagnostics to see if the card is detected, initialized properly.
  17. It would probably be useful for the team to know what was spamming your logs.
  18. I don't see how you come to this conclusion. This thread is about a new Unraid feature, brought through a plugin update. In that context, Limetech can update part of the OS without a new OS version or a server reboot. While I have read about changes in Array and Pool management for future versions, I didn't see anything about licensing scheme changes on the forums.
  19. Can't say for sure, but they are sold as Chia mining card. So simultaneous drive access and speed is not the top priority from what I remember of the Chia hype. The PCB seems to be architectured around 1 Controller and 3 or 4 port multipliers. (I am being optimistic and using the picture of a board that seems to be using a x4 PCIe gen3, not the ones using only x1). I could be wrong, of course.
  20. From what I read on the OP (and no insider knowledge) it is until the next stable release (so 6.12.7 from what I read on the forums). Maybe don't read too much from comments from people not from Limetech ? Again, I have NO inside knowledge, but I see a lot of posts considering the worst option and based from nothing in the official information. Maybe chill a bit before crying Wolf ?
  21. The drive does not seem to have had any previous SMART tests. No hint that he has more hours than shown. JorgeB could confirm this. It could be some old stock.
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