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Everything posted by BRiT

  1. I liked my /8/ but had to give it up for a new one.
  2. I had that happen as well. Old stream was disfunctional. Oddly enough new stream works. I worked around it by deleting my custom activity stream and created a new one.
  3. Switch over to using ethernet-based DVB/Tuning hardware. It will make things so much easier for you.
  4. Depending on the age and health of those drives, it might be prudent to do preventative maintenance and replace the 3TB with 8TB, 10TB, or 12TB drives. Be sure to run smart tests on the drives first before looking into options of adding even more drives.
  5. Problem begins with Disk 29 then Disk 0, reads and write issues. Dec 28 17:35:19 Void kernel: mpt2sas_cm0: log_info(0x31110d01): originator(PL), code(0x11), sub_code(0x0d01) ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 6 TIMES] ### Dec 28 17:35:19 Void kernel: sd 8:0:0:0: [sdb] tag#6204 UNKNOWN(0x2003) Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08 Dec 28 17:35:19 Void kernel: sd 8:0:0:0: [sdb] tag#6204 Sense Key : 0x2 [current] Dec 28 17:35:19 Void kernel: sd 8:0:0:0: [sdb] tag#6204 ASC=0x4 ASCQ=0x0 Dec 28 17:35:19 Void kernel: sd 8:0:0:0: [sdb] tag#6204 CDB: opcode=0x8a 8a 00 00 00 00 02 35 7e e8 c0 00 00 04 00 00 00 Dec 28 17:35:19 Void kernel: print_req_error: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 9487444160 Dec 28 17:35:19 Void kernel: md: disk29 write error, sector=9487444096
  6. Possibly Hardware issues that you have ignored: Dec 29 15:32:04 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Machine Check Events detected on your server ** Ignored
  7. What benefits does "anacron" bring that isn't already provided by base unraid or unraid with user-scripts plugin?
  8. It worked well for 6.7.3. However 6.8 flipped the tables on tunables. Things may yet change again once 6.9 final hits, it all depends on what Limetech implements to address the performance decreases in parity build and check times some users on 6.8 have reported.
  9. Cleanliness is next to godliness. The only large quantity of data to be backed up from inside AppData is an Emby Media Library, and even with that all the real metadata and images are stored at the same level as the media so it's decentralized when compared to things like monster Plex DBs (for instance: /mnt/user/Movies/movie_name/* or /mnt/user/TV/tv_name/*). Any and all of my development databases are backed up using native sql tools.
  10. By comparison, my backup of AppData takes 75 SECONDS. Dec 16 03:00:02 REAVER CA Backup/Restore: ####################################### Dec 16 03:00:02 REAVER CA Backup/Restore: Community Applications appData Backup Dec 16 03:00:02 REAVER CA Backup/Restore: Applications will be unavailable during Dec 16 03:00:02 REAVER CA Backup/Restore: this process. They will automatically Dec 16 03:00:02 REAVER CA Backup/Restore: be restarted upon completion. Dec 16 03:00:02 REAVER CA Backup/Restore: ####################################### Dec 16 03:01:14 REAVER CA Backup/Restore: ####################### Dec 16 03:01:14 REAVER CA Backup/Restore: appData Backup complete Dec 16 03:01:14 REAVER CA Backup/Restore: #######################
  11. Your backup is taking over an hour, more like 82 minutes... Starting at 5am and ending around 6:21 am. Dec 17 06:21:34 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: ####################### Dec 17 06:21:34 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: appData Backup complete Dec 17 06:21:34 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: #######################
  12. Dec 17 05:00:01 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: ####################################### Dec 17 05:00:01 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: Community Applications appData Backup Dec 17 05:00:01 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: Applications will be unavailable during Dec 17 05:00:01 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: this process. They will automatically Dec 17 05:00:01 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: be restarted upon completion. Dec 17 05:00:01 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: ####################################### Dec 17 05:00:01 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: Stopping duckdns Dec 17 05:00:05 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: docker stop -t 60 duckdns Dec 17 05:00:05 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: Stopping lidarr Dec 17 05:00:10 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: docker stop -t 60 lidarr Dec 17 05:00:10 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: Stopping medusa Dec 17 05:00:23 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: docker stop -t 60 medusa Dec 17 05:00:23 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: Stopping PlexMediaServer Dec 17 05:00:45 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: docker stop -t 60 PlexMediaServer Dec 17 05:00:45 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: Stopping radarr Dec 17 05:00:50 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: docker stop -t 60 radarr Dec 17 05:00:50 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: Backing up USB Flash drive config folder to Dec 17 05:01:12 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: Using command: /usr/bin/rsync -avXHq --delete --log-file="/var/lib/docker/unraid/ca.backup2.datastore/appdata_backup.log" /boot/ "/mnt/user/B../" > /dev/null 2>&1 Dec 17 05:01:17 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: Changing permissions on backup Dec 17 05:01:17 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: Backing Up appData from /mnt/user/appdata/ to /mnt/user/Backups/unraid [email protected] Dec 17 05:01:17 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: Using command: cd '/mnt/user/appdata/' && /usr/bin/tar -cvaf '/mnt/user/Backups/unraid [email protected]' --exclude "DarkStat" --exclude "headphones" --exclude "home-assistant" --exclude "jackett" --exclude "medusa" --exclude "officialplex" --exclude "radarr" --exclude 'docker.img' * >> /var/lib/docker/unraid/ca.backup2.datastore/appdata_backup.log 2>&1 & echo $! > /tmp/ca.backup2/tempFiles/backupInProgress Dec 17 05:43:12 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: Backup Complete Dec 17 05:43:12 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: Verifying backup Dec 17 05:43:12 NAS2 CA Backup/Restore: Using command: cd '/mnt/user/appdata/' && /usr/bin/tar --diff -C '/mnt/user/appdata/' -af '/mnt/user/Backups/unraid [email protected]' > /var/lib/docker/unraid/ca.backup2.datastore/appdata_backup.log & echo $! > /tmp/ca.backup2/tempFiles/verifyInProgress
  13. You have Auto-Update enabled as well as AppData Backup enabled.
  14. Correct, no audio drivers on the host system so likely wont be able to get the USB Speakers setup either. You could attempt to pass through the USB device to docker and have it's audio drivers installed in that docker, but no promises on that working. It seems to work for USB BlueTooth devices though.
  15. Never ever put your unraid server directly on the internet. That's what WireGuard or other VPN setups are for. Before you do anything, make sure you wont be exposing your server directly to the internet. Typical setups are using your own router where you can make adjustments to settings and then have your PC(s) and Server(s) setup to use DHCP from the router. If you want static ip addresses, that is accomplished by setting up Static DHCP entries on the router to map from MAC Address to IPV4.
  16. beep Here's advanced beepage: beep -f 659 -l 460 -n -f 784 -l 340 -n -f 659 -l 230 -n -f 659 -l 110 -n -f 880 -l 230 -n -f 659 -l 230 -n -f 587 -l 230 -n -f 659 -l 460 -n -f 988 -l 340 -n -f 659 -l 230 -n -f 659 -l 110 -n -f 1047-l 230 -n -f 988 -l 230 -n -f 784 -l 230 -n -f 659 -l 230 -n -f 988 -l 230 -n -f 1318 -l 230 -n -f 659 -l 110 -n -f 587 -l 230 -n -f 587 -l 110 -n -f 494 -l 230 -n -f 740 -l 230 -n -f 659 -l 460 https://github.com/adamrees89/beep-songs
  17. I don't see things being nearly as bad but do see sizeable differences from going through the SHFS layer. I do have cache-dirs running so maybe that artificially boosts the direct disk numbers? On top of that, I notice the slight visual difference when just running the following 2 commands in a putty SSHd window as well. Naturally going through FUSE has it's overhead but I don't think it was ever this drastic. ls /mnt/disk1/Media/TV/* ls /mnt/user/Media/TV/* Dec 15 15:34:22 REAVER cache_dirs: Arguments=-m 11 -M 30 -l off Dec 15 15:34:22 REAVER cache_dirs: Max Scan Secs=30, Min Scan Secs=11 Dec 15 15:34:22 REAVER cache_dirs: Scan Type=adaptive Dec 15 15:34:22 REAVER cache_dirs: Min Scan Depth=4 Dec 15 15:34:22 REAVER cache_dirs: Max Scan Depth=none Dec 15 15:34:22 REAVER cache_dirs: Use Command='find -noleaf' Dec 15 15:34:22 REAVER cache_dirs: cache_dirs service rc.cachedirs: Started: '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.cache.dirs/scripts/cache_dirs -m 11 -M 30 -l off 2>/dev/null' root@REAVER:~# time ls /mnt/user/Media/TV/* | wc -l 2317 real 0m0.528s user 0m0.017s sys 0m0.098s root@REAVER:~# time ls /mnt/user/Media/TV/* | wc -l 2317 real 0m0.511s user 0m0.011s sys 0m0.103s root@REAVER:~# time ls /mnt/user/Media/TV/* | wc -l 2317 real 0m0.520s user 0m0.012s sys 0m0.107s root@REAVER:~# time ls /mnt/user/Media/TV/* | wc -l 2317 real 0m0.689s user 0m0.012s sys 0m0.111s root@REAVER:~# time ls /mnt/disk1/Media/TV/* | wc -l 2317 real 0m0.013s user 0m0.009s sys 0m0.009s Even running just the top level directory listing there is a slight difference with far less entries. root@REAVER:~# time ls /mnt/user/Media/TV/ | wc -l 75 real 0m0.025s user 0m0.006s sys 0m0.007s root@REAVER:~# time ls /mnt/disk1/Media/TV/ | wc -l 75 real 0m0.006s user 0m0.007s sys 0m0.004s
  18. If you have 2 Parity disks, they are not copies of one another as each one stores data to a different calculation / algorithm (mathematical formula used for parity determination).
  19. I make all of my important files as Immutable on top of being set to read-only and owned by root.
  20. I'd likely do a 2 step process to prevent having to deal with issues: 1. use CA Backup to do the docker backups to a location in the array. 2. use own rsync backup script from the location in the array to offsite location(s) or at least different server(s).
  21. Use Community Applications to find and install "CA Backup / Restore Appdata". It has capabilities to stop the dockers, do the backup, then restart them. Copying and backing up files in use with your own process may prove troublesome.
  22. 1. Yes, bridging enabled with br0. 2. Nothing pinned at all. No VM running. Only Dockers and no pinning defined. That core 27 was entirely 100% WSDD. As soon as I stopped and Disabled WSDD in SMB Settings, usage went to 0%. The CPU time was 116 hours (4.83 days), which puts it around December 21st when it went bezerk. The only items in the log that stand out are very typical to my system (happening for months if not years): A. nut_libusb get_string errors B. ffdetect from emby docker not liking certain media and it segfaulting. Here's entire diagnostics, but I had not seen any triggering events in syslog. reaver-diagnostics-20191226-1500.zip
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