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Everything posted by BRiT

  1. Thats only in play if you issue docker rm / docker rmi commands. If you never remove the images or containers then your fillup issue is caused ny something else.
  2. I have been sitting constant at my docker usage for the past half a year. There is nothing that LT can do when users have bad behaving or misconfigured dockers. tl;dr: YOU have an issue with YOUR configuration of YOUR dockers that only YOU can fix.
  3. If you don't delete anything from those other disks then you won't have a .Recycle.Bin in use there and it shouldn't spin up those drives.
  4. You're likely using dockers that auto-update. Each time the main program updates in your container the image usage will grow. I do not use auto-updating programs and my docker image usage has been constant since the initial setup.
  5. Those files are system activities from the dynamix system stats/activities addon. If you're going to run that you need at least 384 meg log filesystem. Theres posts and threads in the forums here that gives instructions on how to make it larger. Typically this is handled in modifying your go file.
  6. Sleep is NOT included in v6. It is a separate outside core inage user customization addon.
  7. Or there needs to be an option to not use docker.img but have it stored in an actual subdirectory in the cache drive.
  8. The solution is to configure your dockers properly, more specificly on your volume mappings and to not run dockers that do constant updates. My 5 docker containers use less than 1.7gb total after an entire month. Recent addition was PyTivo which added 1gb to the size because it uses a different base image.
  9. It's not an anomaly. The only shares managed at the Settings->RecycleBin are the user shares at /mnt/user/. Any shares not mounted at /mnt/user have to be managed manually. Click the 'Help' button for more information on the Settings->RecycleBin. I would like to include the disk shares, but I'm having a few issues with that. OK. Since Samba put them into the .RecyledBin folder I thought the hard work had been done and it would probably just be a case of the plugin cycling through the disks as well looking for .RecycledBin folders when working out what to trash. Obviously it is not as easy as it first appears It's not as much a technical issue as making sense for the user. I didn't think that deleting files at the disk share was something that people did. I guess I don't understand why one would do that. I want to get the webgui to browse all the recycle bins. I can't get the built in browser to browse /mnt/user/*/.Recycle.Bin and /mnt/disk*/.Recycle.Bin at the same time. I don't think it's meant to handle that. So I will have to set up a way to browse each one separately. Well actually at least 3 tabs, if you include the Flash device. Then maybe 1 more for all Unassigned Devices or one per unassigned device? I am working on what might be a good solution to include disk shares, the flash share, and unassigned devices shares. Perhaps take the cheap way out and have 2 tabs / sections (depending on the users preferences), one for User Shares and one for Disk Shares? This is similar to how the UI already splits the two shares (user and disk) in the settings screen.
  10. Switch to a different plex docker from a different developer, one which uses plex pass ?
  11. I'm not sure that works because those are share mounts and not directories. If I can find a way to exclude shares, I will implement something at the webgui. Similar to what cache_dirs does when you select shares to exclude. I've read somewhere that you can set the .Recycle.Bin folder to read only to exclude the deleted files. I don't know if this will annoy vfs recycle or I suspect it will just move on and delete the file. Do you feel the need to be able to exclude shares from the recycle bin? I don't see the need, it was just one possible way to explore if someone didn't want or like how it operates on disk shares creating a new share.
  12. If one wants to prevent recycle bin on disk shares 1 and 2 you might be able to do this by adding the following to the setting of exclude_dir: /mnt/disk1 /mnt/disk2 I dont know if you could use wildcards such as /mnt/disk*
  13. @dlandon if you want to add even more features, there are options for min and max filesizes. https://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/VFS.html#id2651247 recycle:minsize = BYTES Files that are smaller than the number of bytes specified by this parameter will not be put into the repository. recycle:maxsize = BYTES Files that are larger than the number of bytes specified by this parameter will not be put into the repository.
  14. @dlandon to make it so no one can read or write to it, try setting it up as a private share but list no users that can read, write, or are valid. To specify a group use the "@" symbol as a prefix. # Private writeable = no read list = write list = valid users = Excerpt From here: https://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/securing-samba.html Here's more reading material on Samba users and shares: https://www.samba.org/samba/docs/using_samba/ch09.html
  15. Also here some sample setup for secure or private share settings: [disk4] path = /mnt/disk4 comment = browseable = no # Private writeable = no read list = write list = adminuser valid users = adminuser [cache] path = /mnt/cache comment = browseable = yes # Public public = yes writeable = yes [Anime] path = /mnt/user/Anime comment = Anime Movies and Shows browseable = yes # Secure public = yes writeable = no write list = adminuser,htpcuser
  16. Try adding the following to the recyclebin share settings to make it hidden: browsable = no
  17. I appreciate the effort you undertook to get this plugin updated for the 6.1 series. I too feel that @limetech should include this functionality natively in core unRAID. It would be a really nice set of features added with bit marketing potential and low level of work required to do so.
  18. Yes, from what I have experienced the deleted file remains on the same drive but moved into the Recycle directory you have setup.
  19. There is no easy way without doing nuke from orbit where you recreate the image.
  20. Edit the script with Notepad++ Replace all occurrances of /root/mdcmd with /usr/local/sbin/mdcmd Or link where the command is to where the scripts want it to be... ln -s /usr/local/sbin/mdcmd /root/mdcmd
  21. Given the complexity, how about moving forward without it for the extensive closed alpha of P+Q and even for the beta and regather feedback during that time? Perhaps a simplier solution can be discovered after a NFO (nuke from orbit) approach or perhaps the latest version of Windows with newer Samba improves the situation enough?
  22. Thanks. CA should officially replace the repository system IMO. Agree, but there's plenty of logistical issues to work out with code ownership, release cycles, testing, etc.
  23. #1 and #2 are because that's just the way Plex operates. If that's too large for you then the only option is not to use Plex and try a different media streamer.
  24. You can already do that somewhat by assigning your own spin-up group(s) and having your media isolated by type. Yep, and if spin up groups as they are defined now are removed, then having the OPTION to turn on a user share group spin up would replace that function. I never suggested that spinning up all drives in a share would be a default setting. Uhm, i was pointing out that feature is the current spinup groups. If i was Limetech and the option was the following, I'd select not change a thing as long as its current implimentation wasnt causing catrostrophic failures. 1) not change a thing 2) remove current spinup groups and reimpliment essentially the same exact thing but with even more restricted spinup groups 3) remove spinup groups
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