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Everything posted by BRiT

  1. You can already do that somewhat by assigning your own spin-up group(s) and having your media isolated by type.
  2. Just tried that link - and it takes me to a page (on Mediafire) for downloading the ZIP file containing the files needed. And i downloaded the zip file and it contains all the files needed for human to do manual install of the script.
  3. None of these tools "prevent corruption", they detect it by comparing against a known checksum at some moment in time. If you change the file but fail to update the checksum it will always report as being non matching. Its as simpIe as that.
  4. Do you have any actual files in that share? What does the following list: ls -la /mnt/user/ Perhaps it's case sensitive or you have multiple spaces?
  5. Syslog information is required too. Nothing crazy stood out on the ps list but i just gave it a quick glance.
  6. After the unRAID OS is booted from a virtual-disk, is there no way to pass-through the USB flash device to meet unRAID license requirements? This is how most ESXI unRAID users are doing it, so wouldn't it be possible to do so with Hyper-V? MS added some USB Passthrough support in Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V , here's a walkthrough on what steps are needed to do, but I'm not sure if this would work for unRAID or not (uncertain if it passes the device GUID to the guest VM) -- http://www.msserverpro.com/support-for-usb-access-in-windows-server-2012-r2-hyper-v-through-microsofts-new-virtual-machine-enhanced-session-mode/
  7. tail -n 42 -f /var/log/syslog then hit control-c to stop watching the syslog. The '-n' is the number of past lines to display. The '-f' means append output as the file grows. It's also similar to the [Log] button on the Web UI. http://tower/logging.htm?title=Log Information&cmd=/usr/bin/tail -n 42 -f /var/log/syslog
  8. There are many more unreported cases from Rakuten than what is reported in the thread. http://slickdeals.net/f/6018544-rakuten-buy-com-customers-getting-fraudulent-credit-card-charges
  9. WARNING: Rakuten is an online vendor that has severe credit card fraud happening for over 2 years now. They have not done a thing to solve their issues and each and every month people over at slickdeals forums report experiencing fraudulent charges after using their credit card only at Rakuten. Using VisaMe /Vpass / MasterCardCheckout or even PayPall has not prevented fraudulent charges from happening. There is no safe way to shop there. Search the slickdeals forums for the horrible nasty truth of the matter.
  10. You should perhaps have a look at the forums and see what's said about each one in their respective support threads. I base my choice off of base image they're created from and off of support. I actually prefer dockers which do not auto-update. I don't like having it potentially auto-update on an array restart just to find out the update screwed the pooch. The moment you even attempt to score 'popularity' is when you open up an entire can of worms. You can't meaningfully use any genuine metrics that are available, downloads is meaningless if it doesn't remain installed and running, and installed is meaningless if it's not running, and just running is meaningless if you're looking for a specific application version and it's an older one. For any such popularity metric anyone can think of, it can be shown how it can be a meaningless or easily gamed.
  11. I was talking about the docker updating programs inside the contaier via variables like edge or other auto update mechanisms. Im fine with unraid pulling down a new version of a docker container if the user did not specify a specific version of the container AND has auto update setting enabled on the docker container. However, I do not believe unraid has such an autoupdate setting available so thats moot (for now).
  12. I just want to restate that all the auto-update docker containers goes against the true spirit of Docker, where it's supposed to be a static snapshot in time, so if something works it will continue to work and every user's experience will be the same. However, I can see how users like to abuse the Docker system so they can treat it like their personal computer with auto-updates.
  13. I assume that 'new' is files without hashes regardless of the file timestamps? Is there an option to recalculate hashes for files that have a modified timestamp or last written timestamp after the hash calculated timestamp?
  14. Looks like they will have to add python into Nerdpack if they are going to leave it out of bzroot. Or introduce a dependency on an unofficial python plugin for NerdTools. @LimeTech @erics @jonp any insight you can provide on this now?
  15. Multi-lingual? Of course that is a whole new can of worms with the entire UI. Also, width of other columns would have to give some if a column were added. Horizontal scrolling should be avoided as much as possible to avoid losing track of which disk you are looking at. Yes, but the entire UI already has issues of not being multi-lingual., so this doesn't introduce a new issue. I'd much rather see the disk status clearly than the entire and extensive disk serial identifier or the filesystem. I think MyMain would just display the (last?) 4 characters from the serial required to uniquely identify the disk. These also happen to correspond to the characters on the sticker WD puts on the end of the drive that I can see clearly from my hotswap bays. Not sure how reliably unique these characters are across all drive manufacturers though. I think keeping the filesystem could be useful for supporting others when they post screenshots. I think that would be more useful on a detailed device screen and less useful on the overview summary screen (at least thats how i view the main tab) or that could be displayed as a second row under the device if its expanded, so default is a brief summary with nitty gritty only shown when expanded. I want to see the disk status, disk health, disk temp, max size, amount free, and error count by default. The rest such as full identifier, file system, reads, writes, and used is all secondary. This only applies if you think displaying the disk status clearly is a secondary concern to managing screen real estate.
  16. Multi-lingual? Of course that is a whole new can of worms with the entire UI. Also, width of other columns would have to give some if a column were added. Horizontal scrolling should be avoided as much as possible to avoid losing track of which disk you are looking at. Yes, but the entire UI already has issues of not being multi-lingual., so this doesn't introduce a new issue. I'd much rather see the disk status clearly than the entire and extensive disk serial identifier or the filesystem.
  17. Seems rather simple to solve ... add a text column next to the quick icon that displays the status. That should work for the color blind and mobile platforms.
  18. Just want to remind everyone that hover text is worthless when viewing the admin pages on a mobile device such as phone oe tablet.
  19. I just wanted to note that before I upgraded to RC2 I had nearly a 28 day system uptime but saw issues with 256Meg /var/log filesystem full. I had to resize it to 384Megs. Nearly all the space was in use by the 28 /var/log/sa/sa# files.
  20. Your best bet is to google or bing for each tool thats installed or for "man <toolname>"
  21. # resize log partition mount -o remount,size=384m /var/log I personally had to use at least 384 Megs since each day generated at least a 9.2 Meg file when Dynamix System Activity plugin was installed.
  22. Seems like a simple regex applies to all the devices so far: "Multimedia (.*)controller:"
  23. there were some encouraging noises not so long ago about an unraid base image which i liked the look of. although the runit system in phusion works for the vast majority of containers, i've found some instances where it is too sensitive and respawns apps that haven't crashed, i'm leaning more and more towards supervisor. I've only seen that happen if the process it runs spawns itself into the background and returns to the caller; for instance the program you're running is loaded as a daemon itself.
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