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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. You could try a different OS to rule out any driver issues.
  2. If you can now see the NICs in the GUI and they work you can ignore the error.
  3. If you assign it to an Unraid pool it will start using v2, then it's a good idea to delete v1 cache again.
  4. And don't expect 500MB/s, 300MB/s would be a good result, possibly more depending on the rest of the hardware.
  5. Should be about the same, if using identical devices.
  6. MX500 and 870EVO are good options, Samsung should be slightly faster.
  7. Because you are are using Kingston SA400, which are some of the slowest SSDs available, not all SSDs can sustain 500MB/s writes, if fact most can't, unfortunately I missed that your array also won't be very fast since there's a 1TB disk, but pretty sure you are seeing low speeds due to device limits, that's why it starts reasonably fast, while it's being cached to RAM then it slows down when it's limited by the device write speed.
  8. Looks like it stalled, pleas post new diags to confirm.
  9. Not familiar, might be easier to update using a Windows desktop, if you have one available.
  10. Look like it's not correct since it's removing that line from the diags and emttp is still not starting, extract the default go file from a download zip and use that one.
  11. Your go file is incomplete, add to the beginning: #!/bin/bash # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp & And reboot
  12. That might just be a device limitation, enable turbo write and transfer directly to the array, you should get >100MB/s
  13. Please post the diagnostics, you can get them from the console.
  14. That should be reported in the existing plugin support thread: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/97351-plugin-spin-down-sas-drives/
  15. Update the LSI firmware to, all other p20 releases have known issues.
  16. Doesn't look like a disk problem, reboot and post new diags after array start.
  17. Rebooting and starting the array is not a high stress operation, parity dropped offline, check/replace cables and post new diags after array start.
  18. Nothing relevant logged, this usually points to a hardware issue, start by running memtes, if you have a different PSU you could test with it might also be a good idea.
  19. Looks like a drive problem, it's producing a corrupt SMART report.
  20. Leaving a browser window opened on an Android device is known to cause issues, when the device is sleeping.
  21. I would recommend deleting and recreating the docker image, very easy to do and it can make a difference.
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