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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. An LSI 9211-8i or similar, they can be found pretty cheap used on ebay.
  2. It's not the same case, in the OP's case all devices are missing, not just one of a pair, and v6.11.1 does add some quirks to known bad NVMe devices, but please post the diagnostics to see which model(s) you are using.
  3. No valid filesystem was being detected on the emulate disk but you can try running xfs_repair directly, assuming the filesystem was xfs, start the array in maintenance mode and type: xfs_repair -v /dev/md1 It can, though it might not be valid after the old drive capacity, but it would not be a problem since the array would not have any drives going over that. Don't understand the question.
  4. This suggests notifications are not going out due to bad credentials, go to Settings -> Notification Settings -> SMTP Settings and check/test config.
  5. Not clear if you cannot see the disks in the GUI or cannot access the GUI?
  6. Other than being SMR disk looks OK, I would try swapping cables between that disk and another one and/or connecting it to the onboard SATA instead.
  7. Enable the syslog server and post that after the next crash.
  8. Unfortunately still nothing relevant logged that I can see.
  9. Which model HBA? I'm seeing an LSI but no driver is being loaded.
  10. You can do a new config to fix that, but since v6.11.1 is available update first in case the names change again.
  11. That looks like an extremely unlikely combo, bet it's the ASM1166+JMB575 which is a SATA port multiplier.
  12. Please retest with v6.11.1, it should fix this issue.
  13. Oct 6 15:05:27 Unraid kernel: BTRFS info (device sdr1): bdev /dev/sdr1 errs: wr 0, rd 0, flush 0, corrupt 15, gen 0 Oct 6 15:05:27 Unraid kernel: BTRFS info (device sdr1): bdev /dev/sds1 errs: wr 0, rd 0, flush 0, corrupt 9, gen 0 Btrfs was detecting data corruption on both devices, you should run memtest. Also see here for better pool monitoring, if you start getting more corruption errors after reformatting there is still a problem, and raid1 can't protect from that, only from a device failure.
  14. See here for some examples: https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/59589-solved-v635-advice-please-on-shares-settings/?do=findComment&comment=584558
  15. Nope, just the clone. Correct. In this case to both. Yes. If the emulated disk 4 looks good you rebuild it onto the new disk.
  16. Switch to ipvlan (Settings -> Docker Settings -> Docker custom network type -> ipvlan (advanced view must be enabled, top right)).
  17. Which Unraid release? Also disabling mitigations might help a little.
  18. Kingston DTSE9H The old USB 2.0 model, not the new DTSE9G2, that one is garbage.
  19. Disk7 looks healthy, if nothing was written to it after it got disabled it might be possible to re-enable to rebuild disk6, other option is doing a new config without disk6, or with a new disk6.
  20. You can do an automated key transfer then contact support for the other one.
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