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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Best to use the existing docker support thread:
  2. Try a different NIC, switch (or use a direct cable), cable, source PC etc.
  3. No, iperf just tests the LAN bandwidth, could be a NIC (source or dest), switch, cable problem or related configuration.
  4. That confirms it's a network problem, you should get close to line speed (1Gbits/s), it's at 20/25% expected bandwidth.
  5. Start by running a single stream iperf test between the server and your desktop/laptop.
  6. There's a bug with SMART settings, it will be fixed next release, for now and if you want you can edit the file manually:
  7. SMART extended test takes several hours, and it can't make much progress while the disk is being used.
  8. It's logged as a disk problem, run an extended SMART test on that disk.
  9. This won't help, if there are uncorrectable errors the corrupt file(s) will be listed in the syslog, you'll need to delete them or restore from backups.
  10. This is usually the result of a device dropping offline, see below for more info: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=700582 That's what likely caused the issues with loop3, which is the docker image and should now be recreated.
  11. Did you test local transfers using for example Windows explorer?
  12. You can try the options in the link above, there's nothing to lose.
  13. Check filesystem on disk2, without -n or nothing will be done.
  14. If the drive is assigned to the array make sure to disable spin down during the test.
  15. Yep, it's failing the SMART tests, this is also a bad sign with SAS drives: Elements in grown defect list: 27 Anything above 0 not good.
  16. Use the default go file, you can get it from any Unraid release zip.
  17. Your go file is missing the GUI start command, also some SSH entries that are no longer needed, you can extract the default go fie from the zip.
  18. That's looks like a hardware problem, likely GPU related.
  19. That's what the release notes are for, you should always read them before updating. To downgrade just unzip all the bz* files from v6.8.3 overwriting existing ones.
  20. All my backup servers are directly connected with 10GbE, with some exceptions most are used for array to array backups, so speeds sometimes are not much faster than gigabit, but even when getting something like 150MB/s I find it worth it, still a large time difference for large backups, servers doing pool to pool backups can regularly go up to 250/300MB/s.
  21. Attached, same thing also happens after you move a new topic, also after flagging user as spammer, i.e., need to clcik the same post again to be marked as read. P.S. sorry about the audio in the video, forgot to mute. 2021-03-30 13-31-00.flv
  22. Click on the disk, in the case above md4=disk4, then click the scrub button, after it's done look at the syslog for the list of corrupt files, then just delete them or restore from backups.
  23. The corrupt data will stay corrupt after you fix the RAM problem, you need to run a scrub and delete/restore the corrupt files identified on the syslog.
  24. If Docker/VM services are using the cache pool disable them, unassign all cache devices, start array to make Unraid "forget" current cache config, stop array, reassign all cache devices (there can't be an "All existing data on this device will be OVERWRITTEN when array is Started" warning for any cache device), re-enable Docker/VMs if needed, start array.
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