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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Now it's fine, it wasn't in the diags posted.
  2. Not finding the superblock suggests that the disks are not being correctly emulated, i.e., parity isn't valid, see if the actual disks are mounting.
  3. You can just run it, scrub should not show uncorrectable errors when it finishes.
  4. You need to remove "root" from Settings -> NFS -> Tunable (fuse_remember): leave it blank to use default value.
  5. Check filesystem on both disks, you also have a lot of errors on the pool, possibly from a dropped device, you should run a scrub.
  6. You just needed to check a box next to the start button to allow starting anyway, but yes, now looks fine.
  7. You can add that attribute to SMART monitoring, I recommend monitoring that one plus attribute #200 for all WD drives.
  8. Yep, models are not consistent, you can also tell by the casing, top is helium, bottom is air: or by looking at SMART, helium drives have this extra attribute: ID# ATTRIBUTE_NAME FLAGS VALUE WORST THRESH FAIL RAW_VALUE 22 Helium_Level PO---K 100 100 025 - 100
  9. SMART test passed so the disk is OK for now, the but previous errors are logged as actual disk errors, so you want to keep an eye on it, especially this attribute: ID# ATTRIBUTE_NAME FLAGS VALUE WORST THRESH FAIL RAW_VALUE 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate POSR-K 200 200 051 - 1528 If it continues to increase the disk will likely fail again soon.
  10. This one is helium filled, AFAIK no 12TB air filled for now, WD max for air is currently 10TB.
  11. That's not possible, maybe it paused the check? Earlier 8TB (WD80EZAZ) were helium filled and ran cooler, newer ones (WD80EDAZ) are air filled.
  12. Run another one without rebooting and post the diags if it finds more errors.
  13. Start by posting the diags during a check, it might give some clues.
  14. You are creating checksums at the same time, likely using the file integrity plugin, stop one or the other, having both running at the same time will be very slow.
  15. NIC is linking at 100Mbits, check cable/switch, etc Speed: 100Mb/s
  16. Rebuilding won't fix filesystem issues, you need to check filesystem. https://wiki.unraid.net/Check_Disk_Filesystems#Checking_and_fixing_drives_in_the_webGui
  17. Cache disk won't have anything to do with parity errors, it could be a disk returning bad data without showing anything on SMART, just recently there was a case like that, but could also be other hardware problem.
  18. Cache pool is kind of a mess, there's a missing device and dual data/metadata profiles: Data Data Metadata Metadata System System Id Path single RAID1 single RAID1 single RAID1 Unallocated -- --------- --------- -------- --------- --------- -------- -------- ----------- 1 missing - 5.00GiB - 1.00GiB - 32.00MiB -6.03GiB 2 /dev/sde1 161.00GiB 28.00GiB 2.00GiB 1.00GiB 32.00MiB 32.00MiB 739.45GiB 3 /dev/sdc1 - 23.00GiB - - - - 908.51GiB You should backup, wipe it and re-format.
  19. Please don't double post, see reply in your other thread.
  20. Stop array, unassign cache2, start array, stop array, re-assign cache2, that should do it, if it doesn't please post new diags.
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