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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Post the diags from before rebooting instead.
  2. Great, you should create a thread for updates/support here: https://forums.unraid.net/forum/61-plugin-support/
  3. How to reproduce: -have a non-rotational device assigned to the array with the old partition scheme. -wipe it manually or using the new erase function. -start array and re-format with new alignment. -reboot (or make any other array change) and will get a "wrong" device, since Unraid is still expecting the old size. -you'll need to do a new config to re-accept the device but it will be unmountable, so any data copied since will be lost.
  4. By default Linux uses 20% free RAM for write cache, this can be adjusted manually or for example with the tips and tweaks plugin.
  5. Try this: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=781601
  6. If the data in lost+found is still recognizable move it to the correct place.
  7. Also note that max length from controller to disks for SATA devices is 1 meter.
  8. Flash drive troubles, start by running chkdsk, if that doesn't help re-format or replace.
  9. Correct, they don't update correctly during the parity copy portion.
  10. Speeds on the GUI don't show during a parity copy, there are no more errors on the log, just check that the copy percentage changes as expected.
  11. Like expected you need to change FAN2 thresholds, you can do that with the plugin, set them to 0 / 100 / 200 for example
  12. Looks like it, check the board's system even log, it might have more info.
  13. Lots of ATA errors on Parity2, check/replace cables.
  14. Please post the diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics
  15. Emulated Disk8 appears to be mounting correctly, if contents look OK and there's no filesystem damaged (like a lot of lost+found stuff) rebuild on top.
  16. Syslog is just after rebooting so not much to see, you can try this.
  17. Did you check the log like I asked above? If a fan is reaching the threshold all fans will spin up, independent of settings.
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