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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. This is a problem with the UD plugin, and it will be corrected on the next update:
  2. Yes, writes are flushed after a few seconds to protect against for example a power loss, but all available RAM is used for read cache. https://www.linuxatemyram.com/
  3. That's RAM used for read cache, all writes are flushed to disk after a few seconds.
  4. If it doesn't grab diags before rebooting/shutting down.
  5. In case I wasn't clear I was saying to try again to re-syn parity with the new disk. There's no much point in doing this, might as well try to sync parity (to the new disk), it will take the same time.
  6. Never a good sign but those errors might be a one time thing, run an extended SMART test on the disk, if it fails replace, if it passes I would give it a second chance, but more similar errors in the near future replace.
  7. Yes: Formatted with type 2 protection See here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/93432-parity-disk-read-errors/?do=findComment&comment=864078
  8. Probably formatted with some protection type but please post the diagnostics to confirm: Tools -> Diagnostics
  9. Have you swapped the ports on the HBA? That model is known to only have a working port when incorrectly flashed to IT mode.
  10. That's expected, once a disk gets disable it stays disable, you can still try to re-sync the new parity with that disk, but do it in maintenance mode to avoid any more changes. -Tools -> New Config -> Retain current configuration: All -> Apply -Check all assignments are correct -check the "maintenance mode" checkbox and start the array, depending on what Unraid release you're using you might need to click "sync" to begin the parity sync, if there are errors again post diags.
  11. Best bet is to post on the preclear plugin support thread.
  12. Most likely it won't work, due to different size or invalid partition error, possibly even no data since some WD enclosures encrypt it, but you can still try.
  13. It's an issue with the UD plugin, already reported and it should be fixed on the next update.
  14. It's just a warning that there were previous SMART issues, doesn't mean the drive is currently not good, but a good idea to run an extended SMART test and also keep an eye on that attribute.
  15. It's possible to re-use the old parity (but note that unless you did the rebuild in maintenance mode it will be a little out of sync due to mounting all the disks, though usually not a big deal) but the disable disk looks fine, most likely a connection issue, do you have the logs from when it happened?
  16. It could but it should be unnecessary if all is working correctly.
  17. Disk1 dropped offline so there's no SMART, check/replace cables and post new diags.
  18. Where did you have that data? Cache pool is basically empty and based on the transid both the docker and VM images where newly created.
  19. I'm seeing the same thing, some servers worse than others: Traced it back to the UD plugin, @dlandonplease check it when you can.
  20. There should be, but brand name servers can sometimes not accept all HBAs, you can ask or search on the hardware or storage sub-forums.
  21. If it happens again grab the diags before rebooting.
  22. Try typing "diagnostics" on the console.
  23. See if this helps, or try another slot and/or look for a BIOS update.
  24. You just need to rebuild to a new or the same disk, but recommended using an internal device.
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