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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. It's because of the space, use: fallocate -l 100G "/mnt/user/Windows 10/vdisk1.img"
  2. Paste here the command you're using
  3. P20.00.00 had serious problems, possibly p20.00.04 some lesser ones, but latest firmware is p20.00.07 and that works works fine.
  4. fallocate -l xxG /path/to/vdisk.img Replace xx with new size you want.
  5. Shares are just top level folders, either delete the folder on all disks it's present or delete all data on the share and remove it using the GUI.
  6. You don't mention what reads speeds you're getting, also please post the diagnostics.
  7. Delete: config/._Basic.key It might be hidden if seen on the console/ssh You key file is: config/Basic.key
  8. While we wait for LT to add this feature I've been playing with multiple btrfs pools with the help of UD plugin for some time with, while there are some limitations it's been working great, I wrote a FAQ entry for anyone who wants to try it, but note it's work in progress, it should be safe but use at own risk: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=462135
  9. Start with a single parity valid array, add parity2 and a new disk at the same time and you get: Invalid expansion. - You may not add new disk(s) and also remove existing disk(s). I know this isn't possible, but the error is wrong, I'm not removing any disks.
  10. This is an old one and a twofer: 1-After a clear or rebuild operation finishes it's report as the last parity check. 2-If the device is smaller than parity, avg speed will be wrong, it's calculated based on parity size instead of the cleared/rebuilt device size.
  11. SMART looks fine, could just be filesystem corruption from a flaky connection, unclean shutdown, etc, I would replace the cables just to rule them out.
  12. No need to reboot, you just need to stop the VM service when restoring libvirt.img.
  13. Yep, /mnt/user can be on cache or array depending on how use cache is set for that share.
  14. I don't know what data you have on you cache drive, appdata is enough to recreate the dockers, libvirt to keep the VMs settings, but you also need the vdisk(s), is that on cache your elsewhere?
  15. If all cache data is backed up just format it and restore, if there's important data see here to try and recover/fix: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=543490
  16. https://lime-technology.com/forums/forum/53-feature-requests/
  17. Never said it was, it's an unRAID requirement (for data and cache drives)
  18. It won't, unRAID requires that the partition starts on sector 64, only way is to use them with a different starting sector is as unassigned devices.
  19. Yes, why I mentioned even if it's only for testing.
  20. First thing would be to use a cable, even if it's just to rule out wifi issues, in my experience wifi speeds can be very inconstant and a very bad idea for a file server.
  21. Remove the n flag (no modify) and run it again, you might need to use -L but only if asked.
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