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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. You can use a spare flash drive as the single data disk.
  2. First time I hear that, maybe if it's limited to SAS drives since they are not used by many, still would think other people would have complained by now it it's a general problem.
  3. 50 to 60MB/s are the normal unRAID writing speed due to how parity works with the default settings, you can enable turbo write for faster writes.
  4. This is usually caused by a PCIe device, it can be fixed by moving the offending device to a different PCIe slot, updating the bios or adding pci=nommconfto your syslinux.cfg after append initrd=/bzroot, so it would look like: append initrd=/bzroot pci=nommconf
  5. Good point, forget to mention that, scheduled parity checks should always be non correct.
  6. The automatic parity check in case of an unclean shutdown is always non-correct, if one starts and finds one or more errors might as well cancel it and start a correcting check.
  7. Not sure that is the problem, though the filesystem is fully allocated there's still space for metadata, this problem is more serious if it is fully allocated and the metadata is almost all used up since there's no space to create a new chunk, still run a balance because it's not good to be like that: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/62230-out-of-space-errors-on-cache-drive/?do=findComment&comment=610551 P.S. disk1 needs a new SATA cable.
  8. Possibly, but that's beyond my knowledge
  9. Next time please use the forum instead of pm, but yeah the NICs are detected and no driver is loaded, if there's an available driver in the kernel LT are usually quick to add it and it should be on the next release.
  10. On the console type diagnostics and the zip will be saved to your flash drive, then just plug it in a desktop.
  11. Please post your diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics
  12. If it tries to access them, and it could do that even if you don't write anything to them, it will disable as many disks as parity disks there are.
  13. Like mentioned use the onboard SATA ports for the SSDs, as the H310 doesn't support trim.
  14. You don't remove it, after starting the array there's an option to format any unmoutable disk, next to the stop array button
  15. If these are to go from the HBA or expander to backplane SATA ports you need forward breakout cables.
  16. Yes, using a single link to the HBA you'll have 20 on the expander + 4 on the HBA's other port.
  17. It should comeback fine and most likely without the error
  18. Unfortunate even the complete syslog on the diags rotated and oldest entry is from July 22 but already shows the same error, we need to see the beginning of the syslog and when the error started, so reboot and if/when the error comes back grab and post new diags.
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