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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. I'm seeing the same using the SASLP, looks like some issue with diskspeed and this specific controller, real world bandwidth of the SASLP is around 640MB/s, so just divide that by the number of disks you have connected and it will be max speed during check/rebuild.
  2. I don't see any attempt to format the cache pool, can you do that and post new diags if format fails.
  3. The only plausible explanation I can think of would be that the parity disk got disable on shutdown during array stop and there was no time for notifications to go out, because the array won't autostart with any missing disk (including parity) and you definitely get a notification if it gets disabled during normal use, in fact you usually get 2 notifications, one about array errors and another about the disabled disk.
  4. Please post your diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics
  5. If system notifications are enable you should have received a warning, your parity disk is not being detected, check connections and disk.
  6. I never had SAS drives, and this issue only came up once or twice here in the forums, see below if you can find anything, if not you'll need to google it: https://forums.servethehome.com/index.php?threads/how-to-reformat-hdd-ssd-to-512b-sector-size.4968/
  7. You can easily add it to unRAID, create a folder called extra on your flash drive, copy sg3_utils there, reboot and presto.
  8. Just an FYI that's this last forum update didn't fix this, still happening.
  9. https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=462135
  10. Some SAS drives have several adjustable sector sizes, you need to change it to 512 bytes.
  11. Yes, unmount first then you can disconnect all, and only mount again when all are connected.
  12. https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=462135
  13. It needs to be patched: https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/12391-re-preclear_disksh-a-new-utility-to-burn-in-and-pre-clear-disks-for-quick-add/?do=findComment&comment=460592
  14. Those are read/write errors on cache2: Apr 26 10:37:14 Tower kernel: sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] tag#0 UNKNOWN(0x2003) Result: hostbyte=0x01 driverbyte=0x00 Apr 26 10:37:14 Tower kernel: sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] tag#0 CDB: opcode=0x28 28 00 00 60 08 a0 00 00 20 00 Apr 26 10:37:14 Tower kernel: print_req_error: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 6293664 Check cables, then run a correcting scrub
  15. Yes, those are normal and similar to what I'm seeing, for some reason the test is not accurate, still doensn't mean the OP doens'h have a problem, but doubt it's a general 6.5 issue.
  16. Yes, and did test just /mnt/user after all activity stopped and got a very low speed, like 20 or 30MB/s, but copying from a desktop I get close to around 90/100MB/s on this server (with turbo write on), so not sure what's going on, but on actual use I don't notice any issues.
  17. I didn't have a lot of time to look into it but I did run the test on one of servers and the write speeds on the test were much lower than the actually writes speed I get copying files, there were some writing overlaps. i.e., it started writing to the next disk while still writing (from RAM) to the previous one, resulting in simultaneous parity writes, @John_Mdo you actuality have a slow write speed to user shares (especially using turbo write) like the OP or it's just the test?
  18. I already mentioned earlier but I didn't notice any slowdown on v6.5 on any of my servers, on some of them I write to an user share @ 150MB/s+
  19. Look fine for now, as long as it doesn't keep getting new reallocated sectors it should be OK.
  20. Question is, is it stable? It uses the same chipset as the SAS2LP, so there could be issues with dropped disks, etc.
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