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  1. JorgeB's post in Cache Drive: Unmountable (Unsupported or no file system) was marked as the answer   
    If it's just a log problem this can help:
    btrfs rescue zero-log /dev/sdc1 If it works make sure backups are up to date since this problem has been known to reoccur, if it does suggest backing up and re-formatting the pool.
  2. JorgeB's post in Replace single cache drive was marked as the answer   
    Recommend the 2nd option, see below for more details:
  3. JorgeB's post in Out of memory errors detected on your server - Diagnostics Attached was marked as the answer   
    If it's a one time thing you can ignore, if it keeps happening try limiting more the RAM for VMs and/or docker containers, the problem is usually not just about not enough RAM but more about fragmented RAM, alternatively a small swap file on disk might help, you can use the swapfile plugin:
  4. JorgeB's post in Unable to access UNRAID after a backup usb failed was marked as the answer   
    Do this:
  5. JorgeB's post in Upgraded to 6.11.5 All Docker and VM's are gone was marked as the answer   
    Parity check won't restore any data, based on the btrfs transid both docker and libvirt images are new, I see you have an unassigned SSD, maybe that was your cache drive before? And the old libvirt and docker images are there?
  6. JorgeB's post in Added new cache drive showing as unmountable was marked as the answer   
    If it's a pool it will only format the pool, next to the format button there will be a list of the devices that will be formatted.
  7. JorgeB's post in Move existing Unraid to a new computer was marked as the answer   
  8. JorgeB's post in Apps and Dockers not available (White screen) was marked as the answer   
    Reboot, but there's corruption on the cache device, post new diags after the reboot and array start.
  9. JorgeB's post in Random: "This Disk is Write-Protected" was marked as the answer   
    Run it again with the --rebuild-tree option.
  10. JorgeB's post in WebGUI Unresponsive/Drives/Dockers Work/Cannot CLI Shutdown was marked as the answer   
    The only issue I see logged is about the Nvidia driver, does it help if you temporarily uninstall the driver?
  11. JorgeB's post in Read only system (vms) was marked as the answer   
    Replace the device. 
  12. JorgeB's post in create a second (backup) unraid usb boot drive was marked as the answer   
  13. JorgeB's post in Cache pool unmountable was marked as the answer   
    OK, now with array stopped, unassign all devices from that pool, start array, stop array, re-assign all 4 pool devices, start array, post new diags if it doesn't mount.
  14. JorgeB's post in Machine Check Events detected on your server was marked as the answer   
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on rootfs 16G 16G 22M 100% /  
    Rootfs is full, this usually happens if you have some mappings to anything other than /mnt/user, since they will be mapped to RAM, check all.
  15. JorgeB's post in Unraid randomly becomes unresponsive was marked as the answer   
    Try switching to ipvlan (Settings -> Docker Settings -> Docker custom network type -> ipvlan (advanced view must be enabled, top right))
  16. JorgeB's post in * **Default docker appdata location is not a cache-only share** was marked as the answer   
    Disable docker service, click on the appdata share, change to cache=prefer and run the mover.
  17. JorgeB's post in Drives mounted as read-only after a while was marked as the answer   
    (path: appdata/Nginx-Proxy-Manager-Official/data/logs/proxy-host-1_access.log) (path: appdata/Nginx-Proxy-Manager-Official/data/logs/proxy-host-2_access.log)  
    The corrupt files are listed in the syslog, like the examples above, these need to be deleted/restored from backup, then run another scrub to confirm there are no more uncorrectable errors, also the Lexar SSD appears to be failing, probably a good idea to replace it.
  18. JorgeB's post in Power outage, now cannot start array "stale configuration" was marked as the answer   
    If you are using Firefox reboot first then use a different browser.
  19. JorgeB's post in PCIE to Sata failure -> Disk Disabled -> Emulated Disk "Unmountable: Wrong or no file system" was marked as the answer   
    You have to restart the array in normal mode.
  20. JorgeB's post in Mirrored cache drive upgrade resulted in unmountable: No file system was marked as the answer   
    You can add (not replace) one of the 1TB devices, wait for the pool to balance, when done you can replace the 250GB with the other 1TB.
  21. JorgeB's post in DEVICE IS DISABLED, CONTENTS EMULATED - What is my next move? was marked as the answer   
    SMART looks OK and it's not logged as a disk problem, check/replace cables, since the emulated disk is mounting and assuming contents look correct you can then rebuild on top.
  22. JorgeB's post in [Solved] Disabled Drive - New Drive Bad? was marked as the answer   
    Probably for the best.
  23. JorgeB's post in After installing 10Gnic Unraid server loses internet was marked as the answer   
    If eth2 is now the main NIC you must set it eth0, bottom of network settings page, then reboot.
  24. JorgeB's post in Help with Device is disabled, contents emulated. (SOLVED) was marked as the answer   
    Disk dropped offline, but it looks healthy, and there are UDMA CRC errors logged, so replace the SATA cable and try again.
  25. JorgeB's post in [SOLVED] 6.11.5 Networking stopped working was marked as the answer   
    Try using a new flash drive with a stock Unraid install, no key needed, if it still doesn't work the problem is not the software, could be NIC or some other LAN issue, if it works recreate the Unraid install.
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