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  1. JorgeB's post in v6.9.2 - Tried to remove drive from a pool, was marked as the answer   
    NVMe device was not correctly removed from the pool.
    Stop array
    unassign Samsung SSD from the familia pool
    start array
    stop array
    assign both the Samsung SSD and the Crucial SSD to the familia pool
    start array
    convert pool to raid1, when done
    stop array
    unassign the Crucial SSD
    start array to remove the Crucial device from the pool
  2. JorgeB's post in No network connection to server after update was marked as the answer   
    Boot using the GUI mode and change the docker network to macvlan, apply, reboot and see if that makes a difference, if it doesn't you can easily downgrade back to v6.11.3 by going to Tools -> Update OS -> Restore
  3. JorgeB's post in Writes capped to 60mb/s even with reconstruction writes enabled was marked as the answer   
    Parity is not yet synced, let it sync first, only after that will turbo write work correctly.
  4. JorgeB's post in Docker won't start - read only file system was marked as the answer   
    There's filesystem corruption on the cache device, best bet is to backup and reformat.
  5. JorgeB's post in Pulled an idle drive with array started, is there an alternative to rebuilt to clear error? was marked as the answer   
    We usually recommend rebuilding, as long the emulated disk is mounting and contents look correct, other option is doing a new config but you'll need to do a parity check, and that will take as long as the rebuild.
  6. JorgeB's post in Cache upgrade was marked as the answer   
    That will work.
  7. JorgeB's post in Unraid Crashed twice in 13 hours was marked as the answer   
    Screenshots show the Unraid driver crashing, to me that still points to some hardware issue.
  8. JorgeB's post in Odd Disk Issues was marked as the answer   
    It's being logged as a disk problem for both, and "Elements in grown defect list" not being zero is not a good sign, run a long SMART test for both.
  9. JorgeB's post in /var/log is getting full (currently 66 % used) was marked as the answer   
    Make sure there's no Android device with a browser window opened on the WebGUI, it can cause issues when the device is sleeping, and to clear the log you can reboot.
  10. JorgeB's post in No Dockers after cache drive upgrade was marked as the answer   
    You'll need to move those manually. 
  11. JorgeB's post in Strange GUI display after removing 2 data disks and new config was marked as the answer   
    You can reboot, parity sync will start over.
  12. JorgeB's post in Unable to write to cache was marked as the answer   
    Yes, at least one.
    It still means the RAM is bad, though for servers overclocking is usually not recommended, and XMP is overclocking.
  13. JorgeB's post in Changing cache drive and new drive looks like it's not being written to. was marked as the answer   
    You need to update to Unraid v6.11.3 first, there's a problem with v6.11.2 partitioning >2TB devices, after upgrading repeat the procedure above.
  14. JorgeB's post in Disc Unmountable: Wrong or no file system was marked as the answer   
    Disk does appear to be failing, xfs_repair cannot repair a disk that returns a read error, hence the input/output error, since there's no parity best bet is to clone it with ddrescue then run xfs_repair.
  15. JorgeB's post in Trying to delete a share was marked as the answer   
    Possibly there's a container mapped to Data, check all mappings.
  16. JorgeB's post in Transfer license key to new USB flashdrive - is the guide missing a step? was marked as the answer   
    Legacy boot is always enabled, EFI or EFI- only allows or not to boot UEFI, if the the USB tool is not working try creating the flash drive manually, but it could be a board/flash drive problem or config issue.
  17. JorgeB's post in Docker Service failed to start, VM's are gone, Mover will not move was marked as the answer   
    Cache pool is completely full, you must move/delete some data, then better to recreate the docker image.
  18. JorgeB's post in (6.11.3) Windows 11 22H2 detects server, but can't find or display SMB user shares was marked as the answer   
    According to this no shares are being exported by SMB, you need to go into each share that you want exported and enable that.
  19. JorgeB's post in Unable to start *most* containers was marked as the answer   
    Docker image is corrupt, delete and re-create.
  20. JorgeB's post in Docker Service failed to start ?? was marked as the answer   
    Cache is completely full, delete/move some data then try again, if it still fails re-create the docker iamge.
  21. JorgeB's post in BUG? Or stupid? Screwed up adding three disks at once! was marked as the answer   
    Update to v6.11.3 and try again, known issue.
  22. JorgeB's post in Drive Failed While Replacing Another Drive was marked as the answer   
    SMART looks OK, but wait the test result, if it passes do a new config with old disk5, re-sync parity, then try the replacement again.
  23. JorgeB's post in Unmountable: Wrong or no filesystem was marked as the answer   
    Zeroing the log is IMHO your best bet but since the SSD is also being emulated you can repair that filesystem instead if you want and leave the original device untouched:
    -start the array in maintenance mode and type
    xfs_repair -vL /dev/md4 -when done stop array
    -start array in normal mode and the emulated disk4 should now mount, check contents
  24. JorgeB's post in VM size fills cache drive and will not empty was marked as the answer   
    Set the shares(s) you want moved to cache=yes, disabled the VM service and run the mover.
  25. JorgeB's post in SMB not working after nic change was marked as the answer   
    Upgrade de UD Plugin and reboot.
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